
Dominique Moïsi (21 oktober 1946) is een Frans politiek wetenschapper en schrijver.

Hij was mede-oprichter en senior-adviseur aan het Institut Français des Relations Internationales (IFRI) in Parijs, Pierre Keller Visiting Professor aan de Harvard University, en bezetter van de leerstoel voor geopolitiek aan het Europacollege, het oudste onderwijsinstituut voor Europese zaken, in Natolin. Ook is hij partner in het CEDEP [], het Europese Centrum voor Uitvoerende Ontwikkeling.

Moïsi publiceert regelmatig artikelen en essays in zowel de Financial Times, Foreign Affairs, het [[Project Syndicate], als Die Welt en Der Standard.

Moïsi is gehuwd met de historica en schrijfster Diana Pinto. Het paar heeft twee zoons.

== Life ==Groot gedrukte tekst His father Jules Moïsi was an Auschwitz survivor.[1] Dominique Moïsi studied Political science at the Sorbonne and at Harvard University. He was research assistant to Raymond Aron and taught at the École nationale d'administration (ENA), the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, and the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris. He was editor in chief of Politique étrangère.

After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, he aroused attention as one of the first French commentators to welcome the conceivable end of Germany's division as an opportunity for Europe.[2] Many years later Moïsi explained his position by pointing to his father whose fate as an Auschwitz survivor had made him "fall in love with Europe". Like Simone Veil Jules Moïsi believed that the unification of Europe was the best way of overcoming the "tragedy of the past".[3]

During the 1990s Timothy Garton Ash, Michael Mertes and Dominique Moïsi wrote several "trilateral" (British-German-French) pleas in favour of a combined eastward entlargement and institutional modernisation of the EU.[4]

Moïsi is a member of the International Advisory Council of the Moscow School of Political Studies[5] and of the European Council on Foreign Relations.[6]

In 2008, he published La géopolitique de l’émotion: Comment les cultures de peur, d’humiliation et d’espoir façonnent le monde (English translation 2009).[7]

Selected bibliography




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Category:1946 births Category:Children of Holocaust survivors Category:College of Europe faculty Category:French Jews Category:Harvard University alumni Category:Living people Category:People from Paris

  1. See Moïsi's autobiographical op-ed article Dancing on the volcano, International Herald Tribune, January 27, 2005.
  2. See Dominique Moïsi: A Reborn Europe Is Nothing to Fear, International Herald Tribune, November 23, 1989.
  3. See note 2.
  4. See Timothy Garton Ash in a letter to the editor of the London Review of Books, January 6, 2000 (A Ripple of the Polonaise). The first of these „trilateral“ articles appeared in The New York Review of Books, October 24, 1991 (Let the East Europeans In!).
  5. See
  6. See ECFR’s Board and Council
  7. For details and reviews, see Cf. also {{YouTube|bcKypIHG9HU|Luxmagazine interview}}, 2010.
  8. See