Kunstformen der Natur: verschil tussen versies

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Regel 2:
[[Afbeelding:Haeckel Discomedusae 8.jpg|thumb|De 8ste editie, [[Discomedusae]]. De twee centrale figuren zijn ''Desmonema annasethe''; de tentakels herrinerden Haeckel aan het lange golvende haar van zijn vrouw.]]
'''''Kunstformen der Natur''''' ([[Germanduitse languagetaal|GermanDuits]]: ''Artkunstvormen Formsder of NatureNatuur'') is aeen boek bookmet of [[lithographylithografie|lithographiclithografische]] anden [[autotypeautotypische]] printsprenten byvan de [[GermanyDuitsland|GermanDuitse]] biologistbioloog [[Ernst Haeckel]]. De Originallyset publishedbestaat inuit sets100 ofprenten tenvan betweenverschillende 1899organismen, andwaarvan 1904velen anddoor asHaeckel azelf completevoor volumehet ineerst 1904,beschreven. itDe consistsoorspronlijk ofgepublicatie 100was printsin ofsetten variousvan organisms,tien manytussen of1899 whichen were1904 firsten describedals bycompleet Haeckelvolume himself.in 1904. Over the course of his career, over 1000 [[engraving]]s were produced based on Haeckel's [[sketch (drawing)|sketch]]es and [[watercolor]]s; many of the best of these were chosen for ''Kunstformen der Natur'', translated from sketch to print by lithographer Adolf Giltsch.<ref>Breidbach, ''Visions of Nature'', pp 253</ref>
According to Haeckel scholar Olaf Breidbach (the editor of modern editions of ''Kunstformen''), the work was "not just a book of illustrations but also the summation of his view of the world." The over-riding themes of the ''Kunstformen'' plates are symmetry and organization. The subjects were selected to embody organization, from the scale patterns of [[boxfish]]es to the spirals of [[ammonite]]s to the perfect symmetries of jellies and microorganisms, while images composing each plate are arranged for maximum visual impact.<ref>Breidbach, ''Visions of Nature'', pp 229-231</ref>
Regel 12:
A second edition of ''Kunstformen'', containing only 30 of the prints, was produced in 1924.
== Gallerij van printenprenten ==
Haeckels originele classificaties zijn te zien in ''italics''.