Overleg:Wim Winters

Laatste reactie: 4 jaar geleden door InternetArchiveBot in het onderwerp Externe links aangepast

Dear wikipedia-user(s), I thank everone warmly who created this page about my name and work. I would appreciate taking it over from here and adapt this page according to the other online source I have. So please do not change content... thanks! Wim

Hi. It's not possible to claim a page at Wikipedia. Every page will always remain free to work at for everybody who wants to. Second, it's not advised to work on pages about oneself or about something one has a personal interest in. Wikipedia tries to be neutral and objective and experience has proven very few people are able to contribute in such a manner about themselves or about things they hold dear. Finally, this is Wikipedia.nl. That means that writings on all subjectpages should be in Dutch, not English. Regards, Toth (overleg) 1 jun 2015 08:35 (CEST)Reageren
Hi ""Toth"", I really appreciate your effort, but since this is about me, I think I have the right to interfere, certainly if the information is really outdated and going against my interest.

So, if this page cannot be changed by the one who it is about, than please delete it. It harms my interests as musician. Think about what rights YOU have writing outdated things about somebody else. And think about this: that you do all that under a false name, not even giving me the opportunity to talk directly to you. I'm losing about one hour no to try to clean this page a bit so to give my "audience" the information the would search. it is not about ME, it is about THEM.

You have as much right to edit the page as anyone else, just not more. And like I said, in a neutral, objective and factual way. It is not to be used as a private homepage or correspondence point, because it isn't. And the writing should be in Dutch. Toth (overleg) 1 jun 2015 09:00 (CEST)Reageren
Daarnaast, indien u zaken overneemt van andere sites (o.a. Frank Theuns), dient u te bewijzen dat u daartoe gerechtigd bent. Dat wil zeggen dat de eigenaar van die site (of beter, van de echte bron van die tekst), aangeeft dat deze tekst beschikbaar is onder de voorwaarden waaronder teksten op Wikipedia worden vrijgegeven, CC By-SA 3.0 en GFDL. Het verwijderen van -een deel van- de Engelstalige teksten is dus óók voorgeschreven in het kader van het tegengaan van schendingen van auteursrecht. Met vriendelijke groet, RonnieV (overleg) 1 jun 2015 11:43 (CEST)Reageren

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Groet.—InternetArchiveBot (Fouten melden) 28 nov 2019 09:55 (CET)Reageren

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