Je pagina over geschiedenis van Afghanistan is niet nauwkeurig en niet compleet. Ik verwijs je om de Engels versie even door te nemen want die is uitgebreid. Als je mij. Hulp nodig hebt bij vertalen mail me naar

Hello, I understand what you mean but I am only able to answer in English (or German). I suppose you mean the map File:Map_of_Languages_in_Afghanistan,_by_district.svg ? I did not create this map by myself, but only recolored it and corrected a scaling errror. I have noticed that there are differences, for example in comparison to other maps such as this or this. You should directly contact the creators of File:Map_of_Languages_in_Afghanistan,_by_district.svg. --Furfur (overleg) 7 feb 2015 10:59 (CET)Reageren