Defensiemedaille: verschil tussen versies

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Robert Prummel (overleg | bijdragen)
Geen bewerkingssamenvatting
Robert Prummel (overleg | bijdragen)
Geen bewerkingssamenvatting
Regel 3:
Men kan daarbij denken aan de politie, de brandweer, vrijwilligers bij de landwacht, koeriers, de kustwacht en de zeeloodsen. Naar overzee uitgezonden vrijwilligers in de [[Orde van Sint-Jan]] , fysiotherapeuten, artsen en Rode Kruis medewerkers, de katholieke vrouwenbond, geestelijken, geleerden, het Leger des Heils, burgerpersoneel van de strijdkrachten, vrouwelijk personeel van de strijdkrachten, schooljuffrouwen op Malta, tolken, technisch personeel en diplomatieke koeriers van het Ministerie van Oorlog konden deze medaille aanvragen of voorgddragen worden.
Ook de beheerders van schuilkelders, ambulancepersoneel, de ziekendragers in Londen, decontaminatiemedewerkers, medewerkers van de BB (Civil Defence), verpleegsters in schuilkelders, distributiepersoneel, kantinepersoneel en medewerkers in mortuaria in die gebieden waar bombardementen dreigden.
Verder kwamen ook enternainers, vroedvrouwen, brandweerlieden (waaronder de aanhangers van het [[Genootschap van Vrienden]], de "[[Quackers]]" die om gewetensgronden niet in het leger vochten, de reservepolitie, de dokpolitie, de spoorwegpolitie, de vrijwilligers op Amerikaanse ambulances, vuurtorenwachters, rivierpatroulles, broeders in "Casualty Evacuation Trains Emergency Medical Service" en vrijwillige stretcherdragers in aanmerking.
De ronde medaille is van een koper-nikkel legering en 36 millimeter breed.
Regel 10 ⟶ 13:
8. Civil Defence Warden service including Shelter Warden
9. Civil Defence Rescue Service, including former First Aid Party Services, or in London, Stretcher Party Services
10. Civil Defence Decontamination Service
11. Civil Defence Report and Control Service
12. Civil Defence Messenger Service.
13. Civil Defence Ambulance Service including sitting Case Cars.
14. Civil Defence First Aid Service, including First Aid Posts and Points. Public Cleaning Centres. Mobile Cleaning Units and the Nursing Service for public air-raid shelters.
15. Civil Defence Gas Identification Service.
16. Rest Centre Service.
17. Emergency Food Services including Queen’s Messenger Convoy Services
18. Canteen Services.
19. Administration and Information Centre Services not Ministry of Information Services
20. Mortuary Services
21. Fire guards
* who performed duties under a local authority in any areas where the establishment of a fire guard organisation was compulsory or was approved by the Regional Commissioner in Northern Ireland, the Ministry responsible being service which was qualifying service for the award of Chevrons for war services
* including civil defence and Fire brigade personnel who performed duties at government or business premises under arrangements made under the Fire Guard Business and Government Premises Order 1943, or any previous provision or under the corresponding Order in Northern Ireland being service which was qualifying service for the award of Chevron for war service
22. E.N.S.A (Entertainments National Service Association)
23. Women’s Voluntary Service for Civil Defence
* being members who were eligible for war service red chevrons by reasons that they performed on behalf of a local authority duties analogous to those, of the eligible local authority civil defence services, and were engaged in a section of the W.V.S , which had,or would have had, operational functions during or immediately after enemy Reserve.. authorities, who do not qualify for the W.V.S members who were enrolled members of one of the eligible local authority services should apply as laid down for categories 8 - 19 above.
24. Civil Nursing Reserve.
25. Nurses or Midwives in hospitals for which Government Department or Local Authorities are responsible, or in the recognised voluntary hospitals
26. National Fire Services including services in a local authority Fire Brigade or the Auxiliary Fire Services prior to nationalisation.
27. Police Regular Police, First Police Reserve, Police War Reserve, Women’s Auxiliary Police Corps, Police Auxiliary Messenger Service, Special Constabulary.
28. Royal Marine Police Special Reserve..
29. Admiralty Civil Police.
30. War Department Constabulary.
31. Air Ministry Constabulary.
32. Railway and Dock Police
33. Civil Defence Services set up by Railway Dock authority and Canal Undertakings
34. American Ambulance. Great Britain
35. Civil Air Transport, Air crew only
36. Air Transport Auxiliary, Air crew only
37. Civil Defence Reserve
38. Kent County Civil Defence Mobile Reserve
39. West Sussex County Civil Defence Mobile attacks
40. Coast Guard
41. Civil Servants forming departmental Civil Defence organisations
42. Lighthouse keepers who served under the three general lighthouse Authorities, and keepers of Light Vessel under those authority, who do not qualify for the 1939 - 45 Star
43. Port of London Authority River Emergency Service
44. Clyde River Patrol.
45. Royal Observer Corps.
46. Volunteer Stretcher Bearers Emergency Hospital Scheme
47. Male Orderlies in Casualty Evacuation Trains Emergency Medical Service
48. Emergency Information Officers and their helpers( who served under the Ministry of Information, and including Deputy E.I.Os.Announcers, Drivers, and Messengers, if engage in a section of the Service which had, operational functions during or immediately after enemy attack.
49. R.A.F. Education Officers serving in the United Kingdom
50. Enrolled lifeboat men R.N.L.I. who do not qualify for the 1939 - 45 Star.
[[en:Defence Medal]]
[[Image:Defence medal IMG 1276.JPG|200px]]<br><br>
Cupro-nickel or silver disk, 36mm diameter.