Jack Sangster: verschil tussen versies

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Regel 13:
| {{Galerijbestand groot| Square Four Ariel 1932 Square Four 4.jpg|De Ariel Square Four (boven) en de Red Hunter (onder) waren al ontworpen toen Jack Sangster Ariel in 1931 overnam}}
| {{Galerijbestand groot|Ariel 350 cc Red Hunter 1938.jpg }}
Regel 29:
* John Carrol: The motorcycle, a definitive history, Smithmark publishers, New York, ISBN 0-8317-6292-6
* Roland Brown: Classic Motorcycles, the complete book of motorcycles and their riders, Annes Publishing Ltd 1996, 1999, ISBN 1-84081-174-9
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Sangster{{Bronvermelding Englishanderstalige Wikipedia |taal=en|titel=Jack Sangster]}}