NewsletterTree Of Life, issue I, 2006-11

On the northern hemisphere, the summer is over. Autumn has set in. On the southern hemisphere, spring has started. It looks like the right moment for our first newsletter. The project started in January 2006, and now has about 20 members from Europe, North & South America, Asia, and Australia.
In this issue I try to mention some highlights and some troubles.
In the future we may have to work with multiligual issues, at the moment I have limited myself to english, though I know many of us have problems to express themselves well in this language.

I have tried to mention some of the most common topics within ToL, and no doubt I overlooked some. I welcome your complaints at the talk page of this newsletter, hopefully together with your willingness to scrabble up some lines for the spring 2007 issue.

Talking about the next issue: I welcome your comments about the structure, topics, need to have one, frequency and contents.


A major start had already been provided by the mass upload of Kurt Steubers collection.


With an estimated number of 6-10 million species in existence, we probably have one of our greatest challenges here. One of the most numerous and popular orders is the Lepidoptera. My subjective estimate is that ..% of the 200.000 species have been described, and the situation looks brightest for many of the day butterflies. It would be worth to see of we have managed to cover all species of North West Europe and en:North America.
