
Description Map
Map of Suriname with Border River Names
Suriname Locator Map


Suriname Locator Map
Administrative Divisions

(Districts Numbered)

Districts of Suriname

(including Labels)

Köppen–Geiger climate classification

map for Suriname

Tribal Communities Suriname
Ethnicities per resort in Suriname
Political Map of Suriname With


Districts of Suriname
Districts of Suriname
Suriname Overview Map
Topographic map of Suriname
Geological map of Suriname
Topographic map of Suriname
Divisão Política do Suriname correcta.png
Suriname administrative

divisions with Correct River Names

Official borders of the Republic of Suriname
Official borders of the Republic of Suriname
Location of Kamp Tigri
Diplomatic missions of Suriname
Location of Suriname in South America
Kaart van Republiek Suriname
Suriname Map Shape
Simple white map of Suriname
Suriname and Neighbouring states
Suriname highlighted on map of

South America

Map showing the Many rivers of Suriname.

Border river names are added as Labels.

Map of Suriname highlighting the Tigri

Area, which is disputed with Guyana.

Suriname Overview map Detailed
Map of Suriname with both disputed areas


Telesur Suriname 4G network Coverage

in Suriname

All resorts of Suriname
Suriname Population Density 2012
Brokopondo District
Commewijne District
Coronie District
Marowijne District
Nickerie District
Para District
Saramacca District
Sipaliwini District
Wanica District
Blank district map Suriname
Brokopondo resorts
Commewijne resorts
Coronie resorts
Marowijne resorts
Nickerie Resorts
Para Resorts
Paramaribo Resorts
Saramacca Resorts
Sipaliwini Resorts
Wanica Ressorts
Corantijn River map (Dutch)
Suriname Main roads
Map of Tigri Area Suriname
Main rivers of Suriname
Map of Suriname, Guyana and French-


Topographic Border map Suriname
Suriname River map with Topo Background
Suriname blank map with Roads and Rivers
Seasons in Suriname
Map of Suriname Detailed
Detailed map of Suriname
Simple map of Suriname in the style

Of the CIA map, which shows the wrong Borders of Suriname. this is the correct version

Map of Suriname in the CIA-map Style,

Showing the correct borders of Suriname.

Kaart van Boven-Corantijn en

Corantijn Rivier - Suriname

Kaart van Coeroeni-Kutari-

Sipaliwini Rivier - Suriname

Kaart van Oronoque Rivier - Suriname
Kaart van Coeroeni Rivier - Suriname
Kaart van Kutari Rivier - Suriname
Kaart van Sipaliwini Rivier - Suriname
Kaart van Kabalebo Rivier - Suriname
Kaart van Lucie Rivier - Suriname
Kaart van Coppename-Linker-

en Rechter Coppename Rivier - Suriname

Kaart van Nickerie Rivier - Suriname
Kaart van Saramacca en

Kleine Saramacca Rivier - Suriname

Kaart van Suriname-Gran Rio- Pikin Rio

en Van Blommensteinmeer - Suriname.svg

Kaart van Commewijne -

Cottica Rivier - Suriname.svg

Kaart van Marowini -

Lawa - Marowijne Rivier - Suriname

Kaart van Litani Rivier - Suriname
Kaart van Oelemarie Rivier - Suriname
Kaart van Palumeu Rivier - Suriname.svg
Kaart van Tapanahony Rivier - Suriname
Overview map of Suriname
Suriname Location
Suriname Map with Flag and Coat

of Arms