Försvarets radioanstalt: verschil tussen versies

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Regel 34:
Het onderscheppen van radiosignalen worden gedaan vanaf zwaarbeveiligde computers gelocaliseerd in een onderkomen op Zweedse territoria, vanuit het SIGINT schip HMS Orion (gerund door de Zweedse Marine) en vanuit 2 [[Gulfstream]] IV aircraft vliegtuigen (gerund door de Zweedse Luchtmacht).
FRA opereert met opdrachten vanuit verschillende authoriteiten, in casu; Het [[Zweeds Parlement]], de [[Zweedse Luchtmacht]], de [[Zweedse Staatspolitie]], De Zweedse inspectie van strategische goederen, de Zweedse raad van douane, het Zweedse Defensie Materieel administratie, het Zweedse defensie-onderzoek bureau en de Zweedse Raad van crisismanagement.
FRA operates by assignments from several authorities, i.e. the [[Swedish Government]], the [[Swedish Armed Forces]], the [[Swedish National Police Board]], the Swedish Inspectorate of Strategic Products, the Swedish Board of Customs, the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration, the [[Swedish Defence Research Agency]] and the Swedish Emergency Management Agency.
Toezicht wordt verzorgd door de Defensie Inlichtingendienst Commissie.
Oversight is provided by the Defence Intelligence Commission.
Het hoofdkwartier is gevestigd op het eiland [[Lovö]] in [[Stockholm Lan]]. FRA werd een budget toegewezen van 562 miljoen [[Zweedse kroon|SEK]] in 2008 en telt ongeveer 650 medewerkers.
The main headquarters are located on the island of [[Lovön]] in [[Stockholm County]]. FRA was assigned a budget of 562 million [[Swedish krona|SEK]] in 2008 and has around 650 employees.
Radiosignaalonderschepping bestaat in Zweden al sinds 1905 toen de Zweedse Generale Staf en Marine Personeel respectievelijk, bureaus hadden voor diensten voor signaalonderschepping, radiointelligentie en [[encryptie]]. Deze afdelingen zijn er in geslaagd om bijvoorbeeld de Russische Oostzee Vloot te kraken. Na de [[Eerste Wereldoorlog]] werd deze mogelijkheid meestal niet langer als optie gezien door politici, men zag de waarde er niet meer van en subsidies staakten. De [[Zweedse marine]] heeft het project nog voortgezet in een kleinere omvang en de competentie verder ontwikkeld. Een van de eerste grote successen werd behaald in 1933 toen het cijfer van de Russische [[OGPU]] (voorloper van [[KGB]]) was opgelost.
Signals Intelligence has existed in Sweden since 1905 when Swedish [[General Staff]] and Naval Staff respectively, had departments for signals intelligence and [[cryptanalysis]]. These departments succeeded, for instance, to decode the Russian Baltic Sea Fleet [[cipher]]. After [[World War I]] this ability mostly ceased as politicians did not see its value and did not grant funding. The [[Swedish Navy]] still continued in a smaller scale and developed the competence further. One of the first major successes was in 1933 when the cipher of the Russian [[OGPU]] (predecessor to [[KGB]]) was solved.
In 1937 the Swedish Defence Staff was established and the Crypto Department, with its Crypto Detail IV was responsible for cryptanalysis. In 1940, when Germany occupied Denmark and Norway, the German [[Wehrmacht]] requested to use Swedish [[telephone network]] for its communication. This was accepted and Crypto Detail IV immediately started to intercept. The traffic was almost always encrypted by the German state of the art crypto machine [[Geheimfernschreiber]]. This device was believed to produce non-decipherable messages, with its 893 622 318 929 520 960 different crypto key settings. After two weeks of single hand work, the Swedish professor of mathematics [[Arne Beurling]] decoded the cypher of the G-schreiber with only use of pencil and paper.[2] This achievement was described by [[David Kahn]], in his book The Codebreakers; “Quite possibly the finest feat of cryptanalysis performed during the Second World war was Arne Beurling's solution of the secret of the G-schreiber.” During [[World War II]], some 296 000 German messages was intercepted and possibly as a result of this, the Swedish Government took the decision in 1942 to establish Försvarets Radioanstalt.
Regel 123:
{{Signals agency}}
[[Category:Swedish government agencies|Defence Radio Establishment]]
[[Category:Organizations in cryptography]]
[[Category:Signals intelligence agencies]]
[[Category:Military intelligence agencies]]
[[Category:Military of Sweden]]
[[Category:Swedish intelligence agencies]]
[[Category:1942 establishments]]
[[en:Swedish National Defence Radio Establishment]]