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  1. 27 dec 2020 20:23 (CET) Arameeërs weghalen terwijl de titel gaat over Arameeërs in de pagina Arameeërs in Nederland maar ook in de pagina Arameeërs in België

Beoordelingsnominatie Abrohom Gabriel Sowmy


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Het gaat om Abrohom Gabriel Sowmy dat is genomineerd door Erik Wannee.

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Artikel redden


Hoi Abraham,

De 14 dagen verbetertijd is verstreken en het door jou gestarte artikel is verwijderd. Op basis van wat ik inmiddels op internet gevonden heb, is Sowmy wel degelijk relevant, dus ik probeer het op Gebruiker:Sietske/Abrohom Gabriel Sowmy verder te verbeteren, zodat het daarna teruggeplaatst kan worden.

Zou je me daarbij kunnen helpen? Heb je bronnen die gebruikt kunnen worden? Aangezien het gaat om een buitenlands persoon die bij Nederlandstaligen totaal niet bekend is, is men hier namelijk vrij kritisch. En spreek je Syrisch? Want ik vond een interview op Youtube met de zoon van Sowmy, maar zonder ondertiteling of transcriptie kan ik daar zelf niets mee. Sietske | Reageren? 9 jan 2022 12:14 (CET)Reageren

Ik begrijp het probleem niet! Ik ben journalist uit Nederland. Ik ben bezig met een serie interviews met de zoon van Abrohom Gabriel Sowmy. Alle informatie die ik van de zoon krijg, probeer ik in het kort op de Wikipedia-pagina te plaatsen. Ook de zoon gaat meehelpen. Wij gaan de pagina uitbreiden. Ik heb inmiddels drie lange interviews op AssyriaTV met de zoon gemaakt en er zullen nog paar lange gesprekken volgen. Uit alle gesprekken zal ik de Wikipedia pagina samenstellen. Wilt u aub dus de pagina weer terugplaatsen, zodat ik de komende weken rustig kan aanvullen. 9 jan 2022 17:44 (CET)Reageren
nogmaals ik (abraham beth Arsan) ben degene die het interview, dat u op youtube heeft gezin, heeft afgenomen. 9 jan 2022 17:46 (CET)Reageren
Als ik met de pagina klaar ben, dan gaan wij ook naar het Engels vertalen. 9 jan 2022 17:47 (CET)Reageren
Dag Abraham, dank voor uw reactie. Nadat het artikel verwijderd was, heb ik een moderator gisteren gevraagd om het verwijderde artikel in mijn persoonlijke ruimte te plaatsen. Ik dacht zelf namelijk al dat het onderwerp wel degelijk relevant is voor in een encyclopedie en wilde graag mijn best doen om het artikel te redden.
Ik ga proberen om het artikel weer teruggeplaatst te krijgen, en anders zal ik ‘m in uw persoonlijke naamruimte laten zetten: Een artikel dat in iemands persoonlijke ruimte op wikipedia staat, wordt niet zomaar verwijderd. U kunt er naar hartelust aan schaven tot u vindt dat het klaar is, en daarna alsnog naar de encyclopedie laten verplaatsen via Wikipedia:Verzoekpagina voor moderatoren/Terugplaatsen.
Schroomt u overigens ook vooral niet om over andere onderwerpen ook de pen ter hand te nemen (bv de Syrische diaspora, de dichter Gabriel As‘ad of de Sint Marcuskerk in Jeruzalem), want er valt over Syrische onderwerpen op wikipedia nog genoeg aan te vullen!
Hartelijke groet, Sietske | Reageren? 9 jan 2022 18:42 (CET)Reageren
Dag Saskia,
Dank voor de reactie. Er zijn inderdaad veel onderwerpen waarover geschreven kan worden. Ik ben nu druk bezig op AssyriaTv over het leven van Abrohom Gabriel Sawmy. Vanavond is toevallig het tweede interview te zien. Het heeft me enorm geraakt. Als vier jarig kind 4-jaar lang in de bergen en dan een omzwerving in weeshuizen en kloosters en dan 14-boeken.....wowwww. .Ik vind het nog steeds jammer dat ik hem levend niet heb kunnen interviewen. Shitttttt...:)))
Ik ben helaas niet zo erg thuis bij Wikipedia. Sorry. Kan ik soms langs deze weg of de email of via whatsapp bij u om hulp vragen bij het aanvullen van de pagina? Ik heb bijvoorbeeld een foto gedownload, maar ik zie het niet terug. Ik wil ook bronnen aangeven, maar geen idee hoe een 1,2 enz in de tekst kan zetten om dan beneden de bron aan te geven.
Ter info: Abrohom Gabriel Sowmy heeft trouwens ongeveer 6-jaar in Sint Marcuskerk in Jeruzalem gewoond. Dat ga ik nog aanvullen. En Gabriel Assad zat net als Abrohom Gabriel Sowmy in het weeshuis van Adana in 1919-1922. Gabriel Assad was uiteindelijk een geweldige muzikant. Hij zong vooral de liedjes die hij in het weeshuis had geleerd.
Abraham 9 jan 2022 19:24 (CET)Reageren
''...Sowmy was in 1947 een van de eersten die de Dode Zee-rollen in verband bracht met de Essenen van Qumran....'' Heeft u deze aanvulling geplaatst? Het jaar klopt niet. O.a. Abrohom Gabriel Sowmy en zijn boer waren betrokken bij de koop van de Dode Zee-rollen. Twee Arabieren hadden de rollen gevonden en zijn door de Assyriers voor paar 'euro's' gekocht:))) en later verkocht voor 1-miljoen USD. Zie hieronder informatie over de Dode Zee-rollen. Geschreven door Peter Sowmy. Ook dit ga ik te zijner tijd bij de tekst op de Wiki-pagina aanvullen. Maar alvast kun je dat lezen.
Discovering the Dead Sea Scrolls
The Assyrian people in Jerusalem had an important role in the discovery and preservation of these very important books for more than 20 years.
The truth about the discovery and ownership of these books is known today, to a very small number of people still alive since, for political reasons (eclesiastic and civil), such truth could not be unveiled until one person, of essential role, did not pass away.
The known history is that in 1947 two shepherds from the tribe of the Ta'amryeh, in Palestine, while looking after their lambs, ran after a lost ewe and fell inside a dark cave, stumbling on a jar that contained a parchment scroll made from goat leather. Fumbling around, they discoverd three other jars. As they were illiterate and seeing the antiquity of what they had discovered, these bedouins thought they could gain some money by selling them to the old communities of Jerusalem. Thus they took the jars to the Hebrew University which refused to buy them argueing that they were wortheless because they were very recent and were books of another community, the syriac (assyrian) community, so the bedouins took them to an antiquity merchant of the Syriac Orthodox community who went with them to Saint Mark's monastery of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch and there they sold them for three guineas to Bishop Athanasios Yeshu' Samuel.
When the war of Palestine began between the non-christian communities, i.e. between the jews and moslems, Bishop Athanasios took the four books to the United States of North America and there he sold them to an english merchant for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars and this merchant took them to the recently established jewish state of Israel.
Notsoever this story presents some incoherence problems relating to the truth. Here they are:
1) The region in which they were found has nothing but hard dry rocks where lambs would not flow to.
2) If these "shepherds" were illiterate, how could they know that the books were very old?
3) In 1947, anyone living in Palestine would know that the jews were paying high values for historic documents, due to the fact that they were trying to restore their history.
4) Could it be possible that the jews who came from Europe and America did not have historians and archeologists that could evaluate correctly objects with more than 1500 years?
5) The next question is: why didn't the jews pay a high price and so they chose an antiquities merchant from one of the poorest communities of that time?
Well, the truth is that this was not what happened.
Now, I am going to report that which was narrated to me in 1968, by professor Ibrahim Gabriel Sowmy (1913-1996) who lived in Palestine between 1922 and 1948. The history of these books, in the XX century began in a very different manner.
After the conquest of Palestine by the british soldiers (1918), the bedouins that roamed through the east, began to feel some pressure in a way to restrict their movings and many of them ended in using diverse methods for surviving. Among these there were many smugglers. Often did they smuggle gold and silver and salt. It must be remembered that salt was very important because british government limited its extraction from the Dead Sea due to potash exploitation. These two "shepherds" in truth, were being chased by the british police because of salt smuggling. In their flight they ran to the caves of Qumran where they intended to remain hidden for a day or two until the policemen would give up. While they were in the darkness one of them leaned against these jars. When did this happen? In 1926. Now we can understand why the jews did not buy these books. They were never offerd to the jews which at that time were unknown element to the bedouins since for hundreds of years there had been almost no contact between them and Cisjordanian or Transjordanian bedouins. The bedouins of these regions used to barter with the christian communities that dwelt there since the begining of christianity, mostly with syriacs (assyrians).
Thus the bedouins took one of the jars to the Monastery and spoke with one of the monks, Father Ya'qoub Salhoyo, a learned priest that came from Tur 'Abdin who realized that he could be in front of very important documents to christianty. He spoke with his superior. Then they decided to verify where from did the jar come. The bedouins agreed to it and so they sent with them three young seminarists: Yeshu' Samuel, at that time 16 years old, Petros (Iskandar) Sowmy, also 16 years old, Mikhael Mardinoyo and Father Ya'qoub. They returned from there with the other three jars. Father Ya'qoub payed the bedouins three british gold pounds and kept the four jars. He stored them in the monastery library with the intention of some day analysing them, opening them to take out the books and read them together with the other priests. But, because of everyday life the books remained in the library and were forgotten,
In 1946, the community made a commercial deal with a company that leased a land, propriety of the monastery and built a hotel upon it and, in this manner, the income got better and the monks decided to restore the building. When it came to the library's turn, Father Ya'qoub Salhoyo had already died after being ordained bishop and the young seminarists were then Bishop Athanasios Yeshu' Samuel, Mikhael was the Apostolic Emissary in Egypt and Peter Sowmy was a monk. Then, under direction of Professor Ibrahim G. Sowmy, they decided to get in contact with museum professors and international universities in Jerusalem to get a real evaluation of the scrolls. They had the intention of building a museum for studies and visitation of historic documents in the library and other objects of intelectual value in the monastery and for this they would need the endorssement of unquestionable authorities in the subject. And what better than western history and archeology professors?
After unsuccessful attempts they acheived to speak with two young american men that were preparing their thesis, who belonged to the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem who received them, since the principal was out for vacation. One of them was John C. Trever who in his book "The Untold Story of Qumran" narrates in a masterly style the defy of religious war that had errupted between jews and moslems, the meetings and maneuvers to shoot a photo from one of the scrolls, his suspicion that it could be something very old or a big fraud and finally the confirmation that came from W.F. Albright, professor at Chicago University informing that it was a very important discovery to humanity.
Still some facts must be highlighted:
1) Trever clearly quotes that Bishop Athanasios told him that the scrolls were in the monastery for more than twenty years.
2) Trever said that Ibrahim Sowmy, brother of Father Butros (arabic version of Petros/Peter) Sowmy declared that from the region in which were discoverd, the books must have belonged to the Essene community and that he, Trever, did not agree.
3) Trever quotes Ibrahim Sowmy declaring that the writing was ancient aramaic.
For the history records, the fact is that the government of the british mandate and afterwards the government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan had declared that any object discoverd more than 20 years before was historic patrimony of the nation and thus its sale or transference from the country was forbidden.
On March 1948 Father Petros Sowmy was killed, victim of a splint from a hand granate that was thrown into Saint Mark's courtyard. As things got worse in Palestine, Bishop Athanasios Yeshou' thought it would be better to take the books away from Palestine, asked for permission from the Patriarch, at that time Aphrem I and travelled with the books to the United States. There he sold them for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. He bought a house which he transformed into a church in Hackensak and gave part of the money to the Patriarchate.
As result, the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch lost a historic patrimony. The Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch exchanged an asset, at that time evaluated at one million dollars, for one fourth this value. 9 jan 2022 19:50 (CET)Reageren

Reactie (na bewerkingsconflict)

Dag Abraham, als er vragen zijn, dan help ik graag! Ik heb niet altijd tijd, maar ben via mijn overlegpagina goed te bereiken. Mocht u willen experimenteren met wikicode, dan hebt u rechts bovenin een linkje naar uw persoonlijk kladblok. Daar kunt u vrijelijk dingen uitproberen, of informatie parkeren.
Als ik niet snel genoeg reageer, dan zijn er in de Wikipedia:Helpdesk ook andere wikipedianen die kunnen helpen. Niet iedereen is even tactisch in z’n bewoordingen, maar we bedoelen het allemaal goed :-)
Wat bronvermelding betreft: het is voldoende om tekst tussen de tags <ref> en </ref> te zetten. Er verschijn dan vanzelf een voetnootje onderaan het artikel.
Ik hoop dat u hier iets mee kunt. Uiteindelijk is het net als fietsen of autorijden: al doende leert men! Sietske | Reageren? 9 jan 2022 19:53 (CET)Reageren