Henk van Ess (Emmen, 1962) is een Nederlands onderzoeksjournalist, datajournalist, schrijver, internetdocent aan Europese universiteiten en freelance journalistentrainer.

Henk van Ess
Henk van Ess in 2017.
Algemene informatie
Geboren 1962
Land Nederland
Genre Datajournalistiek
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Opgenomen april 2017 (download·info)

Biografie bewerken

Van Ess studeerde onderzoeksjournalistiek in Utrecht en heeft als onderzoeksjournalist gewerkt voor Algemeen Dagblad. Van 2000 tot 2014 was hij voorzitter van de Vereniging voor Onderzoeksjournalisten (VVOJ). Sinds 2012 is Van Ess werkzaam bij Axel Springer SE in Berlijn.

Datajournalistiek bewerken

Henk van Ess, a college lecturer in online communications, emphasizes the need to "give back" the crowdsourced results to the public on ethical grounds. His nonscientific, noncommercial definition is widely cited in the popular press:[1]

"Crowdsourcing is channeling the experts’ desire to solve a problem and then freely sharing the answer with everyone."

Het datajournalistieke proces.

A more results driven definition comes from data reporter and web strategist Henk van Ess (2012).[2] "Data-driven journalism enables reporters to tell untold stories, find new angles or complete stories via a workflow of finding, processing and presenting significant amounts of data (in any given form) with or without open source tools." Van Ess claims that some of the data-driven workflow leads to products that "are not in orbit with the laws of good story telling" because the result emphazes on showing the problem, not explaining the problem. "A good data driven production has different layers. It allows you to find personalized details that are only important for you, by drilling down to relevant details but also enables you to zoom out to get the big picture".

In 2013, Van Ess came with a shorter definition in [3] that doesn't involve visualisation per se:

"Datajournalism is journalism based on data that has to be processed first with tools before a relevant story is possible. It doesn't include visualisation per se."

Data can also be created by the public through crowd sourcing, as shown in March 2012 at the Datajournalism Conference in Hamburg by Henk van Ess [4]


BBC Academy




30 mei 2007 p. Metro. Van Ess over Wikipedia















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