Hallo, my name is Albert Johan (Jos) Jonkeren. I have worked in several industries like internet, telecom and marketing & advertising as an IT consultant, CTO and CEO. I live in Bussum (NL) after having lived in Berlin (DE) for ~8 years. I have founded several companies in the Netherlands and in Germany. I am a web / IT expert with commercial + business skills. I am skilled in building and leading (agile) development or sales teams. I have experience in marketing, SEO, SEA, PHP / JS development, Web Design and Web Applications. I can audit and overview business operations in a short time — both the technical and the business side — and discover where the challenges are, which I then solve using available or new technology. I have 20+ years of entrepreneurial and working experience, of which 8+ years in Germany. I am fluent in Dutch, English, German.

I like technology, design, entrepreneurship and web development. And coffee, laptops, cars, biking, Lego and weekends. I have three kids and an amazing wife. Feel free to contact me at jos-at-jonkeren.nl.

Profielfoto A.J. Jonkeren
Profielfoto A.J. Jonkeren