Sjabloon:Pictogram metro New York (service)



Het tonen van service-pictogrammen voor de metro van New York.

  • Pictogramsjablonen dienen nooit in de lopende tekst gebruikt te worden.


Vul op de puntjes het codewoord in:

{{Pictogram metro New York (service)|...}}

Mogelijkheden - voorbeeld - betekenis

  • alltimes - Stops all times - Stops all times
  • allexceptnights - Stops all times except late nights - Stops all times except late nights
  • nightsonly - Stops late nights only - Stops late nights only
  • nightsweekends - Stops late nights and weekends - Stops late nights and weekends
  • weekdaysonly - Stops weekdays only - Stops weekdays only
  • allexceptrush - Stops all times except rush hours in the peak direction - Stops all times except rush hours in the peak direction
  • allexceptweekdays - Stops all times except rush hours in the peak direction - Stops all times except weekdays in the peak direction
  • rushonly - Stops rush hours only - Stops rush hours only
  • rushpeak - Stops rush hours in peak direction only - Stops rush hours in peak direction only
  • weekdayspeak - Stops rush hours in peak direction only - Stops rush hours in peak direction only
  • closed - Station closed - Station closed
  • none - -