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Gowair Vacation Airlines


Hallo Lentokonefani, ik zag dat u een artikel hebt geschreven over Gowair Vacation Airlines. Dit artikel is naar mijn mening nu (nog) niet geschikt voor Wikipedia. Het is daarom op de beoordelingslijst geplaatst en daar is ook de mogelijkheid op de geuite bezwaren te reageren. De komende twee weken kan iedereen daar zijn of haar mening geven. Bovendien kan iedereen het artikel in die periode nog verbeteren. Daarna beslist een van de moderatoren op grond van de argumenten op de beoordelingslijst en wegingscriteria of het artikel op Wikipedia kan blijven staan. Meer achtergrondinformatie is te vinden op Waarom staat mijn artikel op de beoordelingslijst, Conventies waaraan artikelen na verloop van tijd (zouden moeten) voldoen, Relevantie van het onderwerp voor Wikipedia.   MoiraMoira overleg 18 sep 2017 12:35 (CEST)Reageren

@MoiraMoira: Hallo! Ik spreek maar een beetje Nederlands, so... hopefully I can use English with you. If I have understood correctly, you have nominated the article for some sort of a deletion process because you have considered it crosswiki promo for a new company. I can see why you've done that, as I created the same article in Finnish and English as well within a short period of time and, as an admin on fiwiki, I know crosswiki promotion is a thing and see it every now and then. However, this time it is not about promotion. I sometimes like to write articles about a single topic in several languages just to practise different languages (for example, Orient Avia in Finnish, English, Spanish and Swedish). Thus, my goal has not been to promote Gowair, but simply to write an article about it. And unlike most promo articles, mine is based on reliable sources and has references to them. It is short, I admit, but currently there is not much else to tell about the company, as it is relatively new.
I am not familiar with the policies here in nlwiki, but at least according to the policies of fiwiki there should not be an issue with the article (article is based on reliable sources; airlines are generally considered notable). If the text is too much advert-like, it is probably due to my Dutch skills not being the best out there, but I can't think of too many other issues.
Could you maybe give me a hand and tell me what I should do next? Is there a better place for me to post this explanation than my talk page? If there is reason to delete the article, then so be it, but I'd at least like to be able to clarify that advertising was not my goal here.
Bedankt voor uw hulp! Lentokonefani (overleg) 18 sep 2017 12:57 (CEST)Reageren
Hello, Indeed I checked the cross wiki apparitions made by you. I have changed the wording but doubt the notability of a company that just bought its first airplane and has not yet made a flight. Let's see what the community feels about it. I will be up for evaluation for two weeks. Kind regards,   MoiraMoira overleg 18 sep 2017 14:15 (CEST)Reageren