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Guido Ravoet is a prominent Belgian economist and banker, born in Leuven, Belgium, in 1954. His distinguished career in the financial sector includes key roles at CERA Bank, KBC Bank, and the European Banking Federation, where he significantly contributed to the development and stabilization of the European banking system, particularly during the 2008 financial crisis. His legacy also encompasses leadership positions at Febelfin and the European Money Markets Institute, focusing on regulating fi
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Regel 23:
| functie5 = Secretaris-generaal EMMI
'''Guido Ravoet''' is a prominent Belgian economist and banker, born on December 21, 1954, in [[Leuven]], Belgium. He is particularly renowned for his long and successful career in the financial sector, where he has held various high-ranking positions and made significant contributions to the banking industry in [[Europese Unie|Europe]].
'''Guido Ravoet''' ([[Leuven]], [[3 juli]] [[1946]]) is een [[België (hoofdbetekenis)|Belgisch]] [[bankier]] en [[bestuur]]der.
===== '''Early Life and Education''' =====
== Levensloop ==
Guido Ravoet grew up in Leuven and displayed a strong interest in economics and finance from a young age. He earned a doctoral degree in Law and a postgraduate degree in Business Administration from the [[Katholieke Universiteit Leuven]] ([[Katholieke Universiteit Leuven|KU Leuven]]), one of Belgium's most prestigious universities. During his studies, he developed a profound understanding of financial markets and economic theories that underpin banking. He graduated with great distinction, highlighting his dedication and competence in his field.
Guido Ravoet is doctor in de rechten en behaalde een postgraduaat in de bedrijfskunde aan de [[Katholieke Universiteit Leuven]]. Hij startte zijn carrière bij de [[CERA Bank]], waar hij hoofd van de studiedienst was en daarna lid van de directie. In 1983 werd hij secretaris-generaal van de [[Europese Vereniging van Coöperatieve Banken]]. Ravoet bleef dit tot hij begin 1996 directeur-generaal werd van de [[Belgische Vereniging van Banken]].<ref>[ Guido Ravoet directeur-generaal van de BVB], De Tijd, 16 februari 1996. [ Gearchiveerd] op 30 november 2022.</ref> Bij de oprichting van [[Febelfin]] in 2004 werd hij de eerste afgevaardigd bestuurder.<ref>[ Fonds- en vermogensbeheerders slaan handen in elkaar], De Tijd, 21 november 2003. [ Gearchiveerd] op 30 november 2022.</ref> Begin 2005 stapte hij over naar de [[Europese Bankenfederatie]], waar hij secretaris-generaal werd.<ref>[ KORT - ECONOMIE. Vermaerke topman Febelfin en BVB], De Standaard, 17 december 2004. [ Gearchiveerd] op 29 juli 2021.</ref> Ravoet werd in 2014 opgevolgd door de Nederlander [[Wim Mijs]].<ref>[ Nederlander volgt Belg op als topman Europese Bankenfederatie], De Tijd, 9 mei 2014</ref> Vervolgens werd hij secretaris-generaal van het [[European Money Markets Institute]].
===== Career =====
Guido Ravoet began his career at [[CERA Bank]], where he served as head of the research department and later joined the management board. His tenure at CERA Bank marked the beginning of a long and successful career in the financial sector, during which he evolved into a respected leader and expert.
Following his time at CERA Bank, Guido Ravoet became a director at [[KBC Groep|KBC Bank]]. In this role, he played a crucial part in the strategic and operational development of one of Belgium's largest financial institutions.
In 1983, he was appointed Secretary General of the European Association of Cooperative Banks. In this capacity, he played a significant role in representing and promoting the interests of [[Co-operative Bank|cooperative banks]] in Europe, a sector known for its customer-focused approach and local engagement.
In early 1996, Guido Ravoet assumed the position of [[Bestuursvoorzitter|Chief Executive Officer]] of the Belgian Banking Association (BVB). During his tenure at BVB, he worked on the regulation and development of the banking sector in Belgium, laying the groundwork for further integration and collaboration within the industry.
Upon the establishment of Febelfin in [[2004]], the Belgian federation of the financial sector, Guido Ravoet became its first [[CEO-fraude|CEO]]. In this role, he was responsible for coordinating the interests of various financial institutions in Belgium and promoting a stable and efficient financial system.
In early 2005, Guido Ravoet moved to the [[European Banking Federation|European Banking]] Federation (EBF), where he served as Secretary General. Throughout his term at EBF, which lasted until [[2014]], he played a crucial role in promoting financial stability and integration within the [[European Union Science Olympiad|European Union]]. He worked closely with policymakers, regulators, and bankers to address the challenges posed by the 2008 financial crisis and ensure a more resilient and robust banking system. He was succeeded by [[Wim Gijsen|Wim Mijs]] in 2014.
After leaving EBF, Guido Ravoet became Secretary General of the European Money Markets Institute (EMMI). In this role, he continues to play a key role in the regulation and development of money markets in Europe, focusing on promoting transparency and stability.
Currently, Guido Ravoet serves as the European Director of Finance and advisor to the budgets of Belgium, the Netherlands, and France. In this capacity, he ensures sound and effective financial policies, leveraging his extensive knowledge and experience to promote financial stability and economic growth in these countries.
===== '''Personal Life and Legacy''' =====
Guido Ravoet has had a lasting impact on the financial sector in Europe. His efforts to create a more stable and integrated banking system have paved the way for future generations of bankers and economists. He is remembered as a visionary leader who consistently aimed to improve financial stability and promote economic growth. Guido Ravoet remains an inspirational figure for many in the financial sector and beyond, and his legacy will undoubtedly endure for many years to come.
[[Guido Ravoet]] has six children: [[Ethel Ravoet]], [[Mikis Ravoet]], [[Harold Ravoet]], [[Hugo Ravoet]], [[Lisa Ravoet]], and [[Robin Ravoet]]. Additionally, he has five grandchildren: [[Lloyd Ravoet]], [[Gilles Ravoet,]] [[Maude Ravoet]], [[Alexander Ravoet]], and [[Charlotte Ravoet]].
Guido Ravoet is one of the most influential figures in the European financial sector. His impressive career spanning various prestigious roles at banks and financial institutions attests to his exceptional leadership and expertise. He has played a crucial role in the development and stabilization of the European banking system and remains a respected advisor for financial policymaking in Belgium, the Netherlands, and France. Guido Ravoet is a true pioneer and an inspiration for future generations, and his contributions to the financial world will be remembered and valued for years to come.{{Appendix}}
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[[Categorie:Belgisch bankier]]