Overleg:Byron Cummings

Laatste reactie: 2 jaar geleden door 10Guillot in het onderwerp Paxson C. Hayes

Paxson C. Hayes

  • Uit de Telegraph Herald en Times Journal, 14-12-1930, p. 1, Uncover Bones of Race of Supermen: 'Sayopa, Sonora, Mexico. Five large skeletons, the first evidences of a race of supermen once roamed this vast wasteland, were unearthed today by an international expedition of scientists. Working rapidly for two nights and a day, the little band of American and Mexican archaeologists unearthed the petrified remains of a youth 6 feet 8 inches tall [2,03 m], the skeletons of four other children of lesser stature and several jars filled with human ashes. The importance of these discoveries was the fact that they definitely established the scene of operations as a great burial ground, according to Dr. Byron Cummings, dean of the University of Arizona archaeology department and leader of the expedition.'
  • Cummings werd ook geciteerd in de Border Cities Star, 4-12-1930, pg. 1, een artikel met de kop: Superstitious Natives [Yaqui] Destroy Relics of Prehistoric Supermen, Scientists Hope to Save Skeletons of Giant Men Found In Mexico and Prove That Humans Have Deteriorated Physically, [1].
  • Cummings zou over Paxson C. Hayes gesproken hebben in de krant Telegraph-Herald en Times-Journal van 9-12-1934. Daarin zou zijn geschreven over de vondst van lichamen van mannen en vrouwen in Yaqui country die allen langer dan 7ft (2,13 m) waren en in perfecte staat verkeerden. Vervolgens: 'Traces of a lost race of giants, who wore oriental turbans and mummified their dead in a fashion similar to that of the ancient Egyptians have been found in the Yaqui Indian country in Sonora, Mexico. Other traces of the oriental origin of the ancient giants was reported by Hayes who declared he had found several tables buried near the mummies. These tables were of a size similar to those unearthed recently in the heart of the Gobi desert.' (vast door dr. Roy Chapman Andrews)
  • In de San Jose Evening News, 22-5-1933, pg. 38 stond dit over Hayes, Unique Giant Race Is Found In Dry Caves: [2]

10Guillot (overleg) 27 aug 2022 11:55 (CEST)Reageren

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