Dear MorrisIV, I was wondering what you are doing exactly lately? It doesn't help much when this is the only thing you add to the country's pages. If you are not planning to fill in the whole article, I honestly think it is better to skip this kind of edits. It just does not help that much... JurriaanH (overleg) 4 sep 2016 00:43 (CEST)Reageren

Hey, my friend. At the Dutch Wikipedia, it isn't considered very helpful ignoring a question from someone else. Please, don't do that. JurriaanH (overleg) 5 sep 2016 16:58 (CEST)Reageren
I make an edit and within four minutes you write on my talk page again. I don't know if I should be impressed or watching my back. But please don't confuse silence for ignoring you, sometimes it's best when approached with such brusqueness to allow some time to pass before responding.
But to answer your question, I'm going through each event one at a time, one nation at a time. It is a long, tedious process which I will not complete all at once. So yes, there will be incomplete results for a while, but I intend to finish what I have begun. I believe that in the long run it is a much better approach to add a little bit at a time and complete the article than to just leave it largely blank, like this: ru:Япония на летних Олимпийских играх 2012. MorrisIV (overleg) 5 sep 2016 17:58 (CEST)Reageren
I think that is a very wrong way of approaching this work. At least complete every sport per edit, like this. One edit per athlete is ridiculous and will only cost more time. (Apart from that, I think it would be better if Dutch/Belgian Wikipedians would solve this, since they know the language and how we handle this kind of things at the Dutch Wikipedia.) Please reconsider. JurriaanH (overleg) 5 sep 2016 18:52 (CEST)Reageren
I must admit I'm a bit surprised, no one has ever reacted so harshly to me trying to do the most tedious work that no one else wants to do, but there is enough work to be done elsewhere that will keep me busy enough. But please, don't refer to me as a friend again, because it is clear that the sentiment is not genuine.MorrisIV (overleg) 8 sep 2016 13:38 (CEST)Reageren
The way I approach you is pretty common here at this Wikipedia, I believe. I'm sorry if that upset you. I agree with you that this isn't the most exciting work to do and I respect your effort, but my concern is how you are approaching it. Could you react on what I said on September 5th and the way we handle this – per sport or per country, but not per athlete? JurriaanH (overleg) 8 sep 2016 14:06 (CEST)Reageren