Overleg:Alan Hovhaness

Laatste reactie: 16 jaar geleden door MoiraMoira in het onderwerp Linkspam alert

Linkspam alert


deze gesponsorde tripodsite en de mirrorsite hier blijven toegevoegd worden. De twee url's zijn dus identiek en commercieel gesponsord (inclusief pop up banner).   MoiraMoira overleg 9 dec 2007 22:46 (CET)Reageren

Begging your forgiveness: These are not commercial sites, but are non-commercial, non-profit sites relating to the composer Alan Hovhaness. The site http://www.hovhaness.org is the website of the Alan Hovhaness International Research Centre in Yerevan, Armenia-staffed by volunteer workers just like Wikipedia. The site http://cristoforifund.tripod.com/alanhovhaness.html is the page which hovhaness.org redirects to. We do this redirect so that we can more easily edit our pages-our Tripod pages give us formats to edit from as we do not really know HTML (and cannot afford a professional web-designer.) We have to pay a monthly fee for our web-hosting exactly to avoid any popups or advertisements. Could you let us know if you are experiencing popups/advertisements-and what they are-we will gladly inform our web-hosts if this problem exists. We wish only to help provide further interesting information about Alan Hovhaness. Thank you for not removing our link. Please do not hestitate to contact us: hovhanesscentre yahoo.com. Sincerely, Alan Hovhaness International Research Centre – De voorgaande bijdrage werd geplaatst door (overleg · bijdragen)
Thank you for your reaction. The explanation about the repeated linkspam can be found on your own talk pages in English now. As long as the site is commercial (sponsored) and shows the advertisement-pop ups it is a big no here. Best wishes,   MoiraMoira overleg 10 dec 2007 08:15 (CET)Reageren
Many thanks again for your kindness. Indeed, your noticing of the pop-ups alerted us to this situation and we immediately complained (very strongly,) to our web-hosts, Tripod. It seems that they have taken us seriously and have told us that the problem has been fixed. We can't find any evidence of it now, but are grateful if anyone sees this problem again to let us know quickly! Our information (Alan Hovhaness International Research Centre,) used to be posted on the site hovhaness.com and its author was a member of our team. But he departed and rather suddenly removed a great amount of our information. We had to develope our own site (hovhaness.org,) just so that scholars and researchers could find our materials. We are constantly trying to improve the site (it is our first time doing this and we are not professional web-designers, just musicians and people interested in Alan Hovhaness,) and are always grateful for help and suggestions especially when something appears to go wrong with it. Thank you again for your kindness and patience. I hope that we can be of service to your readers and researchers. Sincerely, Alan Hovhaness International Research Centre hovhanesscentre yahoo.com – De voorgaande bijdrage werd geplaatst door (overleg · bijdragen)
Hi, any tripod site shows advertisements and nasty pop ups. So does the site you have there. I just checked. Unless you can replace the site content to its normal location which now only redirects we cannot allow the link to be placed nor will evaluate the content. Finally - please look below now to read our strict policy on external links.   MoiraMoira overleg 15 dec 2007 08:13 (CET)Reageren
  External link(s)

Dear Alan Hovhaness,

The external link or links you placed in one or several articles, has or have been removed. Although we appreciate your contributions to Wikipedia, we strive to keep the number of external links at Wikipedia as low as possible. Wikipedia is first and foremost an encyclopedia, and not a collection of links to other websites. We'd prefer it if you'd add any relevant encyclopedic information to the relevant article(s) itself. Thank you for your cooperation.

Please note that adding the link again without discussing this first may be regarded as vandalism. Links such as these are better added to one of the various internet portals available. See also: Wikipedia:Welkom voor nieuwkomers & Wikipedia:Wanneer extern linken.

Many thanks again for your observations. First, our apologies that so much of your space and time is used for this when I know that you really need the space and time for scholarship and research. I think you know much more about internet and sites than we, so we are really grateful for anything you tell us. Obviously we are just as concerned as you to keep things free of advertisements of any kind, so we checked our site again to see if there were any advertisements. We couldn't find any at all whether pop-up or imbedded. I wonder just what you are seeing there-could you describe this to us, giving the url of any pop-up so that we can try to take immediate action to eliminate it? We had some help to update things, and wonder if you might have a quick look to tell us if you can still spot some problems of any kind. We are new to this and really grateful for people like you who are experienced and know your way about. Most sincerely, Alan Hovhaness International Research Centre, Yerevan Armenia Martin Berkofsky, American Coordinator – De voorgaande bijdrage werd geplaatst door (overleg · bijdragen)

Unless you can remove your site to a non-commercial main location so the pop-ups disappear and no advertisements are shown it cannot be evaluated for possible adding to the article. Reread what is written above please.   MoiraMoira overleg 17 dec 2007 09:25 (CET)Reageren

But there are no advertisements and our site is on non-commercial hosting. If you claim see advertisements, please describe them. You are accusing us of advertisements, but not proving that there are any. I think you are just determined to give us a bad time. We have, in all good faith tried to follow the rules of good conduct and to contribute something useful to knowledge and learning but you obviously do not want it for reasons unknown to us. It is probably better to shake hands and wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Alan Hovhaness International Research Centre, Yerevan Armenia Martin Berkofsky, American Coordinator


Over a period of time we investigated the pop-up advertisements which you said were on our site, www.hovhaness.org, the Alan Hovhaness International Research Centre in Yerevan, Armenia. We have finally solved the question: we subscribe to a net monitoring and statistics service for our pages. We discovered that this service had inserted code onto our pages which caused pop-ups.

The name of this service is Motigo. It is headquarted in the Netherlands.

Yours sincerely,

Alan Hovhaness International Research Centre, Yerevan, Armenia.

P.S. We have done some extensive updating on the English Alan Hovhaness Wikipedia article. You may wish to refer to it as you update your own page.

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