Overleg:Yascha Mounk

Laatste reactie: 2 jaar geleden door Schuss in het onderwerp Functie van professor Mounk



YM is a citizen of the U.S.A., so filing him under German persons is incorrect. – De voorgaande bijdrage werd geplaatst door (overleg · bijdragen) 12 sep 2018 14:49‎

What source do you have for that? Apdency (overleg) 12 sep 2018 14:54 (CEST)Reageren
Here's an opinion piece by Mounk in which he describes becoming a U.S. citizen: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/24/opinion/sunday/the-best-time-to-become-an-american-is-now.html. I haven't been able to find a source on whether he lost his German citizenship. Jeroen N (overleg) 12 sep 2018 22:51 (CEST)Reageren
And even if that is so, that would not be a reason to delete categories, but possibly to add. An important factor in this is what nationality or nationalities he had during his career. Apdency (overleg) 13 sep 2018 08:40 (CEST)Reageren
Certainly, but it would determine if we should call him a German-born American or a German-American in the lead sentence. Jeroen N (overleg) 13 sep 2018 11:23 (CEST)Reageren
Sure, that's a good thing to do. But what I understand is that was pointing at the categories specifically. Apdency (overleg) 13 sep 2018 11:27 (CEST)Reageren

Functie van professor Mounk


Professor is een aanspreektitel. Professor Mounk is een 'associate professor', wat in het Nederlands een universitair hoofddocent is. Professor zou dus vervangen kunnen worden door hoofddocent. Schuss (overleg) 10 apr 2022 14:19 (CEST)Reageren

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