
nl-0 Deze gebruiker heeft geen kennis van het Nederlands, of begrijpt het met grote moeite.
de Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
en-2 This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of English.
fr-2 Cette personne peut contribuer avec un niveau intermédiaire de français.
  • Sorry, folks,
    I'd call my nl~0.23 on Babel scale ;[[
    and I'm Austrian.
    As I did a lot of work on one Vincent, for a while, I however pass by nlWP from time to time.
  • Please do not talk here.

You will be welcome at my home, Commons:User:W..
Wolfgang 18 dec 2008 09:36 (CET) [s]

Vocabulary and tags for future copy+paste use


This section is going to be created, as I will pass by this project but rarely, and would probably forget about essentials, meanwhile.
Besides: Not any-and-all projects allow same tags&templates. +;)

Native speakers are invited and encouraged to correct any mistakes and to replace any ??? by correct terms. Thanks, [w.] 22 jun 2009 14:32 (CEST)

  • upright=x.y tag works.
  • {{Commonscat|xyz}} works.
  • References: == Noten ==
  • External links: == Externe links ==