Overleg:Polokwane (gemeente)

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I'm Afrikaans, and I'm sorry I can't speak Dutch, but let me explain. The city isn't 'called Pietersburg in Afrikaans'. Simply, Afrikaans people prefer to call it this because thats the common name. It would be the same situation as Leningrad, many Russians still call it that, but in South Africa, most of the white people call it 'Pietersburg' because Polokwane isn't what they were used to when they were growing up.--Bezuidenhout 14 aug 2009 13:23 (CEST)Reageren

Aanpassing doorgevoerd - Hanhil 14 aug 2009 22:43 (CEST)Reageren

Polokwane >> Pietersburg


Polokwane has been moved to Pietersburg on both English and Afrikaans wikipedia (two of the official languages) and since these two are far close to Dutch than the other south african languages, I suggest that this wikipedia does the same. --Bezuidenhout 28 aug 2009 16:28 (CEST)Reageren

Belangrijkste vraag is hier: wat is de officiële naam van de plaats?? Hanhil 28 aug 2009 16:30 (CEST)Reageren
The official name in N.Sotho is Polokwane, however there is no official name for it in Afrikaans, English, and Especially Dutch. It would be stupid for Nederlands wikpipedia to go along with the N.Sotho name (Polokwane) rather than the Afrikaans and English name! PLEASE see the article's discussions on Afrikaans and English wikipedia if you have more questions. There the debate has already happened. Bezuidenhout 29 aug 2009 21:10 (CEST)Reageren
But you Dutch editors don't understand the situation: Polokwane is the MUNICIPALITY, while the CITY is Pietersburg. However this article also says that Polokwane is a city, which it is not.--Bezuidenhout 29 aug 2009 21:12 (CEST)Reageren
Zelfs op de af-wikipedia wordt aangegeven dat Polokwane de officiële (amptelik) naam is. Ook de externe links gebruiken de naam Polokwane. De conventie op de nl-wikipedia is dat we de Taalunie volgen, en wanneer in de Taalunielijst de plaats niet expliciet genoemd wordt de officiële naam. Of je het nu leuk vindt of niet, maar de nieuwe machthebbers hebben een nieuwe naam uitgedeeld en we tonen op de nl-wikipedia de situatie zoals die is, niet de situatie zoals die was of zoals mensen hem graag zouden zien, dus Wrocław i.p.v. Breslau, Harare i.p.v. Salisbury en Sint-Petersburg i.p.v. Leningrad. Hanhil 29 aug 2009 22:39 (CEST)Reageren
Listen, Breslau changed to Wroclaw because there were no more Germans to call it that. Leningrad changed to St. Petesburg because communism ended, Salisbury changed becuase there was no one left who called it Salisbury. Even on Dutch wikipedia, the city of Derry is officially called Londonderry (THE OFFICIAL NAME!), yet the article is called Derry? Strange how hypocritcal you can be! You say you only use official names, when in fact you go against that.--Bezuidenhout 30 aug 2009 13:36 (CEST)Reageren
Wel eens gehoord van rechtlijnig? Trouwens, hoe zouden de 92,4 zwarten de stad noemen? Hanhil 30 aug 2009 18:08 (CEST)Reageren
Hanhil - please read that 92.4% of the MUNICIPALITY are black, of the actual city of PIETERSBURG, the majority are white and they most definitley will call it Pietersburg, not Polokwane. Thats why the demographics sections of the English article was removed. Once again, can we please change this article slightly, the white people of South Africa call it Pietersburg, although it's officially Polokwane, and the municipality is officially called Polokwane municipality, however white people never talk about the municipality, so on English and Afrikaans wikipedia, Polokwane municipality has remaned the same, while the actual CITY of Polokwane has been reverted to Pietersburg because that's the most common name used.--Bezuidenhout 30 aug 2009 18:25 (CEST)Reageren
Wanneer Pietersburg de meest gebruikte naam was zou dat op zijn minst op de website terug moeten komen. Als je nu kijkt naar http://www.pietersburg.org.za/ zie je dat er achter de Afrikaanse naam niet eens in een website gebruik is. Een eenvoudige rekensom leert ook dat, wanneer zoals de tekst meldt, de stad Pietersburg 150.000 inwoners heeft, ook van de stad de grote meerderheid zwart is en naar grote waarschijnlijkheid niet de Afrikaanse naam hanteert. Pak de sjambok en regel dat Pietersburg weer wordt gebruikt en probeer die strijd niet op de nl-wikipedia uit te vechten: die is volledig irrelevant voor de situatie ter plaatse. Hanhil 30 aug 2009 19:35 (CEST)Reageren
Once again, that's because they are trying to promote the new name and trying to implement it. Obviously however, the white minority won't be allowed to call it that. Furthermore, Polokwane.org.za is for the MUNICIPALITY', not the city.--Bezuidenhout 1 sep 2009 15:51 (CEST)Reageren
I just think it's stupid how Dutch wikipedia goes along with the N.Sotho name, rather than the Germanic name (it makes me laugh). One other concept some Dutch people don't understand about South Africa is that Johannesburg is called OFFICIALLY Johannesburg, but Black people call it Igoli, and on Zulu, Xhosa etc. wikipedia, it will be called Igoli, this is the same with Durban, Kaapstad, Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth and East London, OFFICIAL isn't the golden word in this country!--Bezuidenhout 30 aug 2009 13:39 (CEST)Reageren
The problem is solved now. I changed the article slightly so that it is only the municipality, and it seams that Pietersburg still exists, as the city article. (just for extra reference: German wikipedia has also moved the city to Pietersburg.)--Bezuidenhout 6 sep 2009 10:08 (CEST)Reageren

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