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Dit is een Persoonlijk KLADBLOK met wat links en info t.b.v. het determineren van mijn kiekjes — in dit geval van Zilvervisje-achtigen (Zygentoma) — e.e.a. wordt wellicht t.z.t. in artikelen verwerkt. Kijk gerust rond, maar bedenk wel: Het is een KLADJE!!.
Meer over Zygentoma misschien hier: Wikipedia - nl:Zygentoma (Zilvervisje-achtigen), de, en, es, fr; Commons: Gal/Cat; Wikispecies


Systematische plaats







  • (nl) Beijne Nierop, BM; Hakbijl, T. (2002) Ctenolepisma longicaudatum heeft ongemerkt bebouwd Nederland veroverd, in Entomologische berichten, Vol.62(2), pp.34-42. (PDF).
  • (de) Handschin, Dr. Eduard (1929) Urinsekten oder Apterygota (Protura, Collembola, Diplura und Thysanura) in Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meeresteile nach ihren Merkmale und nach ihrer Lebensweise (Ed.: Dahl & Bischoff), 16. Teil. Jena: Gustav Fischer.
  • (nl) Joosse- van Damme, E.N.G. (1963) Oerinsekten - Apterygota in Wetenschappelijke Mededelingen, No.48. Hoorn: KNNV.
  • (fr) Paclt, J. (1967) Thysanura, Fam. Lepidotrichidae, Maindroniidae, Lepismatidae. in Genera Insectorum de P. Wytsman, 218e Fascicule. Kraainem: Genera Insectorum.
  • (de) Sedlag, Ulrich (1953) Ur-Insekten (zweite erweiterte Auflage) in Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei, Heft 17. Leipzig: Geest & Portig K.-G.
  • (de) Sturm, H. (2001) Zygentoma In: Klausnitzer, B. (Hrgs.) Entomofauna Germanica, Band.5: Verzeichnis der Archaeognatha, Zygentoma, Odonata, Plecoptera, Dermaptera, Mantoptera, Ensifera, Caelifera, Thysanoptera und Trichoptera Deutschlands (= Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte, Beiheft 6), pp.6-9.


  • (en) Beament, J.W.L.; Noble-Nesbitt, J.; Watson, J.A.L. (1964) The Waterproofine Mechanism of Arthropods:: III. Cuticular Permeability in the Firebrat, Thermobia Domestica (Packard) in Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.41, pp.323-330. Cambridge: Company of Biologists (Abstract PDF)
  • (en) Buck, Catherine; Edwards, John S. (1990) The effect of appendage and scale loss on instar duration in adult firebrats, Thermobia domestica (Thysanura) in Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.151 pp.341-347. Cambridge: Company of Biologists. (Abstract PDF)
  • (en) Charlton, Harry Hayward (1921) The spermatogenesis of Lepisma domestica - Ph.D. Thesis, Yale University (
  • (en)   Houseman, Richard M. (2001) Silverfish and Firebrats, in MU Guide. University of Missouri-Columbia (OnLine/PDF)
  • (en) Irish, J. (1987) Revision of the genus Ctenolepisma Escherich (Thysanura: Lepismatidae) in southern Africa. - Cimbebasia, Ser.A, Vol.7(11), pp.:147-207. (PDF 14Mb])
  • (en) Irish, J. (1988) Revision of Thermobia Bergroth (Thysanura: Lepismatidae). - Cimbebasia, Vol.10, pp.15-30. (PDF)
  • (de)   Escherich, Karl (1904?1905?) Das System der Lepismatiden. in Zoologica, Band 18, Lfg 1, Heft 43/44, pp.1-164. Stuttgart: E. Nägele. (
    • 164 Seiten, 67 Abbildungen, 4 Tafeln, 30x23cm
  • (en)   Lock, Koen (2006) Distribution of the Belgian Zygentoma in Notes fauniques de Gembloux, 2007 60 (1), 25-27. (PDF)
  • (en) Koch, Markus (2003) Towards a Phylogenetic System of the Zygentoma in Entomologische Abhandlungen 61 (2): Proceedings of the 1st Dresden Meeting on Insect Phylogeny: "Phylogenetic Relationships within the Insect Orders" (Dresden, September 19-21, 2003), pp.122-125. (PDF)
  • (en) Lasker, Reuben; Giese, Arthur C. (1956) Cellulose Digestion By The Silverfish Ctenolepisma Lineata in Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.33, pp.542-553 Cambridge: Company of Biologists. (Abstract, PDF)
  • (en) Mendes, Luís F. (2003) New species and new data on Protrinemuridae and Nicoletiidae (Zygentoma) from Eastern Asia and Pacific islands. in Ann. Soc. entomol. Fr.(n.s.), 38 (4), pp.399-433. (PDF)
  • (en) Molero-Baltanás, R; Gaju-Ricart, M.; Bach de Roca, C. (2005) Ctenolepisma almeriensis n.sp of Lepismatidae from south-eastern Spain. in Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 28 (1), pp:91-99 (PDF)
  • (pt) Moreira da Costa Lima, Ângelo (1938)Capítulo III: Ordem Thysanura. in Insetos do Brasil, Tomo 1. (PDF: Cap.3 (258K) / Tomo 1 (9MB!))
  • (en) Noble-Nesbitt, J (1969) Water Balance in the Firebrat, Thermobia Domestica (Packard). Exchanges of Water with the Atmosphere in Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.50, pp.745-769. Camebridge: Company of Biologists. (Abstract PDF)
  • (en) Noble-Nesbitt, J (1970) Water balance in the Firebrat, Thermobia domestica (Packard) the site of uptake of water from the atmosphere. in Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.5a, pp.193-200. Camebridge: Company of Biologists. (Abstract, PDF)
  • (en) Noble-Nesbitt, J (1975) Reversible Arrest of Uptake of Water from Subsaturated Atmospheres by the Firebrat, Thermobia Domestica (Packard) in Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.62, pp.657-669.. Camebridge: Company of Biologists. (Abstract PDF)
  • (en) Okasha, A.Y.K. (1971) Water Relations in an Insect, Thermobia Domestica: I. Water Uptake from Sub-Saturated Atmospheres as a Means of Volume Regulation in Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.55, pp.435-448. Camebridge: Company of Biologists ([ Abstract] [ PDF]
  • (en) Okasha, A.Y.K. (1972) Water Relations in an Insect, Thermobia Domestica: II. Relationships between Water Content, Water Uptake from Infsaturated Atmospheres and Water Loss in Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.57, pp.285-296. Camebridge: Company of Biologists ([ Abstract] [ PDF]
  • (en) Okasha, A.Y.K. (1973) Water Relations in an Insect, Thermobia Domestica: II. Effects of Desiccation and Rehydration on the Haemolymph in Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.58, pp.385-400. Camebridge: Company of Biologists ([ Abstract] [ PDF]
  • (en)   Wygodzinsky, Pedro (1972) A Review of the Silverfish (Lepismatidae, Thysanura) of the United States and the Caribbean Area in American Museum Novitates, Nr.2481, february 16, 1972. New York: American Museum of Natural History. (PDF)
  • (en) Wygodzinsky, Pedro W.; Reddell, James R. (1973) Description of a new genus of cave thysanuran from Texas (Nicoletiidae, Thysanura, Insecta). in American Museum Novitates, Nr.2518. New York: American Museum of Natural History. (Abstract / PDF)
  • (en)   Wygodzinski, Pedro (1980) A survey of the nicoletiinae of Europe (Nicoletiidae, Thysanura, Insecta) in American Museum Novitates, Nr.2695 pp:1-28. New York: American Museum of Natural History. (Abstract / PDF)
  • (en) PennState Entomological Notes: "Bristletails" HTML/PDF
  • (nl) UvA Persvoorlichting (2002) Papieretend insect verovert bibliotheken en woonhuizen. (UvA website)

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  • (en) Molero-Baltanás, Rafael; Fanciullib, Pietro Paolo; Fratib, Francesco; Carapellib, Antonio; Gaju-Ricarta, Miguel (1998) New data on the Zygentoma (Insecta, Apterygota) from Italy in Proceedings of Vth International Seminar on Apterygota, Cordoba 1998 (koop)
    • Inclusief sleutel voor alle soorten!!
  • (en) Barnhart, C.S. (1951) A new silverfish of economic importance found in the United States (Thysanura: Lepismatidae). in Ohio Journal of Science, Vol.51, pp.184-186.


  • (en) Molero-Baltanás, R; Gaju-Ricart, M.; Bach de Roca, C. (2002) Myrmecophilic Zygentoma (Insecta Apterygota) from the ibero balearic fauna :Biogeographic remarks. in Pedobiologia 46 pp:284-295 (Abstract)
  • (en) Mendes, Luís F.; Gaju-Ricart; Roca, de; Molero-Baltanas (2000) New accounts on the thysanurans of the Azores (Insecta, Microcoryphia and Zygentoma) with description of a new species. in Pedobiologia 44 pp:309-319
  • (en) Mendes, Luís F. (1996) Some new data on the Microcoryphia and Zygentoma (Insecta) from the United States. in Garcia de Orta, Série Zoologia, vol.21, nr.1. pp.117-126.
  • (en) Wille, Alvaro (1960) The phylogeny and relationships between the insect orders in Revista de Biología Tropical, vol.50, nr.2, jun. 2002. San José: (online) ISSN 0034-7744
  • (en) Birket-Smith, S.J.R. (1974) On the abdominal morphology of Thysanura (Archaeognata and Thysanura s.str.)
    • 67 p., 37 figs
Wellicht PD
  • (fr) Dufour, L (1831) Description et figures de deux especes nouvelles du genre Lepisma. in Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), Vol.22, pp.419-421.
  • (la) Fabricius, J.C. (1793) Entomologia systematica, Vol.2, 519 pp. Copenhagen:
  • (en) Folsom, J.W. (1923) A new lepismid from Porto Rico. in Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington, Vol.25, pp.170-171.
  • (it) Grassi, B; Rovelli, G (1889) Tavola analitica dei Tisanuri italiani da noi finora riscontrati. in Bull. Soc. Ent. Italiana, Vol.21, pp.3-8.
  • (fi) Reuter, Odo Morannal (1895) Apterygogenea Fennica: Finlands Collembola och Thysanura Finlands Collembola och Thysanura.
    • 35pp. + 1 Taf.



Lepisma saccharina


Ctenolepisma lineata


Ctenolepisma longicaudata


Thermobia domestica




