This is the Dutch Wikipedia

Dear anonymous user, if you wish for an article to be translated, please state your request here. Please do not use any software-based translation services or tools, as these would produce very low-quality results and your article would be removed from the Dutch Wikipedia. Please do not add any articles or contribute to articles in any language other than Dutch.

Beoordelingsnominatie Digimon (animatieserie 2020)


Wil je deze machinevertaling graag nog even nalopen en de fouten eruit halen? Mvg, Verdel (overleg) 27 dec 2019 12:09 (CET)Reageren

Perché sei italiano, per favore solo testi olandesi, nessun testo automatico. Grazie. Verdel (overleg) 27 dec 2019 13:34 (CET)Reageren