Wikipedia:Wikiproject/Gendergap/Ontwerp/België/Wiki Women Design/Bibliografie


  • Ahrentzen, S. "The Space between the Studs: Feminism and Architecture." Signs 29, 1 (2003): 179- 206. doi:10.1086/375675.
  • Agrest, Diana. The Sex of Architecture. New York (N.Y.): Abrams, 1996.
  • Allaback, Sarah. The First American Women Architects. Urbana: U of Illinois, 2008.
  • Bauer, Isabelle. Architekturstudentinnen in der Weimarer Republik: Bauhaus und Tessenow Schülerinnen . Doctoral dissertation. Fachbereich Architektur - Stadtplanung - Landschaftsplanung der Universität Kassel, 2003.
  • Berkely, Ellen P. and Matilda McQuaid (eds.). Architecture A Place for Women. Londen: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989.
  • Bloomer, Jennifer, Burgin, Victor, Grosz, Elizabeth and Beatriz Colomina. Sexuality and space. Princeton papers on Architecture 1. Princeton: Princeton University. School of Architecture, 1992.
  • Brown, L. Feminist practices: Interdisciplinary approaches to women in architecture. Farnham: Ashgate, 2011.
  • Brown, L. Contested spaces: Abortion clinics, women's shelters and hospitals : Politicizing the female body. Farnham: Ashgate, 2013.
  • Can, Melissa. "Deze Belgische architect wil een genderneutrale wereld ontwerpen." Vice Belgium (2 December 2018). Accessed 1 Dec 2020. .
  • Cardoso, Florencia Fernandez. "How Wide is the Gap? Evaluating Current Documentation of Women Architects in Modern Architecture History Books (2004–2014)." Groot, Marjan (ed.). MOMOWO: Women Designers, Craftswomen, Architects and Engineers between 1918 and 1945. Ljubljana: Zalozba ZRC, 2017. 230–249.
  • Cole, Doris. From Tipi to Skyscraper. A History of Women in Architecture. Boston: I Press, 1973.
  • Coleman, D., Danze, Elizabeth and Carol Henderson. Architecture and feminism. Yale Publications on Architecture. New York: Monacelli, 1996.
  • Colomina, Beatriz (ed.), Sexuality and Space. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1992.
  • DeKoven, Marianne. "Modernism and Gender". Levenson, Michael Harry (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Modernism . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 174–193.
  • Edens, C. et al, Vrouwen in Architectuur, (Rotterdam: nai010 uitgevers, 2023)
  • Floré, Fredie. Architecture: Belgique (depuis la seconde moitié du XXe siècle). In: B. Didier, A. Fouque, M. Calle-Gruber (Eds.), Le dictionnaire universel des femmes créatrices, (222-223). Parijs: Editions des femmes - Antoinette Fouque, 2013
  • Fowler, Bridget and Wilson, Fiona. "Women Architects and Their Discontents." Sociology (Oxford) 38, 1 (2016): 101-19.
  • Frichot, H., Gabrielsson, C. and H. Runting (eds.). Architecture and Feminisms. London: Routledge, 2018.
  • Frigot, Hélène, Gabrielsson, Catharina and Helen Runting. Architecture and feminisms: ecologies, economies, technologies. London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
  • Hall, Jane. Breaking Ground. Architecture by Women. London and New York: Phaidon, 2019.
  • Heynen, Hilde and Christine Delhaye. "De zij-kant van architectuur." Tijdschrift voor Vrouwenstudies 18, 2 (1997): 99-109.
  • Heynen, Hilde. "Places of the Everyday. Women Critics in Architecture/Plekken van Het Dagelijks Leven. Over Vrouwen in de Architectuurkritiek". Archis 4 (2000): 58–64.
  • Heynen, Hilde. Places of the everyday. Women critics in architecture / Plekken van het dagelijks leven. Over vrouwen in de architectuurkritiek. Archis 4 (2000): 58-64.
  • Heynen, H. "Wo sind all'die Frauen hin? Zur Sichtbarkeit von Frauen in der Architekturszene Flanderns." Pepchinski, Mary, Budde, Christina, Voigt, Wolfgang and Peter Cachola Schmal (eds.). Frau Architekt. Seit Mehr als 100 Jahren: Frauen im Architekturberuf. Over 100 years of Women in Architecture. Tübingen: Wasmuth, 2017.  
  • Heynen, Hilde and Lucía C. Pérez-Moreno, "Narrating Women Architects’ Histories. Paradigms, Dilemmas, and Challenges", arq.Urb, (35), 110–122.
  • Jackson, I., & Holland, J. (2016). The Architecture of Edwin Maxwell Fry and Jane Drew. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.
  • Kessel, Ellen van; Kuperus, Marga S. Vrouwen in de (stede)bouw wat doen jullie nou?: over werk en werkervaringen van vrouwelijke bouwkundig ingenieurs in Nederland. Amsterdam: De auteurs, 1982.
  • Kessel, Ellen van; Kuperus, Marga S; Pott-Buter, Hettie. Hoezo, gelijk belast?: invloed van arbeid, belasting- en premieheffing op het leven van vrouwen. Amsterdam: De Populier/Amazone, 1986.
  • Kessel, Ellen van; MIDDAG, Inneke. De zij-kant van het bouwen: vrouwelijke architecten en stedebouwkundigen in Amsterdam. Amsterdam: Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening Amsterdam, 1987.
  • Kessel, Ellen van. Margaret Staal-Kropholler, 1891-1966. Rotterdam: Uitgeverij 010, 1991.
  • Kessel, Ellen van; Initiatiefgroep Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwen Bouwen Wonen.; et al. De toekomst van vrouwen bouwen en wonen: verslag. [S.l.] : NIROV/SEIROV, 1993.
  • Kessel, Ellen van; Palstra, Froukje. Ir. Jakoba Mulder (1900-1988): stedebouwkundige en landschapsarchitecte. Amsterdam: Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening, 1994.
  • Kuhlmann, Dorte; Hnilica, Sonja; Jormakka, Kari (eds.). Building Power: Architektur, Macht, Gender. Wien: Edition Selene, 2003.
  • Lange, Alexandra. “Founding Mother.” Places Journal (February 2013). Accessed 30 Nov 2020. .
  • Mačkić, Arna. "Door de ogen van de architect 1: Representatie in werkwijze en architectuur." Archined nl (14 September 2020). Accessed 1 Dec 2020. .
  • Madalijns, Nena. In search of a 'forgotten' history: Reflecties over gender en architectuurhistoriografie in de Belgische context. Master thesis, UGent, 2020.
  • Martin, Brenda and Penny Sparke (ed.), Women’s Places. Architecture and Design 1860-1960, Londen: Routledge, 2003.
  • Matrix. Making Space: Women and the Man Made Environment. London: Pluto Press, 1984.
  • McLeod, Mary. "Undressing Architecture: Fashion, Gender and Modernity." Deborah Fausch et al. (ed.) Architecture in Fashion . Princeton, NJ: Princeton Architectural Press, 1994. 38–123.
  • Oberhauser, Ann M, Fluri, Jennifer L, Whitson, Risa and Sharlene Mollett. Feminist spaces: Gender and geography in a global context. Abingdon: Routledge, 2018.
  • Penner, B. and Jane Rendell. Gender space architecture : An interdisciplinary introduction. The Architext series. London: Routledge, 2000.
  • Pepchinski, Mary, Budde, Christina, Voigt, Wolfgang and Peter Cachola Schmal (eds.). Frau Architekt. Seit Mehr als 100 Jahren: Frauen im Architekturberuf. Over 100 years of Women in Architecture. Tübingen: Wasmuth, 2017.
  • Petrescu, Doina (ed.). Altering Practices: Feminist Politics and Poetics of Space. London and New York: Routledge, 2007.
  • Rothschild, J. and Cheng, A. Design and feminism: Re-visioning spaces, places, and everyday things. New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers University Press, 1999.
  • Schoonjans, Yves . "Au bonheur des dames. Vrouw, smaak en het burgerlijk interieur in de negentiende eeuw." Tijdschrift voor Vrouwenstudies 70, 18-2 (1997): 136-152.
  • Scott-Brown, Denise. "Room at the Top? Sexism and the star system in architecture." Berkely, Ellen P. and Matilda McQuaid (eds.). Architecture: A Place for Women. London: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989. 237-246.
  • Smeets-Klokgieters, Erica. Vrouw in de bouw. De eerste vrouwelijke afgestudeerde architecten in Nederland. Bulletin KNOB, [S.l.], p. 43-57, mrt. 2017. ISSN 2589-3343. Beschikbaar op: <>.
  • Spain, Daphne. Gendered Spaces. Chapel Hill & London: The University of North Carolina Press, 1992.
  • Sparke, P. "Le Corbusier: Architect and Feminist." Journal of Design History 18, 2 (1 June 2005): 216–218, .
  • Stratigakos, Despina. “What I Learned from Architect Barbie.” Places Journal (June 2011). Accessed 30 Nov 2020.
  • Stratigakos, Despina. Where Are the Women Architects? Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2016.
  • Stratigakos, Despina. “Unforgetting Women Architects: From the Pritzker to Wikipedia.” Places Journal (April 2016). Accessed 30 Nov 2020.
  • Schwitalla, Ursula (ed.), Women in Architecture: Past, Present, and Future, Berlin: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2021. ISBN 978-3-7757-4857-5
  • Torre, Susana. Women in American Architecture : A Historic and Contemporary Perspective. New York: Whitney Library of Design, 1977.
  • Wajcman, J. TechnoFeminism. Cambridge: Polity press, 2004.
  • Weisman, L. Discrimination by design : A feminist critique of the man-made environment. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1994.
  • Women Architects and 1968.

Creatieve sector

  • Bouchat-Dupont, Marie-Sylvie., Gubin, Eliane, Jacques, Catherine, Piette, Valérie, and Puissant, Jean. Dictionnaire Des Femmes Belges: XIXe Et XXe Siècles . Bruxelles: Racine, 2006.
  • Germains, Gemma. "Work hard, be nice to people and have rich parents: addressing privilege in the creative industry." It’s Nice That (1 November 2016).
  • Hesmondhalgh, D., & Baker, S. "Sex, Gender and Work Segregation in the Cultural Industries." The Sociological Review 63, 1 (2015): 23-36.  
  • Siongers, Jessy, Lucas Pissens and John Lievens. Loon Passie? Een onderzoek naar de sociaaleconomische positie van professionele kunstenaars in Vlaanderen. Gent: Universiteit Gent – Onderzoeksgroep CuDOS/Vakgroep Sociologie, 2016.
  • Siongers, Jessy, Lucas Pissens, John Lievens and Mart Willekens. Wie heeft het gemaakt? Een onderzoek naar de sociaaleconomische positie van architecten en designers in Vlaanderen . Gent: Universiteit Gent – Onderzoeksgroep CuDOS/Vakgroep Sociologie, 2017.
  • Siongers, Jessy, Lucas Pissens, John Lievens and Mart Willekens. Zo man, zo vrouw? Gender en de creatieve sector in Vlaanderen. Universiteit Gent, Onderzoeksgroep CuDOSVakgroep Sociologie, 2018.
  • Vermeiren, Caroline. (Onder)vertegenwoordiging van vrouwen in de architectuur in Vlaanderen . Master thesis, KU Leuven, 2017.
  • Anscombe, Isabelle. A Woman’s Touch: Women in Design from 1860 to the Present Day . London: Virago, 1984.
  • Attfield, Judy and Pat Kirkham (eds.). A View from the Interior: Feminism, Women and Design. London: Women's Press, 1989.
  • Attifield, Judy. ‘Form/Female follows Function/Male: Feminist Critiques of Design.’ Walker, John A. and Attifield, Judy. Design History and The History of Design. London: Pluto Press, 1989. 199-225.
  • Attfield, Judy. “Barbie and Action Man: Adult Toys for Girls and Boys, 1959–93.” Kirkham, Pat (ed.). The Gendered Object. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1996. 80–89.
  • Attfield, Judy. "What Does History Have to Do with It? Feminism and Design History." Journal of Design History 16, 1 (2003): 77-87.
  • Baum, Silva, Claudia Scheer and Lea Sievertsen. Notamuse: A New Perspective on Women Graphic Designers in Europe. Salenstein: niggli Verlag, 2019.
  • Baumhoff, Anja. The Gendered World of the Bauhaus – The Politics of Power at the Weimar Republic’s Premier Art Institute, 1919–1932. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2001.
  • Bruce, Margaret. “A Missing Link: Women and Industrial Designer.” Design Studies 6, 3 (1985): 150–156.
  • Bruce, Margaret and Jenny Lewis. “Women Designers — Is There a Gender Trap?” Design Studies 11, 2 (1990): 114–120.
  • Brulé, Emeline, and Kazi-Tani, Tiphaine. "Disputing Ergonomics, Deconstructing Users. A Queer Perspective on Design." Conference proceeding. San Francisco: Design History Society, 2015.
  • Buckley, Cheryl. “Women Designers in the English Pottery Industry, 1919–1939.” Women’s Art Journal 5, 2 (1984): 11–15.
  • Buckley, Cheryl. "Made in Patriarchy: Toward a Feminist Analysis of Women and Design." Design Issues 3, 2 (1986): 3-14.
  • Buckley, Cheryl. “‘The Noblesse of the Banks’: Craft Hierarchies, Gender Divisions, and the Roles of Women Paintresses  and Designers in the British Pottery Industry 1890–1939.” Journal of Design History 2, 4 (1989): 257–273.
  • Buckley, Cheryl. “Design, Femininity, and Modernism: Interpreting the Work of Susie Cooper.” Journal of Design History 7, 4 (1994): 277–293.
  • Buckley, Cheryl. "Pottery Women: A Comparative Study of Susan Vera Cooper and Millicent Jane Taplin." Attfield, Judy and Pat Kirkham (eds.) A view from the interior. 2nd ed.. London: Women’s Press, 1995. 71-89.
  • Buckley, Cheryl. “Made in Patriarchy: Theories of Women and Design – A Reworking.” Cheng, Alethea and Joan Rothschild (ed.). Design and Feminism: Re-visioning Spaces, Places, and Everyday Things. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1999. 109–118.
  • Buckley, Cheryl. ‘“Quietly fine” – quietly subversive. Women ceramic designers.’ Kirkham, Pat (ed.). Women designers in the USA, 1900-2000: Diversity and Difference. New York: Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, 2002. 347-361.
  • Buckley, Cheryl. "Made in Patriarchy II: Researching (or Re-searching) Women and Design". Design Issues 36, 1 (2020): 19-29.
  • Caspers, Barbara. “Les femmes artistes et femmes d’artistes au sein des groupes artistiques des XX (1884-1893) et de la Libre Esthétique (1894-1914).” Masterproef, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2015.
  • Callen, Anthea. Angel in the Studio. Women in the Arts and Crafts Movement 1870-1914. Londen: Astragal Books, 1976.
  • Canli, Ece and Luiza Prado de O. Martins. "Intersectional Perspectives on Design, Politics and Power". Decolonizing Design (15 June 2017).
  • Cheng, Alethea and Joan Rothschild (ed.). Design and Feminism: Re-visioning Spaces, Places, and Everyday Things. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1999.
  • Clegg, Sue and Wendy Mayfield. “Gendered by Design: How Women's Place in Design Is Still Defined by Gender.” Design Issues 15, 3 (1999): 3–16.
  • Clegg, Sue, Wendy Mayfield, and Deborah Trayhurn. “Disciplinary Discourses: A Case Study of Gender in Information Technology and Design Courses.” Gender and Education 11, 1 (1999): 43–55.
  • Clerbois, Sébastien and Paul Louis. Les Céramistes De L'art Nouveau. Antwerp: Pandora, 1999.
  • Clerke, T. "Desire and Tactics: Women and Design Education." Connected 2010. Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Design Education, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. 2010.
  • Clerke, T. "Gender and Discipline: Publication Practices In Design." Journal of Writing in Creative Practice 3 (2010): 64 - 78.
  • Cockburn, Cynthia and Susan Ormrod. Gender and Technolgy in the Making. London and Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1993.
  • Creusen, Alexia. Femmes artistes en Belgique. XIXe et début XXe Siècle. Parijs: L’Hartmann, 2007.  
  • Criado-Perez, Caroline. Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men. New York: Vintage Publishing, 2020.
  • Cunningham, Colin. "Gender and Design in the Victorian Period." Perry, Gill (ed.). Gender and Art. New Haven-London: Yale University Press, 1999. 175-92.
  • Cyberfeminism Index.;
  • De Grazia, Victoria and Ellen Furlough (eds.). The Sex of Things: Gender and Consumption in Historical Perspective. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996.
  • De Smet, Catherine. "Pussy Galore and Buddha of the future women, graphic design, etc." Elles@Pompidou. Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2009.
  • Den Hollander, Ineke. "Van Boudoir Naar Studeerkamer. Gender en Interieurs in Negentiende-Eeuwse Nederlandse Romans." Groot, Marjan (ed.) Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis 31: Design en gender. Van object tot representatie. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2011: 75-94.
  • Design Center Stuttgart. Frauen im Design. Berufsbilder und Lebenswege seit 1900 / Women in Design. Careers and Life Histories since 1900., Stuttgart: Landesgewerbeamt Baden-Wurttemberg Design Centre Stuttgart, 1989.
  • Elliott, Bridget and Helland, Janice. Women Artists and the Decorative Arts 1880-1935: the Gender of Ornament. Londen: Routledge, 2019.
  • Fiell, C. Women in Design: From Aino Aalto to Eva Zeisel (More Than 100 Profiles of Pioneering Women Designers, from Industrial to Fashion Design). London: Laurence King Publishing, 2019.  
  • Ferry, Emma. "“Any Lady Can Do This without Much Trouble ...”: Class and Gender in the Dining Room (1878)." Interiors 5, 2 (2014): 141-59.
  • Francini, Caterina and Emilia Garda (eds.). MoMoWo · Women’s Creativity Since the Modern Movement An European Cultural Heritage. Turin: Politecnico di Torino, 2018.
  • Friedman, A.T. Women and the Making of the Modern House: A Social and Architectural History. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006.  
  • Goodall, Philippa. "Design and Gender". Block 9 (1983): 50-61.
  • Gorman, Carma R. "Reshaping and Rethinking: Recent Feminist Scholarship on Design and Designers." Design Issues 17, 4 (2001): 72-88.
  • Groot, Marjan. "Crossing the Borderlines and Moving the Boundaries: 'High' Arts and Crafts, Cross-Culturalism, Folk Art and Gender." Journal of Design History 19, 2 (2006): 121-36.
  • Groot, Marjan. Vrouwen in De Vormgeving in Nederland 1880 - 1940. Rotterdam: 010, 2007.
  • Groot, Marjan. Design En Gender: Van Object Tot Representatie. Jaarboek Voor Vrouwengeschiedenis, 31. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2011.
  • Groot, Marjan, Helena Seražin, Caterina Franchini and Emilia Garda (eds.). MOMOWO: Women Designers, Craftswomen, Architects and Engineers between 1918 and 1945. Ljubljana: Zalozba ZRC, 2017.  
  • Hadjiafxendi, Kyriaki en Patricia Zakreski. Crafting the Woman Professional in the Long Nineteenth Century: Artistry and Industry in Britain. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2013.
  • Helvert, Marjanne Van. The Responsible Object: A History of Design Ideology for the Future. Amsterdam: Valiz, 2016.
  • Howard, Ella. "Feminist Writings on Twentieth-Century Design History, 1970-1995: Furniture, Interiors, Fashion." Studies in the Decorative Arts 8, 1 (2000): 8-21.
  • Howard, Ella and Eric Setliff.. “In ‘A Man’s World’: Women Industrial Designers.” Kirkham, Pat (ed.) Women Designers in the USA 1900– 2000: Diversity and Difference. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2000. 269–290.
  • Hubrechts, Loes. Les Arts de la Femme 1908-1918. Een Brusselse vereniging voor en door vrouwen. Master thesis, UGent, 2017.
  • Kaygan, Pinar. "Gender, Technology, and the Designer’s Work: A Feminist Review." Design and Culture 8, 2 (2016): 235-252.
  • Kirkham, Pat (ed.). The Gendered Object. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1996.
  • Kirkham, Pat and Lynne Walker. “Women Designers in the USA 1900–2000: Diversity and Difference.” Kirkham, Pat (ed.) Women Designers in the USA 1900– 2000: Diversity and Difference. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2000. 49–84
  • Kirkham, Pat (ed.). Women designers in the USA, 1900-2000: Diversity and Difference. New York: Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, 2002.
  • Lange, Alexandre. The Design of Childhood. London: Bloomsbury, 2020.
  • Levrant de Bretteville, Sheila. "A Re-examination of Some Aspects of the Design Arts from the Perspective of a Women Designer". Arts in Society 11, 1 (1974): 117.
  • Martin, Brenda, and Penny Sparke. Women's Places. Architecture and Design 1860-1960. London : Routledge, 2003.  
  • Martínez, Javier Gimeno. “Women Only: Design Events Restricted to Female Designers During the 1990s.” Design Issues 23, 2 (2007): 17–30.
  • McQuiston, Liz. Suffragettes to She-Devils: Women's Liberation and Beyond. London: Phaidon, 1997.
  • McQuiston, Liz. Women in Design: A Contemporary View. London and New York: Rizzoli/Random House Inc., 1988.
  • Parker, Roszika. The Subversive Stitch: Embroidery and the Making of the Feminine. London: Bloomsbury, 1984.  
  • Prado, Luiza. Technoecologies of Birth Control: Biopolitics by Design. PhD dissertation. Berlin: University of the Arts Berlin, 2017.
  • Ray, K.R. "Bauhaus Hausfraus: Gender Formation In Design Education." Journal of Architectural Education 55 (2001): 73—80.
  • Rossi, Catharine. "Furniture, Feminism and the Feminine: Women Designers in Post-War Italy, 1945-1970". Journal of Design History 22, 3, 1 (2009): 243–257.
  • Scanlan, Jennifer. Pathmakers: Women in Art, Craft, and Design, Midcentury and Today. Exhib. cat. New York: National Museum of Women in the Arts, 2016.
  • Scotford, Martha. "Messy History vs. Neat History: Toward an Expanded View of Women in Graphic Design". Invisible Language 28, 4 (1994): 368-388.
  • Seddon, Jill with Suzette Worden. Women Designing, Redefining Britain Between the Wars. Brighton: University of Brighton, 1994.
  • Seddon, Jill. "Mentioned, but Denied Significance: Women Designers and the Professionalization of Design in Britain, 1920–1951." Gender and History 12, 2 (2008): 426-447.
  • Sellers, Libby. Women Design. London: Frances Lincoln Limited Publishers, 2017.
  • Sparke, Penny. As Long as It’s Pink: Sexual Politics of Taste. London: Pandora/Halifax, 1995.
  • Sterckx, M. "Sculpture and the Decorative in Fin-de-Siècle Brussels: Women as Consumers and Creators’". Hart, Imogen and Claire Jones (eds.). Sculpture and the Decorative in Britain and Europe, Seventeenth Century to the Contemporary. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. 113-142.
  • Thun-Hohenstein, Christoph, Anne-Katrin Rossberg, Elisabeth Schmuttermeier (eds.) Die Frauen der Wiener Werkstätte/Women Artists of the Wiener Werkstätte (MAK). Exhib. cat. MAK – Museum für angewandte Kunst. Vienna: MAK Vienna & Birkhaüser, 2020.
  • Turpin, John, ‘Omitted, Devalued, Ignored: Reevaluating the Historical Interpretation of Women in the Interior Design Profession’, Journal of Interior Design, 27: 1, 2001, 1-11.
  • Turpin, John, ‘The History of Women in Interior Design: A Review of Literature’, Journal of Interior Design, 33: 1, 2007, 1-15.
  • Vancaeneghem, Jens. Vrouwen op de wereldtentoonstellingen van de Belle Epoque: het congressyteem als transnationale ruimte voor vrouwelijke openbaarheid. Master thesis, UGent, 2009.
  • Vandevoorde, Hans. “Amazones in niemandsland. Vrouwen op de Belgische wereldtentoonstellingen tussen 1894 en 1913.” Demoor, Marysa, Katrien Heene en Geraldine Reymenants (eds.). Verslagen van Centrum voor Genderstudies UGent 13. Gent: Academia Press, 2004. 75-94.
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  • Van Meerhaeghe, Lichelle. "L’Art Decoratif Céline Dangotte. Vakmanschap en idealisme in tijden van oorlog en economische depressie", Erfgoed Brussel, 34:7, 2021, 34-7.
  • Whitworth, Lesley and Elizabeth Darling (eds.). Women and the Making of Built Space in England, 1870-1950. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2007.
  • Willems, Noortje (ed.). Gender and Archiving: Past, Present, Future. Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis 37. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2017.  
  • Worden, Suzette and Jill Seddon. “Women Designers in Britain in the 1920s and 1930s: Defining the Professional and Redefining Design.” Journal of Design History 8, 3 (1995): 177–193.

Grafisch ontwerp

  • Chadwick, W. Women, Art, and Society . London: Thames and Hundson, 1994.
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  • Sterckx, Marjan. “Het Binnenste Buiten: Publieke Sculptuur Van De Hand Van Vrouwen in De Grootstad.” Uitgelezen (Brussel) 13, 1 (2007): 5–11.
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  • Barnes, H. R., and Eicher, Joanne B. Dress and Gender: Making and Meaning in Cultural Contexts. Cross-cultural Perspectives on Women 2. Providence: Berg, 1997.
  • Bass-Krueger, Maude, and Sophie Kurkdjian (eds.) French Fashion, Women, and the First World War. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2019.
  • Jansen, M. Angela. "Fashion and the Phantasmagoria of Modernity: An Introduction to Decolonial Fashion Discourse." Fashion Theory 24, 6 (2020): 815-36.
  • Slade, Toby and Jansen, M. Angela. "Letter from the Editors: Decoloniality and Fashion." Fashion Theory 24, 6 (2020): 809-14.
  • Femmes Fatales. Sterke vrouwen in de mode, tent. cat. Den Haag (Gemeentemuseum) - Hasselt (Modemuseum), 2018.


  • Kime Scott, Bonnie (ed.). The Gender of Modernism: A Critical Anthology . Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1990.Felski, Rita. The Gender of Modernity . London: Harvard University Press, 1995.


  • Alvesson, Mats and Yvonne Due Billing. Understanding Gender and Organizations. London: Sage, 2009.


  • Kern, L. Feminist City. Claiming Space in a Man-Made World. London: Verso Books, 2020.
  • Claesson, Ragnhild. "Doing and Re-doing Cultural Heritages: Making space for a variety of narratives." Schalk, Meike, Kristiansson, Thérèse and Ramia Mazé (eds.). Feminist Futures of Spacial Practice. Materialisms, activisms, dialogues, pedagagogies, projections.  Bamberg: AADR – Art Architecture Design Research, 2017. 43.


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