Wikipedia:Wikipedia en Kennisnet/log chatsessie 28-02-05

[28-2-2005 20:30] <Anthere> hello
[28-2-2005 20:30] <Anthere> I only talk english
[28-2-2005 20:30] <Anthere> hum, and french
[28-2-2005 20:30] <GerardM> And French :) but we do not :)
[28-2-2005 20:30] <GerardM> I do not :|
[28-2-2005 20:30] <waerth> non tu parlez francias aussi !
[28-2-2005 20:30] <Anthere> I would love to understand some of the discussion, but if you are unconfortalb with english, please stick to dutch
[28-2-2005 20:31] <waerth> It is more an informal meeting than a discussion right?
[28-2-2005 20:31] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Oh Hi Antere, didnt realise you came online, sorry
[28-2-2005 20:31] <Anthere> I am just looking :-)
[28-2-2005 20:31] <Anthere> a visitor...
[28-2-2005 20:32] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> So are we, we are new to all of this wikidom :)
[28-2-2005 20:33] <waerth> So rolecall :: Advance, Anthere, daniel-fpc, Fruggo, Fuss, GerardM, Gerrit, JePe, KNETTERS, pjetter, pofokag, Quistnix WalterBE	
[28-2-2005 20:33] -->| oscar- ( has joined #nl.wikipedia
[28-2-2005 20:33] <Anthere> hi oscar
[28-2-2005 20:33] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> AND OSCAR!
[28-2-2005 20:33] |<-- WalterBE has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[28-2-2005 20:33] <oscar-> hi :-) i was in the wrong channel, sorry
[28-2-2005 20:33] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> welcome
[28-2-2005 20:33] <oscar-> hi janbart :-)
[28-2-2005 20:34] <oscar-> thx ;-)
[28-2-2005 20:34] -->| java_gast ( has joined #nl.wikipedia
[28-2-2005 20:34] =-= java_gast is now known as ellywa
[28-2-2005 20:34] <oscar-> halla allemaal (do we talk english)
[28-2-2005 20:34] <oscar-> ?
[28-2-2005 20:34] <oscar-> hi ellywa!
[28-2-2005 20:34] <ellywa> hi allemaal
[28-2-2005 20:35] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> So, allow me to quickly introduce us, I am "productmanager" portals and portal components, Annemiek is part of our editiorial staff and Jeroen is part of our technical team 
[28-2-2005 20:35] <waerth> ok
[28-2-2005 20:35] <oscar-> great so many could come!
[28-2-2005 20:35] <oscar-> who will lead the conversation?
[28-2-2005 20:35] <oscar-> (we are many)
[28-2-2005 20:36] <GerardM> Please do Oscar :)
[28-2-2005 20:36] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> go for it :) We are your guests
[28-2-2005 20:36] <waerth> well you oscar
[28-2-2005 20:36] <oscar-> :-D ok
[28-2-2005 20:36] <oscar-> janbart, you want to start?
[28-2-2005 20:36] <waerth> you know what to talk about 
[28-2-2005 20:36] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> sure, basicalle you all had a chance to see the proposol online. The idea is that Kennisnet would like to allow its users
[28-2-2005 20:36] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> to contribute more to its site
[28-2-2005 20:37] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> and specials
[28-2-2005 20:37] <oscar-> to its site=wikipedia?
[28-2-2005 20:37] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> rather than build its own infrastructure
[28-2-2005 20:37] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> its site = Kennisnet
[28-2-2005 20:37] -->| java_gast ( has joined #nl.wikipedia
[28-2-2005 20:37] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> we would rather partner up with wikipedia and wikinews in order to contribute to that project
[28-2-2005 20:38] <oscar-> ok
[28-2-2005 20:38] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> we think that in several cases (such as the beatrix special)
[28-2-2005 20:38] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> we will be able to have our users add valuable content to wikipedia as well as jumpstart wikinews
[28-2-2005 20:38] <oscar-> *great*
[28-2-2005 20:38] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> thats about the basic idea... one more thing
[28-2-2005 20:39] =-= Mode #nl.wikipedia +o oscar-  by ChanServ
[28-2-2005 20:39] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Kennisnet is a foundation: we are not interesting in maintaining the spotlight. We would rather contribute to great ideas (such as Wiki) than re-invent the wheel
[28-2-2005 20:39] <oscar-> that is clear
[28-2-2005 20:39] <waerth> Ok
[28-2-2005 20:39] <waerth> I had an idea how kennisnet could structure the specials
[28-2-2005 20:40] <waerth> it would like to start up
[28-2-2005 20:40] <oscar-> tell us
[28-2-2005 20:40] <waerth> We have Wikipedia:Wikiprojecten
[28-2-2005 20:41] <waerth> this is basically meant to structure projects and register participants and discuss what is the best way to proceed
[28-2-2005 20:41] <waerth> to have some lines in the chaos
[28-2-2005 20:41] <waerth> direction
[28-2-2005 20:41] <waerth> the best thing is for kennisnet to start a wikiproject
[28-2-2005 20:41] <waerth> and ask for people 
[28-2-2005 20:41] <waerth> both existing and new participants
[28-2-2005 20:41] <waerth> to help
[28-2-2005 20:42] <waerth> so you can keep thinks structured more or less
[28-2-2005 20:42] <waerth> you can than decide which
[28-2-2005 20:42] <waerth> pages you want to project to contain
[28-2-2005 20:42] <oscar-> zie ook:
[28-2-2005 20:42] <ellywa> maybe waerth, you could give an example, as Kennisnet is not aware maybe..
[28-2-2005 20:42] <ellywa> yes oscar
[28-2-2005 20:42] <oscar-> :-)
[28-2-2005 20:42] -->| walterBE ( has joined #nl.wikipedia
[28-2-2005 20:42] <waerth> so you know which pages you need to make better
[28-2-2005 20:42] <GerardM> The thing that is not so great with wikiprojecten is, that is means people have to register and here we know up front that many people will come to us for a first time and they should just be able to contribute.
[28-2-2005 20:42] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> thanks, i'll have a look
[28-2-2005 20:43] <daniel-fpc> dag walter!
[28-2-2005 20:43] <waerth> this is a more structured approach
[28-2-2005 20:43] <oscar-> hi walter :-)
[28-2-2005 20:43] <waerth> as apposed t the more chaotic way we normally work
[28-2-2005 20:43] <waerth> hello namgenoot
[28-2-2005 20:43] <walterBE> Dag! Gaim verbinding met IRC wal blijkbaar uitgevallen
[28-2-2005 20:43] <GerardM> So, we know there is a project and people do NOT need to register. Here it makes more sense when we identify what content is involved.
[28-2-2005 20:43] <oscar-> i like waerths idea
[28-2-2005 20:44] <oscar-> it is more structured
[28-2-2005 20:44] <waerth> so they need not to register
[28-2-2005 20:44] <GerardM> That will also help checking for quality and vandalism
[28-2-2005 20:44] <waerth> but they would still have a central place to work from
[28-2-2005 20:44] <waerth> whether they are anons or not
[28-2-2005 20:44] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> waerth: it sounds like a sensible idea. Remember for both of us this is an experiment, hopefully future projects will prove the ideal method :)
[28-2-2005 20:44] <GerardM> We can have a portal page
[28-2-2005 20:44] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> But just to be sure: anons can participate ?
[28-2-2005 20:44] <waerth> yes we need to start somewhere indeed
[28-2-2005 20:44] <ellywa> that another possibilty Gerard
[28-2-2005 20:44] <GerardM> anons can participate
[28-2-2005 20:44] <waerth> if it proves wrong we can always change along the way
[28-2-2005 20:45] <ellywa> but may I ask a question to Kennisnet?
[28-2-2005 20:45] <oscar-> go ahead
[28-2-2005 20:45] <waerth> everybody can participate bartjan
[28-2-2005 20:45] <oscar-> elly?
[28-2-2005 20:45] <ellywa> my question is, are you aware anyone can change any contributions
[28-2-2005 20:45] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Bartjan? 
[28-2-2005 20:45] <waerth> Janbart sorry
[28-2-2005 20:45] <oscar-> :-)
[28-2-2005 20:45] <ellywa> I mean, if you make an article about Beatrix's "power" 
[28-2-2005 20:45] <ellywa> for instance, somebody can make critical remarks
[28-2-2005 20:46] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Ellywa: yes: we are aware :0
[28-2-2005 20:46] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> thats not a problem ...
[28-2-2005 20:46] <ellywa> we have all sorts of people on wikipedia
[28-2-2005 20:46] <ellywa> maybe you should read for instance the article about collaboration
[28-2-2005 20:46] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> it happens and it shouldn't be a problem.
[28-2-2005 20:46] <ellywa> we had severe discussions on the role of Wilhemina in WWII
[28-2-2005 20:47] <daniel-fpc> it's just keeping an eye on the articles
[28-2-2005 20:47] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> The target audience is probably 12 and up for the wikipart...
[28-2-2005 20:47] <daniel-fpc> so you can guard them against grafitti
[28-2-2005 20:47] <oscar->
[28-2-2005 20:47] <daniel-fpc> .. and if it gets popular
[28-2-2005 20:47] <ellywa> thats not what I mean
[28-2-2005 20:47] <daniel-fpc> .. the community will do it...
[28-2-2005 20:47] <ellywa> no we are obliged to agree to other opinions
[28-2-2005 20:47] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> yep, we would be very interested to have our people earn their street cred in the wiki system so that they can help curb the vandalism
[28-2-2005 20:48] <ellywa> no, this is not what i mean, I mean, certain opinions which might not be welcome
[28-2-2005 20:48] <oscar->
[28-2-2005 20:48] <ellywa> to the Beatrix jubilee
[28-2-2005 20:48] <ellywa> I will find the article oscar
[28-2-2005 20:48] <oscar-> opinions are welcome on talk pages
[28-2-2005 20:48] <GerardM> Even without the admin buttons you can do a lot of vandalism suppression.
[28-2-2005 20:48] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> so the people who want to contribute to an Beatrix article, would allways have to start form the project?
[28-2-2005 20:49] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> BECAUSE we are funded by the government, we have to respect all those opinions
[28-2-2005 20:49] * daniel-fpc doesn't understand
[28-2-2005 20:49] <waerth> no
[28-2-2005 20:49] <oscar-> because we want to be npov we do too
[28-2-2005 20:49] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> npov?
[28-2-2005 20:49] -->| java_gast375 ( has joined #nl.wikipedia
[28-2-2005 20:49] <ellywa> Door sommigen is wel gesteld dat Wilhelmina voor de oorlog mogelijk enige mate heeft samengewerkt met de Duitsers, zie hiervoor het artikel Koningin Wilhelmina in de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
[28-2-2005 20:49] -->| Michiel1972 ( has joined #nl.wikipedia
[28-2-2005 20:49] <GerardM> We will have a portal page and new articles can be added to this page..
[28-2-2005 20:49] <oscar-> neutral point of view
[28-2-2005 20:49] <daniel-fpc> dag Michiel
[28-2-2005 20:49] <waerth> no Annemieke everybody can contribute without forming a project
[28-2-2005 20:49] <ellywa> that is a citation to this article:
[28-2-2005 20:49] <walterBE> *Als ik kijk naar de lijst van aanwezigen hier, ter ere van wie is iedereen hier in het Engels bezig?*
[28-2-2005 20:49] <daniel-fpc> java_gast, u bent?
[28-2-2005 20:49] <waerth> but it makes more sense
[28-2-2005 20:50] <GerardM> WalterBe Anthere
[28-2-2005 20:50] <ellywa>
[28-2-2005 20:50] <waerth> to do it in a projectform
[28-2-2005 20:50] <walterBE> GerardM: ok
[28-2-2005 20:50] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> I understand
[28-2-2005 20:50] <ellywa> Anthere?
[28-2-2005 20:50] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> ellywa: I get it, we will have to deal with this when it comes up, we will make it clear that these are opinions...
[28-2-2005 20:50] <java_gast> <-- xndr
[28-2-2005 20:50] <oscar-> :-)
[28-2-2005 20:50] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> and you give the users structure by offering the subject in a project
[28-2-2005 20:50] <ellywa> if you are aware of this, its oke
[28-2-2005 20:50] =-= java_gast375 is now known as CE
[28-2-2005 20:51] <oscar-> xndr, typ: /nick xndr
[28-2-2005 20:51] =-= java_gast is now known as xndr
[28-2-2005 20:51] <oscar-> yes :-)
[28-2-2005 20:51] <xndr> tx
[28-2-2005 20:51] <oscar-> ;-)
[28-2-2005 20:51] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Well, it happens, but it also happens in our Forums
[28-2-2005 20:51] =-= CE is now known as CE-koffie
[28-2-2005 20:51] <ellywa> mag ik ook koffie?
[28-2-2005 20:51] <oscar-> indien anthere niet reageert, kunnen we net zo goed in het engels verder
[28-2-2005 20:52] <Anthere> yes, hi ellywa
[28-2-2005 20:52] <oscar-> nederlands bedoel ik
[28-2-2005 20:52] <ellywa> hi Anthere
[28-2-2005 20:52] <Anthere> I was reading the discussion
[28-2-2005 20:52] =-= waerth has changed the topic to ``De database van Wikipedia is weer geopend na een langdurige onderbreking. Als u aanlogt als javagast kunt u uw naamveranderen door /nick (naam) te tikken''
[28-2-2005 20:52] <oscar-> aha!
[28-2-2005 20:52] <ellywa> oke
[28-2-2005 20:52] <oscar-> i c
[28-2-2005 20:52] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> kijk, een onderwerp als Beatrix zou inderdaad controversieel kunnen zijn
[28-2-2005 20:52] <Anthere> I thought one of your comment curious actually
[28-2-2005 20:52] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> maar dat moeten we maar zien als het gebeurt...
[28-2-2005 20:52] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> (and back to english :)
[28-2-2005 20:52] <ellywa> ik vind het wel een heel goed onderwerp, het koningsschap in het algemeen
[28-2-2005 20:52] <waerth> De bedoeling is inderdaad om bestaande artikelen te verbeteren en nieuwe gerelateerde te schrijven
[28-2-2005 20:52] <Anthere>    ellywa: no we are obliged to agree to other opinions
[28-2-2005 20:53] <ellywa> yes we are
[28-2-2005 20:53] <Quistnix> respect ... not agree?
[28-2-2005 20:53] <ellywa> we only had terrible discussions on the Dutch royalty
[28-2-2005 20:53] <Anthere> not to agree
[28-2-2005 20:53] <GerardM> There is so much that can be touched by this subjects, it can be part of a quality drive..
[28-2-2005 20:53] <Anthere> accept the other opinions exist
[28-2-2005 20:53] =-= walterBE has changed the topic to ``Wikipedia/Kennisnet chat: Als u aanlogt als javagast kunt u uw naam veranderen door /nick (naam) te tikken.''
[28-2-2005 20:53] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> ellywa was a little bit worried that Kennisnet might not be able to deal with this, as we are a public funded organisation, but we are aware of the risk and are willing to accept it
[28-2-2005 20:54] <ellywa> exactly
[28-2-2005 20:54] <Anthere> k
[28-2-2005 20:54] <oscar-> *fine*
[28-2-2005 20:54] <Anthere> how do you intend to get organised ?
[28-2-2005 20:54] <oscar-> good question
[28-2-2005 20:54] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> The way I see it, we run several risks, both wiki and us, but the potential is great, and it would really be cool to see where this could go
[28-2-2005 20:54] <daniel-fpc> well, actually the risk is quite low... But it can come quite unexpected...
[28-2-2005 20:54] <Anthere> I am curiosu for wikinews in particular
[28-2-2005 20:54] <waerth> dit soort artikelen: staatsbezoek aan Thailand (januari 2004)
[28-2-2005 20:54] <Anthere> as its community is still quite small
[28-2-2005 20:54] * daniel-fpc reminds the Imazighen discusssions
[28-2-2005 20:55] <Anthere> so might "suffer" from major arrival
[28-2-2005 20:55] <KNET_Jeroen> JB ik heb je gemaild...
[28-2-2005 20:55] <Quistnix> :) I thought Kennisnet WAS organised and needs to get DISorganised to join Wikipedia
[28-2-2005 20:55] <Anthere> :-)
[28-2-2005 20:55] <waerth> 2004)i
[28-2-2005 20:55] <GerardM> One other wikimedia thing is to find and define words to deal with this and create wiktionary words .. Pronunciations .. the anthem in Commons (music)
[28-2-2005 20:55] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> I;m curious for wikinews to, especially on this subject
[28-2-2005 20:55] <waerth>
[28-2-2005 20:55] <Anthere> I will blog about wikinews tonight...
[28-2-2005 20:55] <waerth> dit is een artikel wat prima zou vallen onder aandacht aan het 25 jarig jubileum
[28-2-2005 20:56] <GerardM> The Queen visiting Lutjebroek / Applescha / Almere ..
[28-2-2005 20:56] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> quistnix: we are TERRIBLY organised :)
[28-2-2005 20:56] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> its an awful way to live :)
[28-2-2005 20:56] <oscar-> :-D
[28-2-2005 20:57] <waerth> and a bit more about the relations between the Netherlands and other countries like:
[28-2-2005 20:57] <oscar-> we will help you to get that extra bit of chaos ;-)
[28-2-2005 20:57] <Quistnix> :-)
[28-2-2005 20:57] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> We would organise the way you would recommend us to organise... we have editorial staff and are willing to invest time, but lack experience
[28-2-2005 20:57] <ellywa> you will get very VERY busy with this!
[28-2-2005 20:57] <oscar-> SO?
[28-2-2005 20:57] <oscar-> so?
[28-2-2005 20:57] <waerth> janabrt maybe you could point your saff to this channel
[28-2-2005 20:58] <waerth> as some of the hardened wikijunkies
[28-2-2005 20:58] <waerth> like myself are mostly here
[28-2-2005 20:58] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> dont overestimate the enthousiasm of our users... we get 1 million visits a week, but a very small % actually contributes
[28-2-2005 20:58] <daniel-fpc> ervaring is geen probleem, zou ik zeggen... We zijn allemaal nieuw geweest...
[28-2-2005 20:58] <waerth> and can always help out
[28-2-2005 20:58] |<-- xndr has left freenode ()
[28-2-2005 20:58] <ellywa> I think we can have a telephone help service as well
[28-2-2005 20:58] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> :) 
[28-2-2005 20:58] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> 0800-wikinewbie
[28-2-2005 20:58] <oscar-> :-D
[28-2-2005 20:58] <waerth> well everybody knows my number
[28-2-2005 20:58] <ellywa> lol
[28-2-2005 20:58] <GerardM> :D
[28-2-2005 20:58] <waerth> only nobody will call to Thailand
[28-2-2005 20:58] <waerth> apart from journalists
[28-2-2005 20:59] <GerardM> I prefer skype it is cheap :) and good
[28-2-2005 20:59] <ellywa> yes, but you get chocolates and sausages
[28-2-2005 20:59] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> but basically you are all naming concerns which are risks to us, what are your concerns?
[28-2-2005 20:59] <walterBE> Wikimedia has the OTRS system for email handeling
[28-2-2005 20:59] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> the article on Nederlands staatsbezoek is a good example. Is it possible to show which contribution is made by whom?
[28-2-2005 20:59] <waerth> so the sausage is in the mail ellywa joehoe?
[28-2-2005 20:59] <waerth> ja druk op geschiedenis
[28-2-2005 20:59] <ellywa> not yet, its on my shopping list for saturday
[28-2-2005 20:59] <walterBE> Support by email can be done
[28-2-2005 20:59] <GerardM> Yes it is. it is under "geschiedenis"
[28-2-2005 20:59] <daniel-fpc> KNET_AnnemiekNed: what do you mean?
[28-2-2005 20:59] <waerth> it was written by me btw
[28-2-2005 21:00] <oscar-> KNET_AnnemiekNed:
[28-2-2005 21:00] <GerardM> Just press the button on the top and you see who contributed when
[28-2-2005 21:00] <Anthere> walterBE are you using the otrs now ?
[28-2-2005 21:00] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> right, that's what I meant
[28-2-2005 21:00] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> waerth: I used to live in Kenya, forget the sausage... ask for DROP and OUDE KAAS!
[28-2-2005 21:00] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> I have drop!
[28-2-2005 21:00] <walterBE> Anthere; Yes , it is great
[28-2-2005 21:00] <waerth> well I can send you my address
[28-2-2005 21:00] <oscar->
[28-2-2005 21:00] <Anthere> neat
[28-2-2005 21:00] <waerth> I am omkoopbaar
[28-2-2005 21:00] <oscar-> bribable
[28-2-2005 21:01] <oscar-> ok, now to our concerns please
[28-2-2005 21:01] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> so far I see no need to bribe, but if you all get nasty we will try to bribe you
[28-2-2005 21:01] <waerth> hahahaha
[28-2-2005 21:01] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> can I show you one more thing?
[28-2-2005 21:01] <Anthere> I am interested by bribes
[28-2-2005 21:01] <ellywa> JanBart asked about our concerns
[28-2-2005 21:01] <oscar-> wikipedians: our concerns
[28-2-2005 21:01] <Anthere> especially chocolate...
[28-2-2005 21:01] <oscar-> yes
[28-2-2005 21:01] <oscar-> nope
[28-2-2005 21:01] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> which is it?
[28-2-2005 21:01] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> yes or nope
[28-2-2005 21:01] <oscar-> serious please
[28-2-2005 21:01] <oscar-> ;-)
[28-2-2005 21:02] <oscar-> gerardm?
[28-2-2005 21:02] <GerardM> For us it is an experiment as well. But it is basically what we are about 
[28-2-2005 21:02] <ellywa> I think our concern might be non-relevant articles
[28-2-2005 21:02] <GerardM> We like to share our information and we want people to contribute
[28-2-2005 21:02] <ellywa> about the Queens shaking hands in Lutjebroek
[28-2-2005 21:02] <daniel-fpc> I don't there is much risk for WIkipedia in general.
[28-2-2005 21:02] <GerardM> This is a great way of reaching out
[28-2-2005 21:02] <ellywa> no I do not see much risk
[28-2-2005 21:02] <daniel-fpc> The collaboration might fail, but odubt that can hurt the project
[28-2-2005 21:03] <oscar-> how?
[28-2-2005 21:03] <ellywa> agree
[28-2-2005 21:03] <Quistnix> you can always move those articles to Lutjebroek or wherever
[28-2-2005 21:03] <oscar-> daniel?
[28-2-2005 21:03] <GerardM> When we get good stuff we will cherish it, the bad stuff will be put up for deletion.
[28-2-2005 21:03] <waerth> I do not see much risk
[28-2-2005 21:03] <daniel-fpc> huh?
[28-2-2005 21:03] <waerth> but a lot of possibilities
[28-2-2005 21:03] <oscar-> might fail?
[28-2-2005 21:03] <GerardM> Visitiong Lutjebroek is Wikinews
[28-2-2005 21:03] <waerth> like kennisnet might have good acces to pictures and videos
[28-2-2005 21:03] <ellywa> yes Gerard I suppose so
[28-2-2005 21:03] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> yep, CNN will probably be there are well..
[28-2-2005 21:03] <GerardM> We will have confusion on what should be where.
[28-2-2005 21:03] <waerth> like the staatsbezoek article could use a picture or two
[28-2-2005 21:03] <daniel-fpc> als de samenwerking om wat voor reden dan ook mislukt, dan zal Wikipedia daar als project niet noodzakelijk beschadigd door raken
[28-2-2005 21:04] <oscar-> ok
[28-2-2005 21:04] <ellywa> we can ask kennisnet to provide pictures of all royalty and others on GFDL!
[28-2-2005 21:04] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Jeroen is our photgrapher, but we want to encourage our users to take pictures and submit them
[28-2-2005 21:04] <GerardM> Not at all. We will all benefit. It will be hectic.
[28-2-2005 21:04] <ellywa> other important people
[28-2-2005 21:04] <waerth> the backgound goes on wikipedia 
[28-2-2005 21:04] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> ellywa: we would have our users make sure they understand the GFDL, and we understand it
[28-2-2005 21:04] <waerth> and the news on wikinews
[28-2-2005 21:04] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> waerth: yes...
[28-2-2005 21:05] <ellywa> Text making GFDL is not a problem if you have enough time
[28-2-2005 21:05] <ellywa> but pictures are
[28-2-2005 21:05] <GerardM> You want to create a community.. We will find more and more people come to us as they are actively invited to contribute
[28-2-2005 21:05] <waerth> like a background article on the statsbezoek is great for wikipedia
[28-2-2005 21:05] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> END RESULT: a hopefully a couple of good entries in wikipedia, lots of wikinews and a lot of new users and several future projects
[28-2-2005 21:05] <ellywa> We do not have a picture of Hishi Ali for instance (I think)
[28-2-2005 21:05] <GerardM> Kennisnet will also become part of this community.. and this way we both benefit
[28-2-2005 21:05] <Anthere> about wikinews...
[28-2-2005 21:05] <Anthere> KNET_JanBartdeVr are you aware that currently, it is public domain ?
[28-2-2005 21:05] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> ellywa: but pictures taken by our users... as part of a competition or something
[28-2-2005 21:05] <GerardM> We do not have a picture of Ruud Lubbers !! :(
[28-2-2005 21:06] <KNET_Jeroen> With the queen special we would like te encourage our contributors to upload photo's they have taken themselves
[28-2-2005 21:06] <waerth> that is great Jeroen
[28-2-2005 21:06] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> for example in Lutjebroek :-)
[28-2-2005 21:06] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Anthere: public domain? what should I realise about this?
[28-2-2005 21:06] <Anthere> hmmmm, more organisation for wikicommons :)
[28-2-2005 21:06] <waerth> but you do understand that part of the pictures will not make the articles
[28-2-2005 21:06] <GerardM> Cool. Would that be in Commons or in nl:wikipedia / nl:wikinews ??
[28-2-2005 21:06] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> I grew up REAL close to lutjebroek, it was like the big town for us!
[28-2-2005 21:06] <waerth> only the best ones will
[28-2-2005 21:06] <oscar-> btw, picturse should go to
[28-2-2005 21:06] <KNET_Jeroen> combining that with a competition maybe when they can win some prices, they will...
[28-2-2005 21:07] <walterBE> The can do something usefull whit there phone of 350 euro and a build in camera
[28-2-2005 21:07] <oscar-> commons that is
[28-2-2005 21:07] <Anthere> GerardM, currently upload is only authorised on wikicommons
[28-2-2005 21:07] <Anthere> not on wikinews
[28-2-2005 21:07] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> waerth: but everyone can submit pictures, and the best ones will rise to the top... 
[28-2-2005 21:07] <GerardM> This is wrong when it comes to licenses ..
[28-2-2005 21:07] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> so we would have to upload them to wiki commons...
[28-2-2005 21:07] <waerth> yes janbart precisely
[28-2-2005 21:07] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> (our staff could do this if it is to tricky but I think it should be fine)
[28-2-2005 21:07] <GerardM> (not being able to upload to Wikinews when it has a different license)
[28-2-2005 21:08] <ellywa> I think pictures should be screened
[28-2-2005 21:08] <ellywa> I know these 15 year olds....
[28-2-2005 21:08] <Anthere> KNET_JanBartdeVr: it is no more tricky
[28-2-2005 21:08] <oscar-> it needs some introduction
[28-2-2005 21:08] <Anthere> just need more accounts, sigh
[28-2-2005 21:08] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> we can screen them if need be :)
[28-2-2005 21:08] <GerardM> One thing that Kennisnet could look after is making sure the photo's are categorised. This can be done in Dutch ..
[28-2-2005 21:08] <Anthere> KNET_JanBartdeVr how young will contributors be ?
[28-2-2005 21:08] <walterBE> Wikinews should have a dutch telefphone number where users can send pictures to
[28-2-2005 21:08] <KNET_Jeroen> I think pictures can be sent by e-mail to us and we put them online through commons
[28-2-2005 21:08] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> (Anthere: the accounts are difficult to explain to users ... especially if there are so many of them)
[28-2-2005 21:09] <ellywa> yes, thats okey, than they don't need to login
[28-2-2005 21:09] <Anthere> how do you feel about young potentially be exposed to hard pictures ?
[28-2-2005 21:09] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> walterbe: we can have some MMS number or something... 
[28-2-2005 21:09] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> but mail is better
[28-2-2005 21:09] <Anthere> what about a bot system for upload ?
[28-2-2005 21:09] <GerardM> How would you do that WalterBe send them by telephone ??
[28-2-2005 21:09] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> but it's not possible to show a picture with a wikinews article?
[28-2-2005 21:09] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Anthere: if we filter the pictures, no hard pictures...
[28-2-2005 21:09] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> but the system should filter... we have to help
[28-2-2005 21:10] <waerth> it is possible to show  wikinews article
[28-2-2005 21:10] <waerth> with a picture
[28-2-2005 21:10] <GerardM> It is possible to have pictures with the articles in WIknews
[28-2-2005 21:10] <Anthere> who should filter ?
[28-2-2005 21:10] <waerth> but they get linked from commons
[28-2-2005 21:10] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> ok
[28-2-2005 21:10] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> right
[28-2-2005 21:10] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> we would help filter
[28-2-2005 21:10] <oscar-> ok
[28-2-2005 21:10] <walterBE> gerardm: I do not have such a phone but sor far I know you can make photos whit your phone and send them to other phone, a telephone number
[28-2-2005 21:10] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> but wouldnt want to fall into the trap of being a censor
[28-2-2005 21:10] <oscar-> right
[28-2-2005 21:10] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> walterbe: we can probably arrange that
[28-2-2005 21:11] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> good idea
[28-2-2005 21:11] <waerth> mms pictures usually are small and not so good quality though
[28-2-2005 21:11] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> (PS: I have such a phone, and have never been able to get it to work ;)
[28-2-2005 21:11] <waerth> send it here janbart
[28-2-2005 21:11] <GerardM> What you can do is have a Kennisnet repository and have a vote for uploading to articles.. (easy to manipulate as well)
[28-2-2005 21:11] <waerth> I will find out :)
[28-2-2005 21:11] <Anthere> hmmmm
[28-2-2005 21:11] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Well, that depends on resolution, but they dont need to be phone photo's and digital camera will do
[28-2-2005 21:11] <KNET_Jeroen> MMS pictures sometimes are good quality, it totally depends on how big you want them to be shown
[28-2-2005 21:11] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> and there are a LOT of them around in students hands
[28-2-2005 21:12] <oscar-> btw is there, but just started
[28-2-2005 21:12] <waerth> ok
[28-2-2005 21:12] <Anthere> I think the filtering issue is left aside right now, so I am curious to see how you manage it ultimately
[28-2-2005 21:12] <walterBE> waert: the resolution of those phones and there internall  memory is getting beter very fast
[28-2-2005 21:12] <Anthere> in all honesty, I am also curious to see if things evolve differently depending on languages on this issue
[28-2-2005 21:12] <waerth> that is true
[28-2-2005 21:12] <walterBE> and  low resolution picture is beter then not picture
[28-2-2005 21:12] <GerardM> So make use of the pictures .. It would be nice if we could have slideshows in mediawiki ..
[28-2-2005 21:12] <KNET_Jeroen> If it's possible than it's nice way to get them pictures sent in, but e-mail will propbably do just fine
[28-2-2005 21:12] <waerth> but from what I have seen sofar I do not get excited
[28-2-2005 21:12] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> waerth is Thailand, they probably have phones there which make a THX lucasarts movie with all the latest high tech :)
[28-2-2005 21:13] <oscar-> :-)
[28-2-2005 21:13] <Anthere> by the way elly, how is your daughter ?
[28-2-2005 21:13] <waerth> yes we are very close with Japan
[28-2-2005 21:13] <waerth> we get the latest gadgets instantly
[28-2-2005 21:13] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> oscar: can I have a minute for a demo?
[28-2-2005 21:13] <ellywa> O hi Anthere, yes she is okay, thanks! 
[28-2-2005 21:13] <waerth> in
[28-2-2005 21:13] <ellywa> she liked your sweets
[28-2-2005 21:13] <oscar-> janbart:yes
[28-2-2005 21:13] <Anthere> :-)
[28-2-2005 21:13] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> What we would like to do is provide our users with a familiar layout. The Kennisnet layout is not exciting, but very simple and straightforward... so we would like to integrate wiki in that. An example could be:
[28-2-2005 21:13] <KNET_JanBartdeVr>
[28-2-2005 21:14] <oscar-> fuzzy picture?
[28-2-2005 21:14] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> any clicks FROM there would obviously go to WIKI. But apart from WIKI education, logo and other stuff we would like to push people towards wiki
[28-2-2005 21:14] <oscar-> ok
[28-2-2005 21:14] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> so this would be a way of doing that... remember this is just a demo, we would love to work this out further with you...
[28-2-2005 21:14] <waerth> ok
[28-2-2005 21:15] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> that is one of the issues which is important: is there any way we can have someone come over and help us structure all this?
[28-2-2005 21:15] <waerth> well I could help and surely others could as well
[28-2-2005 21:15] <ellywa> I think it looks okay
[28-2-2005 21:15] <oscar-> i can
[28-2-2005 21:15] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Waerth: I am not paying for your ticket ;)
[28-2-2005 21:15] <waerth> I can help online
[28-2-2005 21:15] <waerth> no problem
[28-2-2005 21:15] <oscar-> good idea
[28-2-2005 21:15] <waerth> I think
[28-2-2005 21:15] <KNET_Jeroen> What this examples views, that it could be a column that provides the latest Wiki entries
[28-2-2005 21:15] <GerardM> clicks are not really important for us. 
[28-2-2005 21:16] <oscar-> not true
[28-2-2005 21:16] <ellywa> no, what we need is good more content
[28-2-2005 21:16] <GerardM> We do not advertise so we do not get paid for them
[28-2-2005 21:16] <oscar-> also
[28-2-2005 21:16] <KNET_Jeroen> But it's just one view, we are now looking into it...
[28-2-2005 21:16] <oscar-> clicks lead to edits
[28-2-2005 21:16] <ellywa> but we like when our info is used
[28-2-2005 21:16] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> I realise that clicks are not all that important, but its also important for people to get used to the wiki layout and workings, so we cant pamper them with our interface for too long...
[28-2-2005 21:16] <waerth> yes janbart I agree there
[28-2-2005 21:16] <GerardM> THAT is important :)
[28-2-2005 21:17] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> If you're gonna wiki, do it wikistyle I guess ;)
[28-2-2005 21:17] <waerth> yes
[28-2-2005 21:17] <oscar-> :-)
[28-2-2005 21:17] * KNET_JanBartdeVr is really getting in to this wiki-lingo
[28-2-2005 21:17] <waerth> i:)
[28-2-2005 21:17] * oscar- smiles at janbart
[28-2-2005 21:18] <pjetter> I try to follow the discussion (it is difficult though). Basically we are talking about a portal for Beatrix 25 on wikipedia and on wikinews news covering the festivities aroud the celebration. Is that right?
[28-2-2005 21:18] <waerth> yes Pjetter
[28-2-2005 21:18] -->| java_gast ( has joined #nl.wikipedia
[28-2-2005 21:18] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> so all the issues we seem to be seeing operational problems, but no real fundamental issues... is that correct?
[28-2-2005 21:18] <Anthere> it seems
[28-2-2005 21:18] <waerth> no fundamental problems no
[28-2-2005 21:18] <waerth> just how to best do it
[28-2-2005 21:19] * walterBE It is this year 175 years Belgium  ...
[28-2-2005 21:19] <oscar-> java gast, typ: /nick (naam) svp
[28-2-2005 21:19] <waerth> let me start the wikiproject now
[28-2-2005 21:19] <ellywa> Does Beatrix visit Belgium?
[28-2-2005 21:19] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> are we agreed that is the best way?
[28-2-2005 21:19] <KNET_Jeroen> Pjetter: yes, and how Wiki and Kennisnet can work together in all this
[28-2-2005 21:19] <ellywa> his handen jeuken
[28-2-2005 21:19] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> (Walterbe: I will see if we can start
[28-2-2005 21:19] <Michiel1972> we still can follow our own 'deletion' rules for articles about 25y Bea?
[28-2-2005 21:19] <GerardM> Belnet could cooperate with Kennisnet ..
[28-2-2005 21:20] <ellywa> if we are kind to the contributors (grin)
[28-2-2005 21:20] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> yep, be gentle: this is a load of newbies: if they make a mistake, help them out, and help us help them out
[28-2-2005 21:20] <ellywa> maybe a special sjabloon if content made by scholieren is not oke
[28-2-2005 21:20] <GerardM> We stay what we are and our rules will apply as usual.
[28-2-2005 21:20] <Michiel1972> ok..
[28-2-2005 21:20] <java_gast> ok
[28-2-2005 21:21] <ellywa> sometimes we are unkind, we are people you know
[28-2-2005 21:21] <ellywa> we all have our moods
[28-2-2005 21:21] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> :)
[28-2-2005 21:21] <pjetter> What about the wishes that KNet-to become moderators
[28-2-2005 21:21] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> not me, according to you all I am very structured :)
[28-2-2005 21:21] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> (and I dont think Annemiek and Jeroen will agree with you there)
[28-2-2005 21:21] <GerardM> It would be nice if the teachers know about the way we deal with vandalism and that we have some way of opening up a known school and vandal and have them deal with their own problem
[28-2-2005 21:21] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> :)
[28-2-2005 21:22] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> GerardM: That should be part of the WIKI education :)
[28-2-2005 21:22] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> I think the following would work> 
[28-2-2005 21:22] * daniel-fpc thinks schools should use wan addresses
[28-2-2005 21:22] <oscar-> pjetter: anyone becoming a civilised and experienced editor can become moderator
[28-2-2005 21:22] <GerardM> pjetter, if kennis netters are to be moderator, it has to be ok with the existing community.
[28-2-2005 21:22] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> we would like to invite someone over to come help out one or two days with setting up the site and integration (we would be willing to reimburse this person for his/her time) and then we launch a protoype
[28-2-2005 21:23] <oscar-> fine by me
[28-2-2005 21:23] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> which you can all "shoot at". Then we do a correction round and then try to launch somewhere end of march? 
[28-2-2005 21:23] <ellywa> I can help if it is on a friday
[28-2-2005 21:23] <GerardM> We may have them moderator for the duration of the project on a trial basis and when it works out make it more permanent.
[28-2-2005 21:23] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Seeing as there are 12 (yes 12) visits from te 30th of April onwards, we have many ways we can improve the quiality inbetween the different visits and hightlights)
[28-2-2005 21:23] <ellywa> I see no problem
[28-2-2005 21:23] <ellywa> to make them moderator
[28-2-2005 21:24] <GerardM> I have no job and am game for this.
[28-2-2005 21:24] <waerth> ok janbart / annemiek / jeroen and the rest:
[28-2-2005 21:24] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Make us moderator when we have earned it ;)
[28-2-2005 21:24] <oscar-> :-)
[28-2-2005 21:24] <ellywa> yep
[28-2-2005 21:24] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Waerth: you have NO patience :)
[28-2-2005 21:24] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> indeed!
[28-2-2005 21:24] <oscar-> lol
[28-2-2005 21:24] <java_gast> Shame,Knet can't take wiki over now Google has the first right...
[28-2-2005 21:24] <waerth> better to give you the right page now
[28-2-2005 21:24] <ellywa> most of us have no patience
[28-2-2005 21:25] <KNET_Jeroen> ;-) that's the way to go
[28-2-2005 21:25] <oscar-> java gast who are you?
[28-2-2005 21:25] <waerth> I am a wikijunkie
[28-2-2005 21:25] <GerardM> Nobody will take over our foundation.
[28-2-2005 21:25] <waerth> sometimes I move faster than my shadow
[28-2-2005 21:25] <java_gast> I'm kunstbus
[28-2-2005 21:25] <oscar-> ???
[28-2-2005 21:25] <GerardM> certainly not google their motto is : do no evil
[28-2-2005 21:25] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Dont worry, we have no intentions on taking it over, as you well know our intentions are purely honorable (with a touch of chaos)
[28-2-2005 21:25] <waerth> gebruiker:kunstbus ????
[28-2-2005 21:26] <ellywa> aha kunstbus!!
[28-2-2005 21:26] -->| kristofvt ( has joined #nl.wikipedia
[28-2-2005 21:26] <java_gast> :)
[28-2-2005 21:26] <ellywa> kan jij je spullen niet op wikipedia zetten
[28-2-2005 21:26] <java_gast> levert niets op :)
[28-2-2005 21:26] <ellywa> nee, maar je site is nu best wel een beetje moeilijk te lezen...
[28-2-2005 21:26] <oscar-> janbart: we know
[28-2-2005 21:27] <ellywa> tenminste de laatste tijd dat ik er was
[28-2-2005 21:27] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> btw: do you want to decide here who is going to help us out, or do we just approach you?
[28-2-2005 21:27] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> :)
[28-2-2005 21:27] <oscar-> whatever you like best
[28-2-2005 21:27] <waerth> well we can discuss things on wiki also here:
[28-2-2005 21:27] <GerardM> I am willing to help and have the time 
[28-2-2005 21:27] <oscar-> we can take turns, or you want 1 person?
[28-2-2005 21:27] <waerth> all the kennisnet people can come here
[28-2-2005 21:27] <waerth> or ask questions on wiki
[28-2-2005 21:28] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> And the last time I mentioned "re-imbursement" several people in the room explained that they are not re-imbursed for their time... hwo does that work?
[28-2-2005 21:28] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Wearth: now you are talking... 
[28-2-2005 21:28] <ellywa> Gerard, je moet solliciteren, hoewel dit aardig van je is!
[28-2-2005 21:28] <GerardM> we can do many things on line but some are done more quickly when you are face to face
[28-2-2005 21:28] <waerth> how do you mean
[28-2-2005 21:28] <oscar-> re-imbursement?
[28-2-2005 21:28] * daniel-fpc needs translation for re-imbursement
[28-2-2005 21:28] * oscar- too
[28-2-2005 21:28] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> vergoeding
[28-2-2005 21:28] <oscar-> :-$
[28-2-2005 21:28] <waerth> will that is never refused
[28-2-2005 21:28] <ellywa> dat is het beste voor de mensen die geen werk hebben
[28-2-2005 21:28] <waerth> most of us work freelance I guess
[28-2-2005 21:29] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> we would like to reimburse travel costs and something for your time... 
[28-2-2005 21:29] <waerth> I am cheap in Thailand
[28-2-2005 21:29] <oscar-> lol
[28-2-2005 21:29] <ellywa> I am expensive :-(
[28-2-2005 21:29] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Not as cheap as other Thai ;)
[28-2-2005 21:29] <oscar-> ellywa: lol
[28-2-2005 21:29] <waerth> janbart you will be surptised
[28-2-2005 21:29] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> ok, simple rule: no consultants ;)
[28-2-2005 21:29] <oscar-> i am priceless
[28-2-2005 21:29] <waerth> at comedyshows I charge the same as Thai
[28-2-2005 21:29] <ellywa> I am worth it
[28-2-2005 21:29] <oscar-> rofl
[28-2-2005 21:30] <oscar-> we know
[28-2-2005 21:30] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Waerth: ok I take it back, but then you have to come over and do comedy sometime
[28-2-2005 21:30] <GerardM> For me to do this is great, you never know how a cow catches a hare :)
[28-2-2005 21:30] <ellywa> blush
[28-2-2005 21:30] <waerth> I am from near Zoetermeer also
[28-2-2005 21:30] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> ellywa: CV?
[28-2-2005 21:30] <waerth> janbart do you understand Thai
[28-2-2005 21:30] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> I cant believe anyone is really FROM zoetermeer, but ok...
[28-2-2005 21:30] <waerth> as our group performs in Thai
[28-2-2005 21:30] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> (oops, sorry Annemiek)
[28-2-2005 21:31] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> What
[28-2-2005 21:31] <waerth> well I used to life in Benthuizen
[28-2-2005 21:31] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> Zoetermeer rocks!
[28-2-2005 21:31] <waerth> very near
[28-2-2005 21:31] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> nope: no Thai knowledge, but Gerardm is sure to have a wiktionary
[28-2-2005 21:31] <oscar-> janbart:
[28-2-2005 21:31] <waerth> Locomotion
[28-2-2005 21:31] <waerth> the Old Pall
[28-2-2005 21:31] <ellywa> thats my wiki cv
[28-2-2005 21:31] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> Amphion
[28-2-2005 21:31] <waerth> neeeeee
[28-2-2005 21:31] <waerth> geen Amphion!
[28-2-2005 21:31] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> ?? why not
[28-2-2005 21:31] <waerth> is voor kinderen
[28-2-2005 21:31] <waerth> althans in "mijn tijd"
[28-2-2005 21:31] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> ja, oke, vond het ook leuk toen ik een kind was
[28-2-2005 21:32] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> ok, this is getting really scary
[28-2-2005 21:32] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> toen was ik denk ik dat kind :-)
[28-2-2005 21:32] <waerth> hahahaha
[28-2-2005 21:32] <oscar-> lol
[28-2-2005 21:32] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Anthere: this is all about dutch places to go out in Zoetermeer (location of Kennisnet)
[28-2-2005 21:32] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> And there are a lot of them!
[28-2-2005 21:32] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> I can go on and on :-)
[28-2-2005 21:32] <KNET_Jeroen> haha
[28-2-2005 21:32] <ellywa> Zoetermeer, the most bruisende town of Netherlands
[28-2-2005 21:32] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> it certainly is!
[28-2-2005 21:33] <kristofvt> npov?
[28-2-2005 21:33] <KNET_Jeroen> N...O...T
[28-2-2005 21:33] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Lets organise this: if you are interested in helping us out with building the special, please email me at
[28-2-2005 21:33] <waerth> yeah Zoetermeer changed in the 6 years I hadn't been there
[28-2-2005 21:33] <ellywa> LOL
[28-2-2005 21:33] <oscar-> ok, back to the point :-)
[28-2-2005 21:33] <KNET_JanBartdeVr>
[28-2-2005 21:33] <GerardM> Ok back to the subject ..
[28-2-2005 21:33] <waerth> I noticed in november
[28-2-2005 21:33] <oscar-> janbart: good idea
[28-2-2005 21:33] <Anthere> k
[28-2-2005 21:33] <ellywa> goed voorzitter
[28-2-2005 21:33] <waerth> good idea Janbart mail is on the way
[28-2-2005 21:33] <oscar-> do you need technical assistance with installing a system too?
[28-2-2005 21:33] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> it's twice as big now, but we'll organise a Zoetermeer chat some other time :)
[28-2-2005 21:33] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> as far as I am concerned we we plan another meeting to discus protoype in 2 or 3 weeks and then...
[28-2-2005 21:33] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> we wont use a system...
[28-2-2005 21:33] <oscar-> ellywa: :-(
[28-2-2005 21:33] <oscar-> ;-)
[28-2-2005 21:34] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> we are using yours :)
[28-2-2005 21:34] <ellywa> ours is very simple to use
[28-2-2005 21:34] <oscar-> ok, all clear
[28-2-2005 21:34] <oscar-> but with finesses
[28-2-2005 21:34] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> BTW: if this topic is closed you are all welcome to ask more information on any other Kennisnet / WIKI issues
[28-2-2005 21:34] <oscar-> right
[28-2-2005 21:34] <oscar-> anyone?
[28-2-2005 21:35] <oscar-> walterbe?
[28-2-2005 21:35] <oscar-> fruggo?
[28-2-2005 21:35] <oscar-> daniel-fpc?
[28-2-2005 21:35] <walterBE> ja>
[28-2-2005 21:35] <walterBE> ?
[28-2-2005 21:35] <oscar-> any question?
[28-2-2005 21:35] <oscar-> KNET_JanBartdeVr	BTW: if this topic is closed you are all welcome to ask more information on any other Kennisnet / WIKI issues
[28-2-2005 21:36] <oscar-> ?
[28-2-2005 21:36] <oscar-> jepe?
[28-2-2005 21:36] <walterBE> Not realy
[28-2-2005 21:36] <ellywa> ik zat op jullie site even te kijken
[28-2-2005 21:36] <oscar-> michiel1972?
[28-2-2005 21:36] <ellywa> Jullie hebben bijv. excellente werkstukken
[28-2-2005 21:36] <oscar-> quistnix?
[28-2-2005 21:36] <ellywa> die zouden bijv. op wikipedia kunnen, als ze wat encyclopedisch zijn
[28-2-2005 21:37] <oscar-> advance?
[28-2-2005 21:37] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> (mag het naar NL?)
[28-2-2005 21:37] <waerth> vraagje over Davindi
[28-2-2005 21:37] <oscar-> ok
[28-2-2005 21:37] <waerth> voeren jullie pagina's daar manueel in
[28-2-2005 21:37] <advance> ja?
[28-2-2005 21:37] <waerth> dus alleen wat gecontroleerd is door leraren?
[28-2-2005 21:37] <waerth> Janbart?
[28-2-2005 21:37] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Waerth: is een webinterface voor, maar wordt inderdaad gedaan door leraren in de vakcommunities
[28-2-2005 21:37] <oscar-> advance: KNET_JanBartdeVr	BTW: if this topic is closed you are all welcome to ask more information on any other Kennisnet / WIKI issues
[28-2-2005 21:37] <waerth> ok
[28-2-2005 21:38] <waerth> en over het beeldmateriaalproject
[28-2-2005 21:38] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> ellywa: Kunnen we uitzoeken met de eigenaren van die werkstukken, volgens mij liggen de rechten bij ons, en kunnen we zo zo aan jullie geven
[28-2-2005 21:38] <waerth> is dit beeldmateriaal rechtenvrij (ouder dan 70 jaar)
[28-2-2005 21:38] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Nee
[28-2-2005 21:38] <pjetter> Een idee van hoeveel scholen met Kennisnet werken (%) in NL?
[28-2-2005 21:38] * daniel-fpc zit in twee kanalen tegelijk te typen en verbaast zich dat hij nog geen verwisseling gemaakt heeft...
[28-2-2005 21:38] <waerth> jammer :(
[28-2-2005 21:38] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Ik kan even uitzoeken welk beeldmateriaal van ons is (weinig) en welk niet...
[28-2-2005 21:39] <waerth> graag
[28-2-2005 21:39] <oscar-> goed idee
[28-2-2005 21:39] <waerth> beeldmateriaal is onze grote zwakte
[28-2-2005 21:39] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Alle scholen in NL werken met Kennisnet (echt waar), maar sommige heel beperkt (1 docent) en sommige volledige (hele school)
[28-2-2005 21:39] <waerth> ik zou graag videostukken maken over Bangkok
[28-2-2005 21:39] <waerth> maar geen camera :(
[28-2-2005 21:39] <ellywa> worden steeds goedkoper
[28-2-2005 21:39] <ellywa> geduld...
[28-2-2005 21:39] <daniel-fpc> nou, zo wienig foto's hebben we ook weer niet, hoor...
[28-2-2005 21:39] <waerth> ik zou het leuk vinden als mensen korte videos van hun woonplaatsen maken
[28-2-2005 21:40] <Quistnix> waarom meteen videos?
[28-2-2005 21:40] <Quistnix> Lijkt mij al leuk als we fotomateriaal zouden hebben
[28-2-2005 21:40] <waerth> hebben jullie mensen die rauwe videofilmpjes zouden kunnen editten janbart
[28-2-2005 21:40] <walterBE> Ik zou eerder zeggen dat het ontbreken van een stabiele, gecontrolleerde versie van een artikel onze grote zwakte is
[28-2-2005 21:40] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Ik kan even zo snel geen NIPO stuk erbij halen...
[28-2-2005 21:40] <Quistnix> precies, walterBE
[28-2-2005 21:40] <waerth> video's geven een leuke indruk
[28-2-2005 21:40] <daniel-fpc> videos is ondoenlijk op Wikipedia
[28-2-2005 21:40] <Michiel1972> vids kunnen we toch niet naar wik uploaden..
[28-2-2005 21:40] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> video's van woonplaatsen, leuk!
[28-2-2005 21:41] <waerth> en dat is 1 van de commentaren van de echte ency's
[28-2-2005 21:41] <pjetter> Al feedback van de scholen, hoeveel er mee doen met Project Bea25?
[28-2-2005 21:41] <waerth> dat wij dat niet aanbieden
[28-2-2005 21:41] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Aangezien jeroen het niet zelf zegt: ja, wij kunnen editen
[28-2-2005 21:41] <daniel-fpc> Het enige wat je kan is animated gif
[28-2-2005 21:41] <oscar-> michiel1972: kan wel hoor
[28-2-2005 21:41] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> geen feedback van scholen...
[28-2-2005 21:41] <waerth> prachtig
[28-2-2005 21:41] <daniel-fpc> ... zie [[ontstaan van een zonnestelsel/breedband]]
[28-2-2005 21:41] <daniel-fpc> 5 meg per stuk ...
[28-2-2005 21:41] <waerth> ik hoop binnenkort een videocamera te lenen en eens wat te filmen hier
[28-2-2005 21:41] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Je doet niet "per project" mee... want als we wachten op een school om mee te doen gebeurt er weinig (te druk)
[28-2-2005 21:41] <walterBE> video is voorlopig niet erg nuttig
[28-2-2005 21:41] <waerth> maar ik kan de film hier niet editten
[28-2-2005 21:41] <KNET_Jeroen> waerth, via DV kunnen wij filmpjes omzetten naar bijna elk ander formaat
[28-2-2005 21:41] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> het zijn individuele docenten die het onderdeel van hun les maken...
[28-2-2005 21:42] <walterBE> wikipedia is nual  traag
[28-2-2005 21:42] <oscar-> walterbe: niet mee eens
[28-2-2005 21:42] <oscar-> over het nut dan
[28-2-2005 21:42] <daniel-fpc> KNET_Jeroen: weet ik
[28-2-2005 21:42] <daniel-fpc> maar je kunt alleen animated gif in een artikel zetten.
[28-2-2005 21:42] <daniel-fpc> de rest moet je downloaden
[28-2-2005 21:42] <ellywa> wikipedia moet juist hebben wat een papieren encyclopedie niet kan hebben, dat is film en geluid
[28-2-2005 21:42] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> wij hebben een erg snel hosting platform en introduceren in maart videoportal, daar kan je filmpjes hosten denk ik...
[28-2-2005 21:42] <walterBE> en het feit dat dat video op wikipedia in Ogg moet zijn en geen kat dat kan afspelen is ook niet erg handig
[28-2-2005 21:42] <ellywa> (hoewel ze meer op cd komen ook natuurlijk)
[28-2-2005 21:42] <oscar->
[28-2-2005 21:42] <waerth> je kan een link zetten nar een videobestand
[28-2-2005 21:43] <Quistnix> ellywa: met de huidige bandbreedte heeft video geen prioriteit
[28-2-2005 21:43] <daniel-fpc> mpeg4 + ogg is prima afspeelbaar.
[28-2-2005 21:43] <KNET_Jeroen> dus JB, als ik het goed begrijp zouden wij filmpjes kunnen hosten en zou er vanuit Wiki gelinkt kunnen worden
[28-2-2005 21:43] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> (en overigens zijn we ook druk bezig om een voorstel uit te werken om de algemene snelheid van wiki in NL drastisch te verbeteren, zie rapport WalterBE in wiki)
[28-2-2005 21:43] <waerth> ja kan
[28-2-2005 21:43] <GerardM> When a lot of content is available in the ogg format, it will become less of a problem. I asked Mozilla the other day if they can create an ogg plugin.
[28-2-2005 21:43] <waerth> klopt
[28-2-2005 21:44] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> <GerardM>
[28-2-2005 21:44] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> <
[28-2-2005 21:44] <KNET_Jeroen> en dan hoeft dat dus niet per se in ogg
[28-2-2005 21:44] <daniel-fpc> Gerard, jij schrijft op Wikiwoordenboek dat Windows Mediaspeler geen ogg aankan.
[28-2-2005 21:44] <Quistnix> KNET_Jeroen: hosting van filmpjes is een goede
[28-2-2005 21:44] <walterBE> Ja; Kennisnet + belnet zou aanzienlijk moeten helpen om de wiki snel te krijgen
[28-2-2005 21:44] <daniel-fpc> Ik speel ze, als ik in Windows zit, met WMP af.
[28-2-2005 21:44] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Volgens mij kunnen wij inderdaad hosten, we zullen even moeten kijken hoe wij ogg aan moeten bieden
[28-2-2005 21:44] <GerardM> As far as I know Windows Mediaplayer does not do .ogg
[28-2-2005 21:45] <daniel-fpc> yep
[28-2-2005 21:45] <oscar-> walterbe: snelheid is een belangrijk issue
[28-2-2005 21:45] <KNET_Jeroen> standaard is WMV (windows media player), en daarnaast veel gebruikt Quiktime en Real Video
[28-2-2005 21:45] <daniel-fpc> it een 50k plugin voor nodig.
[28-2-2005 21:45] <daniel-fpc> zit in iedere codecpack.
[28-2-2005 21:45] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> wij werken nu een voorstel uit voor 6 caching servers in Nederland (ik weet nog niet waar Belnet mee bezig is, maar wordt bijgepraat later ;)
[28-2-2005 21:45] <waerth> hele belangrijke vraag
[28-2-2005 21:45] <waerth> we hebben nog wel eens onenigheid
[28-2-2005 21:45] <waerth> over de juiste Nederlandse 
[28-2-2005 21:45] <Quistnix> eerlijk? :P
[28-2-2005 21:45] <waerth> naam voor een plaats
[28-2-2005 21:45] <daniel-fpc> ff zoeken, waar je 'm los kan downloaden...
[28-2-2005 21:45] <GerardM> English please ..
[28-2-2005 21:46] <waerth> en niet alles kunnen weuit 
[28-2-2005 21:46] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Er wordt nu gekeken of dit juridisch mogelijk is (caching)
[28-2-2005 21:46] =-= CE-koffie is now known as ChrisE
[28-2-2005 21:46] <daniel-fpc> Ogg-plugin:
[28-2-2005 21:46] <waerth> de taaluniesite halen
[28-2-2005 21:46] <waerth> zijn er bij jullie mensen
[28-2-2005 21:46] <waerth> die lijsten hebben of iets dergelijks
[28-2-2005 21:46] <waerth> voor juiste naamgeveingen
[28-2-2005 21:47] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> wij hebben alleen standaard werken : groene boekje e.d.
[28-2-2005 21:47] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> en wij zijn natuurlijk echt Nederlands (sorry walterbe) dus komen dit probleem niet tegen. Veel vlamingen gebruiken Kennisnet maar daar blijft het bij
[28-2-2005 21:47] <Quistnix> misschien kunnen de medewerkers van kennisnet de artikelen waar nodig verplaatsen
[28-2-2005 21:47] <Quistnix> en redirects maken naar goede naam
[28-2-2005 21:47] <java_gast> Bij Knet hebben ze alleen een heleboel geld waar ze maar geen nuttige besteding voor kunnen vinden :)
[28-2-2005 21:48] <GerardM> Hey guys/girls please do ENGLISH because otherwise Anthere does not stand a chance.
[28-2-2005 21:48] <daniel-fpc> we zijn op nl.wikipedia
[28-2-2005 21:48] <oscar-> java gast: behave please
[28-2-2005 21:48] <java_gast> sorry
[28-2-2005 21:48] <oscar-> ok
[28-2-2005 21:48] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Bij Kennisnet hebben we niet eens zoveel geld, en we willen het zo goed mogelijk besteden, en jullie zijn daar een goed voorbeeld van :) (no offense taken)
[28-2-2005 21:48] <oscar-> *g*
[28-2-2005 21:48] <GerardM> daniel-fpc we are and we can be courteous.
[28-2-2005 21:49] <oscar-> nog even 1 puntje terug
[28-2-2005 21:49] <oscar-> KNET_JanBartdeVr	wij werken nu een voorstel uit voor 6 caching servers in Nederland (ik weet nog niet waar Belnet mee bezig is, maar wordt bijgepraat later ;)
[28-2-2005 21:49] <walterBE> non, parlez francais
[28-2-2005 21:49] <oscar-> serious please
[28-2-2005 21:49] <walterBE> :-)
[28-2-2005 21:49] <oscar-> 6 servers: squids?
[28-2-2005 21:49] <GerardM> I will speak to Jan Bart later ..
[28-2-2005 21:49] <oscar-> meaning?
[28-2-2005 21:50] <GerardM> things that have nothing to do with Wikipedia.
[28-2-2005 21:50] <oscar-> ok
[28-2-2005 21:50] <oscar-> 6 suids?
[28-2-2005 21:50] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> ok, sorry... It is not a content issue, but more a technical issue
[28-2-2005 21:50] <walterBE> Like the setup is now. But in the future it is possibel the also apache and maybe the database can be moved
[28-2-2005 21:50] <oscar-> i c
[28-2-2005 21:50] <waerth> Anthere doesn't mind us talking Dutch
[28-2-2005 21:50] <waerth> I just checked
[28-2-2005 21:51] <KNET_Jeroen> waerth, nog even terug naar het Nederlands, de basisbronnen die wij hanteren staan in de redactiewijzer op: pagina 24/25
[28-2-2005 21:51] <oscar-> btw gaat jeroenvrp de technische zaken regelen daaromtrent?
[28-2-2005 21:52] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> geen flauw idee... ik zal even uitleggen waar we nu staan
[28-2-2005 21:52] <waerth> ik wacht nog even jeroen met openen
[28-2-2005 21:52] <waerth> mijn browser crashed caak met pdf's :(
[28-2-2005 21:52] * oscar- moet wel zo naar een afspraak :-(
[28-2-2005 21:52] <waerth> maar bedankt ik zal even kijken
[28-2-2005 21:52] <KNET_Jeroen> yeps same here, maar ja toch is pdf wel mooi
[28-2-2005 21:53] <oscar-> ik heb tot uiterlijk 22 uur de tijd :-(
[28-2-2005 21:53] <KNET_Jeroen> je moet adobe alleen even z'n gang laten gaan
[28-2-2005 21:53] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> na overleg met jwales op zaterdag hebben wij afgesproken dat we een voorstel uitwerken waarin Kennisnet een 6tal servers neer zal zetten in Nederland die het verkeer voor nederland zullen cachen
[28-2-2005 21:53] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> (buurlanden zullen hier ook van profiteren)
[28-2-2005 21:53] <oscar-> wow
[28-2-2005 21:53] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> het is vergelijkbaar
[28-2-2005 21:53] <waerth> jullie cashen coor alle wikipedia's
[28-2-2005 21:53] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> met de situatie in frankrijk, behalve dat er daar maar 3 servers staan, en de kwaliteit hiervan niet zo hoog is...)
[28-2-2005 21:53] <waerth> of alleen de NL talige?
[28-2-2005 21:53] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> hele wiki
[28-2-2005 21:53] <waerth> cool
[28-2-2005 21:54] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> MAAR: 
[28-2-2005 21:54] <waerth> kunnen jullie ook helpen bij de promotie van de friestalige wikipedia 
[28-2-2005 21:54] <oscar-> MAAR?
[28-2-2005 21:54] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> we moeten dit juridisch nog controleren... belangrijk is dat we onze publieke geld objectief gebruiken
[28-2-2005 21:54] <oscar-> begrijp ik
[28-2-2005 21:54] <oscar-> npov-euri
[28-2-2005 21:55] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> dus ik kan geen toezeggingen doen. Het idee is dat wij die 6 servers voorzien van connectiviteit en dat jullie ze zelf inrichten/beheren
[28-2-2005 21:55] <ellywa> ik denk juist goed voor de friese scholen
[28-2-2005 21:55] <ellywa> zijn vast ook brave kids
[28-2-2005 21:55] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> (terzijde: ja hoor, we kunnen ook fryske promoten)
[28-2-2005 21:55] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> (spelling?)
[28-2-2005 21:55] <walterBE> de traffiek van de Friese is verwaarloosbaar
[28-2-2005 21:55] <waerth> dat zou wel mooi zijn
[28-2-2005 21:55] <ellywa> ja maar dat is best triest
[28-2-2005 21:55] <walterBE> dat zal geen verschil maken
[28-2-2005 21:55] <ellywa> neuh
[28-2-2005 21:55] <walterBE> om het erbij te nemen
[28-2-2005 21:56] <waerth> ja maar de friese wikipedia heeft ook zieltjes nodig :)
[28-2-2005 21:56] <oscar-> janbart: zelf inrichten/beheren = praktisch en/of juridisch?
[28-2-2005 21:56] <waerth> net als Nederduits
[28-2-2005 21:56] <ellywa> dat bedoelde ik, dat kennisnet de friese scholen misschien erbij kan trekken
[28-2-2005 21:56] <waerth> en Limburgs
[28-2-2005 21:56] <ellywa> speciaal de friese scholen
[28-2-2005 21:56] <ellywa> ja ook limburgs, en platduuts, weet ik het
[28-2-2005 21:56] <ellywa> de minderheidstalen
[28-2-2005 21:56] <daniel-fpc> waarschijnlijk is nl: niet eens een zware Wikipedia.
[28-2-2005 21:56] <GerardM> We can have the Beatrix project do things in Fries :)
[28-2-2005 21:56] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> oscar: zelf inrichten: praktisch... mbt juridisch hebben we zaterdag ook een en ander toegezegd
[28-2-2005 21:56] <daniel-fpc> Als ik die mag geloven 2%
[28-2-2005 21:57] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Beatrix komt ook langs in die provincie
[28-2-2005 21:57] <oscar-> :-)
[28-2-2005 21:57] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> daniel: we cachen ALLE wiki's
[28-2-2005 21:57] <daniel-fpc> Deel het aantal Wikimediaservers door 50 en je komt op 1 server voor Wikipedia-nl uit...
[28-2-2005 21:57] <ellywa> tuurlijk fryslân, denk erom
[28-2-2005 21:57] <daniel-fpc> snap ik.
[28-2-2005 21:57] <waerth> arggghhhhh Friesland
[28-2-2005 21:57] <ellywa> geintje
[28-2-2005 21:57] <walterBE> maar Alexia is per definitief onbetrouwbaar, maar iets anders is er niet, zover ik weet
[28-2-2005 21:57] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> En door middel van geografische DNS zullen NL gebruikers automatisch bij ons uitkomen...
[28-2-2005 21:58] <waerth> ja
[28-2-2005 21:58] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> kortom: een erg leuk idee, en het zou zomaar kunnen werken als we alle details hebben uitgewerkt... later meer
[28-2-2005 21:58] <oscar-> te etchnisch voor mij :-(
[28-2-2005 21:58] <walterBE> mooie oplossing
[28-2-2005 21:58] <waerth> ik moet eens wat in Thailand vinden
[28-2-2005 21:58] <walterBE> En ik kom er dan ook uit :-)
[28-2-2005 21:58] <waerth> om de boel hier wat sneller te krijgen
[28-2-2005 21:58] <walterBE> heeft een NL ipadres
[28-2-2005 21:58] <oscar-> kunnen we het zo afronden, of willen jullie nog door?
[28-2-2005 21:59] <ellywa> nee is goed
[28-2-2005 21:59] <ellywa> afronden
[28-2-2005 21:59] <java_gast> Ik begrijp de discussie niet...
[28-2-2005 21:59] <oscar-> voor vanavond dan?
[28-2-2005 21:59] <GerardM> ok
[28-2-2005 21:59] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> ik blijf nog wel even voor vragen etc...
[28-2-2005 21:59] <java_gast> ik dacht dat jullie naar de googleservers overgingen
[28-2-2005 21:59] <Anthere> GerardM: Hey guys/girls please do ENGLISH because otherwise Anthere does not stand a chance.
[28-2-2005 21:59] <Anthere> nono GerardM
[28-2-2005 21:59] <Anthere> I think some of you are more confortable in dutch
[28-2-2005 21:59] <Anthere> it is important that you are confortable
[28-2-2005 21:59] <Anthere> this is your project :-)
[28-2-2005 21:59] <oscar-> thx :-)
[28-2-2005 21:59] <walterBE> Java_gast: wikipedia krijgt hulp van diverse groepen
[28-2-2005 22:00] <ellywa> there is nothing sensitive discussed
[28-2-2005 22:00] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Anthere: thanks, we talked about the most important stuff in Englisch
[28-2-2005 22:00] <GerardM> we are comfortable anyway.
[28-2-2005 22:00] <Anthere> thanks a lot
[28-2-2005 22:00] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> Anthere: Next time there is a chance we will meet and I will fill you in :)
[28-2-2005 22:00] <walterBE> Java_gast: google + kennisnet + belnet + ?? en zal die allemaal nodig hebben
[28-2-2005 22:00] <Anthere> :-)
[28-2-2005 22:00] <Anthere> mostly, I will read what happen
[28-2-2005 22:00] <Anthere> and gerardM and waerth will update me
[28-2-2005 22:00] <waerth> huh
[28-2-2005 22:01] <Anthere> nl is terribly active
[28-2-2005 22:01] <GerardM> rest assured you will be :)
[28-2-2005 22:01] <waerth> I will mon amour ;)
[28-2-2005 22:01] <Anthere> jeeeeee
[28-2-2005 22:01] <GerardM> and we can be terrible :)
[28-2-2005 22:01] <ellywa> whatch these guys anthere
[28-2-2005 22:01] * daniel-fpc has the idea of an activity explosion the last motnhs
[28-2-2005 22:01] <Anthere> yup
[28-2-2005 22:01] <waerth> jealous Elly
[28-2-2005 22:01] <daniel-fpc> too bad the stats are down...
[28-2-2005 22:01] <ellywa> no no not at all Waerth
[28-2-2005 22:01] <Anthere> they will be up soon hopefully
[28-2-2005 22:01] <walterBE>
[28-2-2005 22:01] <Anthere> I *hope*
[28-2-2005 22:02] <ellywa> I get my share
[28-2-2005 22:02] * waerth kisses elly
[28-2-2005 22:02] * Anthere kisses elly
[28-2-2005 22:02] <walterBE> The nedstats stats are up
[28-2-2005 22:02] <oscar-> waerth: so that is what is meant with terrible activity 
[28-2-2005 22:02] <oscar-> so shall we wrap it up, or?
[28-2-2005 22:02] <ellywa> we have also many more articles lately
[28-2-2005 22:02] * waerth girlfriend hits waerth with a herring
[28-2-2005 22:02] * KNET_AnnemiekNed is looking forward to working on the Beatrix special!
[28-2-2005 22:02] |<-- Fruggo has left freenode ("Chatzilla 0.9.67 [Firefox 1.0/20041107]")
[28-2-2005 22:02] * KNET_JanBartdeVr wonders if everyone can stop kissing until the lights go out
[28-2-2005 22:02] <waerth> ja annemieke
[28-2-2005 22:03] <ellywa> yes oscar, you are releived from being our manager tonight
[28-2-2005 22:03] <waerth> en voel je vrij hier langs te komen
[28-2-2005 22:03] <waerth> met vragen
[28-2-2005 22:03] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> oke!
[28-2-2005 22:03] <waerth> mijn email is
[28-2-2005 22:03] <waerth> voor degenen die het nog niet hebben
[28-2-2005 22:03] <oscar-> ;ok, volgende week zelfde kanaal, zelfde tijd?
[28-2-2005 22:03] <GerardM> :)
[28-2-2005 22:03] * KNET_JanBartdeVr verteld annemieke dat ze zelf het ticket moet betalen naar Thailand
[28-2-2005 22:03] <Anthere> mijn ist :-)
[28-2-2005 22:03] <waerth> als ik online ben zit ik 99% van de tijd ook hier
[28-2-2005 22:04] <Anthere> ist might be german though....
[28-2-2005 22:04] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> laten we het over 2 weken doen, hebben we iets meer tijd... 
[28-2-2005 22:04] <ellywa> volgende week heb ik weer schilderles, maar dat geeft niks
[28-2-2005 22:04] <waerth> ok
[28-2-2005 22:04] <ellywa> deze week vakantie :-(
[28-2-2005 22:04] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> VOor hoeveel mensen hier is 16:00 een slechte tijd?
[28-2-2005 22:04] <ellywa> ik ga nog wat met mijn robotje spelen
[28-2-2005 22:04] <waerth> in de tussentijd is de pagina:
[28-2-2005 22:04] <KNET_AnnemiekNed> :-)
[28-2-2005 22:04] <waerth> open
[28-2-2005 22:04] <oscar-> maandag 16 = ok
[28-2-2005 22:04] <KNET_Jeroen> vakantie mooie tijd om special Beatrix uit te werken ;-)
[28-2-2005 22:04] <walterBE> Vooor mensen die moeten werken is dat een slechte tijd
[28-2-2005 22:04] <oscar-> ok
[28-2-2005 22:04] <oscar-> dan 's avonds
[28-2-2005 22:05] <ellywa> nee, alleen 1 avondje vakantie...
[28-2-2005 22:05] <waerth> werken ????
[28-2-2005 22:05] <java_gast> Bedankt voor dit kijkje achter de schermen :) Veel succes verder nog
[28-2-2005 22:05] <walterBE> e-mail op het werk dat gaat nog, mIRC is al iets anders
[28-2-2005 22:05] <ellywa> ja WAERTH, waar moet ik anders die worst van betalen?
[28-2-2005 22:05] <waerth> wikipedia is werk ...... toch ?
[28-2-2005 22:05] <oscar-> doeg java gast :-)
[28-2-2005 22:05] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> java_gast not a problem
[28-2-2005 22:05] |<-- java_gast has left freenode ()
[28-2-2005 22:05] <waerth> cup a soup mag ook hoor Elly
[28-2-2005 22:06] <oscar-> een andere avond dan maandag misschien?
[28-2-2005 22:06] <waerth> is makkelijker in een enveloppe
[28-2-2005 22:06] <ellywa> nee, trek je niets van mij aan joh
[28-2-2005 22:06] <oscar-> vanwege elly's schilderles?
[28-2-2005 22:06] <ellywa> nee joh,
[28-2-2005 22:06] <ellywa> ik ben zo vaak weg en onvoorspelbaar
[28-2-2005 22:06] <oscar-> zekers?
[28-2-2005 22:06] <waerth> we hebben jou er ook graag bij elly
[28-2-2005 22:06] <ellywa> ga gerust zonder mij
[28-2-2005 22:06] <oscar-> idd
[28-2-2005 22:06] <waerth> net als engels eigenlijk
[28-2-2005 22:06] <ellywa> ja, klopt
[28-2-2005 22:06] <waerth> weet iemand waar die is ??
[28-2-2005 22:06] <ellywa> lang niet gezien eigenlijk
[28-2-2005 22:07] <waerth> ik heb hem de hele dag niet gezien
[28-2-2005 22:07] <walterBE> Straks in de krant: "Kennisnet gaat wikipedia helpen"
[28-2-2005 22:07] <ellywa> zou mooi zijn
[28-2-2005 22:07] <walterBE> Ik ga het ze niet zeggen
[28-2-2005 22:07] <oscar-> zou het ook op dinsdagavond kunnen janbart?
[28-2-2005 22:07] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> grin, mensen ik ben nog even online, maar ga zo slapen (heb morgen weer een lange dag)
[28-2-2005 22:07] <waerth> oh jee mijn konijn ontsnapt
[28-2-2005 22:07] <walterBE> maar je moet je er aan verwachten
[28-2-2005 22:07] * KNET_AnnemiekNed gaat ook zo slapen
[28-2-2005 22:07] <oscar-> janbart: dinsdagavond?
[28-2-2005 22:07] <oscar-> 20:30?
[28-2-2005 22:07] * KNET_AnnemiekNed bedankt iedereen en tot ziens!
[28-2-2005 22:07] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> maar dan toch over twee weken
[28-2-2005 22:07] <oscar-> bezwaren?
[28-2-2005 22:08] <ellywa> doeg annemiekNed
[28-2-2005 22:08] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> dus 15 maart
[28-2-2005 22:08] <oscar-> over 2 weken= ok!
[28-2-2005 22:08] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> dan hebben we ook een prototype etc.
[28-2-2005 22:08] <KNET_Jeroen> yes me slapie too, bedankt voor deze sessie
[28-2-2005 22:08] <oscar-> *geweldig*
[28-2-2005 22:08] <oscar-> prototype!
[28-2-2005 22:08] |<-- KNET_Jeroen has left freenode ()
[28-2-2005 22:08] <ellywa> doeg KNET Jeroen
[28-2-2005 22:08] <oscar-> trusten allen, en dank voor deze chat! :-)
[28-2-2005 22:08] |<-- KNET_AnnemiekNed has left freenode ()
[28-2-2005 22:09] <ellywa> rrrrrusten oscar
[28-2-2005 22:09] <oscar-> truste elly!
[28-2-2005 22:09] |<-- oscar- has left freenode ("Chatzilla 0.9.66 [Mozilla rv:1.7.5/20041107]")
[28-2-2005 22:09] <waerth> slaapkoppen :)
[28-2-2005 22:09] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> ik ga ook ophouden, maar als jullie nog ideeen of andere contributies hebben, zie ik het wel in mijn mail :) Ik zal ook zsm een eigen pagina inrichten op wiki (met mijn CV ellywa)
[28-2-2005 22:09] <ellywa> ja, tis pas 10 uur
[28-2-2005 22:09] <waerth> het is hier 4 uur in de ochtend
[28-2-2005 22:10] <ellywa> dan moet jij nog even pitten
[28-2-2005 22:10] <ellywa> slaap jij ooit?
[28-2-2005 22:10] <waerth> ja
[28-2-2005 22:10] <waerth> wel eens
[28-2-2005 22:10] <ellywa> trusten JanBartdVr
[28-2-2005 22:10] <waerth> trusten iedereen
[28-2-2005 22:10] <KNET_JanBartdeVr> groeten
[28-2-2005 22:10] <waerth> ik ga eens kijken of ik wat inspiratie heb
[28-2-2005 22:10] * daniel-fpc denkt dat waerth de Nederlandse tijdszone aanhoudt...
[28-2-2005 22:10] |<-- KNET_JanBartdeVr has left freenode ()