Overleg:Eerste Oorlog om de Carnatic

Laatste reactie: 7 jaar geleden door Woudloper in het onderwerp Probably inaccurate numbers

Probably inaccurate numbers


'"stuurde de nawab 10.000 ruiters naar Madras. Op 4 november 1746 werden deze troepen bij de rivier de Adyar door ongeveer 1000 Franse verdedigers tot staan gebracht."'

The French troops were more between 200 and 300 men (rather than 1,000 as written in this page). Also the date given on the English page is different (29 October 1746), how comes?

bronnen: http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/chennai/chen-arts/chen-history-and-culture/Madras-Miscellany-The-Battle-of-the-Adyar/article15616870.ece

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Adyar 11 apr 2017 10:31 (CEST)Reageren

This information was based on J.L. Mehta, see the source list below for full reference (partly accessible at Google.books). Using websites as sources often yields incorrect content. Maybe Mehta is incorrect, and he often dramatizes to the point of sounding overbearing, but as long as I have no other authorized source I keep my trust in his work. I most certainly do not trust the English Wikipedia, especially when it comes to anything related to Indian history.
Quote: Anwaruddin felt annoyed and sent his son, Mahfuz Khan, with a ten thousand strong cavalry force, to take possession of Madras. The French garrison shut the gates of the fort in his face, and his force was routed by a small contingent of only one thousand infantry [...] this incident took place near the village of St Thome, on the river Adyar, on 4 November 1746. (pages 349-350)
- Regards, Woudloper overleg 11 apr 2017 13:54 (CEST)Reageren
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