Overleg:Lijst van triatleten

I'm not mentioned here! But Simon Lessing IS. I'm also a triathlete! What did Simon do that I didn't?


Anyway, I think this is a rather vague list, without any criteria of who is on them and who isn't. I think a lot of people shouldn't be on this list, since listing every athlete who is just as good or better than the 'worst' athletes already mentioned here would be an enormous amount of work. It would only work if every athlete would put himself on, which I don't think all of them can be expected to do, though some people obviously HAVE :P.

Perhaps listing only ITU World Cup participants and Ironman male sub 9 hour and female sub 10 hour finishers would be a criterium. Perhaps listing only ITU, Olympic and Ironman top three finishers would be a good criterium to keep the list maintainable. Perhaps all National Triathlon unions should coorporate together to share their entire member databases, with annual updates, would be a good way to satisfy people who are looking for completeness. But perhaps Wikipedia isn't the place.

Greetings, Bart van der Wal The Netherlands

Triathlete, but non ITU World Cup or Ironman participant.

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