Overleg:Pedro Beda

Laatste reactie: 11 jaar geleden door Inertia6084 in het onderwerp Wijzigingen

Pedro Beda


Sectie gekopieerd van Overleg gebruiker:Taketa

Hello Taketa, I dont know why everybody keeps changing my story on wikipedia. But I think i know my story myself the best. So I appreciate it if wikipedia also tells the truth about me. Its ennoying for me to see people talking about my life and about things what they dont know nothing about. So can u send me your email? Than we can talk about it. Greets,Pedro Beda

http://www.gaz.com.br/esportes/noticia/332516-avenida_ganha_os_reforcos_de_pedro_beda_e_osny.html assignment AVENIDA http://globoesporte.globo.com/pi/futebol/times/river-pi/noticia/2013/01/ex-batistuta-do-fla-pedro-beda-quer-deslanchar-seu-futebol-no-river-pi.html assignment RIVER http://www.record.xl.pt/Futebol/Nacional/1a_liga/Moreirense/interior.aspx?content_id=765662 assignment MOREIRENSE 2012 http://www.zerozero.pt/noticia.php?id=73692 LEFT MOREIRENSE 2012 http://globoesporte.globo.com/pi/futebol/campeonato-piauiense/#/classificacao-e-jogos VICE-CHAMPION RIVER 2013 http://futeboloficial.wordpress.com/category/campeonato-brasileiro-sub-23/ VICE-CHAMPION CORINTHIANS 2011

Hope u can make this changes. And also put back my history from flamengo. If u want u put the title YOUTHCAREER. Because its my biography, so that also includes flamengo and my youth. I hope u have enough information now .... Thanks.

Dear Balogado, I see no reason for email exchange and prefer this matter handled on Wikipedia. The problem with the changes you made are are partly about the information, but also bacause you ruined alot of parts of the page by wrong links etc. For instance you changed sc Heerenveen (Beloftenteam) into sc Heerenveen/Beloftenteam, which is wrong. Also you made several claims without reference. I suggest you put the changes you want at Overleg:Pedro Beda. Then we cn check them and put them in the article outselves. Sincerely, Taketa (overleg) 19 jun 2013 07:22 (CEST)Reageren
Hello taketa,

Thats fine because I am missing some information now. Did u saw al the links i sent u in the last message here? so there u have the proof of the VICE-CHAMPION 2x.. one time with corinthians in 2010 and one time with river now in 2013. So that can be by : ERELIJST.

Also I am missing all my part from flamengo. There was a story about me here in wiki before I went to change things, so why suddenly now it has to be changed and taken off? So i appreciate if u can leave it there before the part of ´coming to holland´. Also you can put it in the table of my CV please.

The thing about Heerenveen was like this: I was always under contract of Heerenveen even in Emmen. Only i played some matches for Heerenveen and then i went to the 2nd team(beloftenteam) and scored 17 times in 1 season. After that they forced me to go to Emmen (i didn´t wanted). After that I came back to Beloften. Thats why I put ´Heerenveen/beloften. But if u want u can change it to heerenveen,because i was under contract there.

So also the part from moreirense u can put that i assigned there but shortly after had to break my contract. I dont want to put al my personal family problems here but i sent u a link where stands that i assigned.

Also my goals are SOO wrong. Im sorry but or it better put the right games and goals or TAKE OUT. Because if clubs look now they get informed with wrong information what is damaging my image and that is a serious things for me! One more time : Flamengo 180 - 120 Heerenveen 30 - 17 Emmen 17 - 3 Corinthians 1 0 Bahia 5 - 2

So that´s it i think. THanks Pedro Beda – De voorgaande bijdrage werd geplaatst door (overleg · bijdragen) 19 jun 2013 18:10‎ (CEST)Reageren

Dear Balogado, like i said above. I know nothing about footbal. Please put this request on Overleg:Pedro Beda, which is the talkpage of the article. I will copy the infor you put here to there as well. SIncerely, Taketa (overleg) 19 jun 2013 18:19 (CEST)Reageren

einde kopie

Hi, I understand that you want the right information in the article. But do you have references for the scores (like 30 - 17 Heereveen and 180 - 120 Flamengo?). If 180 - 120 is correct, then it doesn't belong in the 'box' (table), that is for your senior career (and for the highest level in soccer). Your youth can be mentioned in text. Of course the information has to be right, but Wikipedia is no platform for your career.
Also I corrected a lot of mistakes, like wrong internal links and things like that. Just reverting that is not the solution. If you want to, you can place the article how you want it to be (with references) here on this discussionpage (without the category). Then other people can give there meaning or give some tips.
It is also not recommended to write about yourself. It is difficult for a lot of people to write objective about themselve(s). But of course when things are not right, you can say it here, or make an example like I mentioned above. Kind regards, - Inertia6084 - Overleg 19 jun 2013 21:19 (CEST)Reageren

Okay thank you for changing the links and as it is now the artical seems right for me. Only the goals I really dont know where I have to take the proof from.. As you can see on internet a lot of footballpages say a lote of different things. I will see if I can take it somewhere by the clubs... Just moreirense is missing.. Above in this artical have the link where I assigned my contract.. http://www.record.xl.pt/Futebol/Nacional/1a_liga/Moreirense/interior.aspx?content_id=765662

And the vice-championship of the estadual 2013 with river-pi and the Under-23 brazilian cup with corinthians in 2010 where we were 2nd as well should be added to the ´erelijst´.(Above in this article the links..)

Thanks Pedro Beda

Ok, I changed some things. Hope your satisfied.. I will ask in Dutch if other colleague's agree. If I don't hear anything from them, then I assume they agree (there is a message that discussion was needed here, but I see nobody else :) ) grtz.. - Richardkw - 20 jun 2013 11:54 (CEST)

Okay thank you for the changes! I appreciate it :) Greets Pedro Beda



In overleg met de waarschijnlijke echte speler heb ik het artikel gewijzigd. Ik had vernomen dat er een overlegoproep was gedaan door moderator Taketa. Ik zie verder geen reacties, dus wie de tekst nog wil wijzigen of bronnen wil zien (naast de ene bronvraag), dan het liefst op korte termijn. M.v.g. - Inertia6084 - Overleg 20 jun 2013 11:54 (CEST)Reageren

  • Lijkt me wel dat als dit de persoon in kwestie zelf is, dat die toch ook met referenties of bronnen komt, zo kan iedereen namelijk wel zeggen dat hij/zij diegene is.

daarbij het is een Wikipedia artikel, geen persoonlijke website van diegene, daar zijn andere media voor. Ricodol74 ? 21 jun 2013 04:53 (CEST)Reageren

    • Klopt. Dat dit waarschijnlijk de persoon zelf is komt ook niet van mij. Ik heb ook bewust de 180 - 120 uit zijn jeugd niet in de tabel geplaatst. Op de Engelstalige Wikipedia heeft hij dat wel voor elkaar gekregen. Die tabel is bedoeld voor zijn carrière als profvoetbalspeler. En die score is niet te bewijzen ook, daarom heb ik daar ook een bronvraag achter gezet, waarvan ik vermoed dat die bron er nooit komt. - Inertia6084 - Overleg 21 jun 2013 14:51 (CEST)Reageren
      • Ik heb een aantal dagen geleden een mail gekregen van Pedro, met een kopie van zijn paspoort en zijn telefoonnummer als bijlage. Het is inderdaad de echte speler. Ik heb nog een aantal dingen gewijzigd naar zijn verzoek. Groet, Grashoofd 21 jun 2013 16:13 (CEST)
        • Oke, dan is dat ook weer geregeld.. Dan haal ik dit van mijn volglijst af. Ik kijk de bijdragen van de laatste dagen vrijwel altijd nog een keer na, dus ik kijk hier binnenkort nog een keertje, maar ik denk dat er verder niets meer zal veranderen. Ik denk dat het toch wel verstandig is de beveiliging nog te laten staan. Ik denk niet dat veel mensen dit anoniem zullen bewerken, behalve Beda himself. - Inertia6084 - Overleg 21 jun 2013 16:42 (CEST)Reageren
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