Dit artikel of een eerdere versie ervan is een (gedeeltelijke) vertaling van het artikel User: Foobarnix op de Engelstalige Wikipedia, dat onder de licentie Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen valt. Zie de bewerkingsgeschiedenis aldaar.

Article builder 1


Dag, Foobarnix. Je kunt hier mijn wijziging ongedaan maken als je ingelogd bent. Vriendelijke groet, ErikvanB (overleg) 10 jun 2014 22:49 (CEST)Reageren

Lee Sallows


Hi Foobarnix! In the article pangram you eventually wrote that Lee Sallows produced his self counting pangram after being challenged by Rudy Kousbroek. According to 'your' article on Sallows however, he 'invented' (which seems to me a strange word in this context) it in 1984 – which is in accordance with the English article, but that was written by you as well. If what you wrote in pangram is factually correct, it could be advisable to change the articles on Sallows in such a fashion that they reflect that he wrote the first self counting pangram in English. As it stands now, the articles contradict each other. Richard 16 jan 2015 11:12 (CET)Reageren

Hi Richard! Yes indeed–that is certainly wrong! Give me a couple of days to research exactly what it is that I was trying to say and I will fix it (in both languages). Also, thank you very much for improving my translation.--Foobarnix (overleg) 16 jan 2015 16:12 (CET)Reageren
You're most welcome, and if you should need help, don't hesitate to ask me. Have a good weekend! Richard 16 jan 2015 16:16 (CET)Reageren
Hello again Richard! I have looked into all this and take some of what I said back.
1. The Sallows article does not claim that he invented the 'self counting pangram'. The article says, "Sallows invented the self-enumerating sentence—a sentence that inventories its own letters." And that is correct. It also says that he found the first example of a self-enumerating English sentence that is also a pangram-but does not claim that he invented that concept.
2. In the section Zelftellend pangram of the Dutch Pangram article I had removed the example which begins "Sommigen gaan nog een stapje verder en tellen ook de leestekens mee:" but you put it back again. This example, although a very interesting self-referential sentence, is NOT a pangram, and therefore does not belong in this article. I have again removed it.
3. Nevertheless the several articles are confusingly written and the Lee Sallows article in particular confuses pangram with self-enumerating pangram. I have to carefully review this and fix it.
I thank you again for bringing all this to my attention. The problem is that both 'pangrams' and 'self-enumerating sentences' are both subclasses of self-referential utterances and it is perilously easy to confuse them. Believe me, I know!--Foobarnix (overleg) 17 jan 2015 17:07 (CET)Reageren
You're right: having just read about self counting pangrams, I misread the other article. In the larger example I missed (among others) the missing 'j'. Thanks for your correction! Richard 17 jan 2015 18:31 (CET)Reageren