
Laatste reactie: 14 jaar geleden door Hardscarf

Highest Peak?


Would someone competent please clarify on the following contradictions:

Wikipedia-article Highest peak Height [m] Location
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamar-Daban Baischint-Ula (Байшинт-Ула) 2.995 51.452 N, 101.721 E
http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamar-Daban Bajszynt-Uła (Байшинт-Ула) 2.995 51.452 N, 101.721 E
http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Хамар-Дабан Утуликская подкова 2.396 51.207 N, 103.308 E
http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamar-Daban Oetoelinskaja podkova 2.396 51.207 N, 103.308 E
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamar-Daban Chan-Ula 2.370 51.182 N, 103.981 E
http://nn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khamar-Daban Tsjan-Ula 2.370 51.182 N, 103.981 E

To me, it looks like de.wikipedia is correct, though to ru.wikipedia I would attribute a certain "home advantage".

After clarification, please do not forget to correct the corresponding articles in other languages.

-- Patagonier 17:11, 11. Feb. 2010 (CET)

de is wrong as it is a mountain between the Chamar-Daban and the Munku-Sardyk ("между массивом Мунку-Сардык и Хамар-Дабаном"). The Chan-Ula is usually called the highest peak, but actually the Utulinskaya podkova is higher (also on soviet topographical maps) and clearly lies within the range (that's what is written at the Russian wiki). --hardscarf 11 feb 2010 18:22 (CET)Reageren

Your source "между массивом Мунку-Сардык и Хамар-Дабаном" is not so unambiguous. Though it assumes Байшинт-Ула to lie in a (unnamed) mountain range of its own, it clearly states that some think it is part of Sayan and others consider it to be part of Chamar-Daban.
As the NL-article states that the Chamar-Daban mountain range extends to the west up to the "Toenka-depressie", I would assume the Байшинт-Ула to be part of Chamar-Daban. If Байшинт-Ула is not (as indicated by "usually" calling Chan-Ula the highest peak), then -it seems- the boundary description "up to the Toenka-depressie" might be incorrect. -- Patagonier 17:11, 11. Feb. 2010 (CET)

Lets keep the discussion (I didn't see it at first) central at de:Diskussion:Chamar-Daban and afterwards we'll make a decision about all wiki's as it seems it is more complicated as I at first thought it was. --hardscarf 11 feb 2010 23:45 (CET)Reageren
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