Overleg:David Steindl-Rast

Laatste reactie: 14 jaar geleden door W. in het onderwerp @ Introduction

@ Introduction


Not speaking NL, and hardly being able to read it, I'd like to suggest following:

  • Br. David was born in Vienna on 1926-07-12 (according deWP).
  • He grew up in "a mountainous region of Austria", therefore very likely not near Vienna (according "Fülle und Nichts", German version of "Gratefulness. The Heart of Prayer". Page can be provided on request).
  • He is, for more than five decades = for more than half of his lifetime, an [Austrian]-American (or, rather, a "citizen of the universe") rather than an "Austrian". "Austrian-born" might do well.
  • He is (IMO) primarily a monk and a mystician, and only in second respect the writer.

[w.] 7 nov 2009 21:12 (CET)Reageren

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