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Gebieden van verantwoordelijkheden

  • Amt I/Abt Ia - policy regarding general legal questions affecting civil penal law and military penal law. All decisions in matters of legal policy and procedure both within the Hauptamt and from outside SS and police courts were made here. Official manuals on procedure were published by Abt Ia, in particular:

(i) Grey book "Mitteilungen des Hauptamtes SS-Gericht"; (ii) Field grey book "Erlass-Sammlung des Hauptamt SS-Gerichtes"; (iii) Unbound "Sammel-Erlasse des Hauptamtes SS-Gericht", published in sections during 1943-1945.

  • Amt I/Abt Ib - only dealt with cases relating to civil law. Information on legal points was given to families of police and SS personnel. The department was only attached to the SS-Gericht and was not part of the SS legal machinery.
  • Amt I/Abt Ic - administration of SS judges (postings, transfers, etc.). From 1944 onwards this department also organised courses for judges of several days' duration, at which legal problems either of a principal nature or of particular interest were discussed.
  • Amt I/Abt Id - administration of clerical staff of SS-Gerichte. Also kept Wehrpässe of all persons coming under Hauptamt SS-Gericht, and made necessary entries in their Soldbücher.
  • Amt I/Abt Ie - all important decisions by SS-Gerichte were checked by this department and were either confirmed, altered or cancelled. Dependent on subsequent legal decisions the case could be forwarded to the appropriate "Gerichtsherr" for confirmation, alteration or cancellation, or possibly re-trial. The Gerichtsherr for cases of SS leaders was HIMMLER, who also dealt with all death sentences. In all other cases the "Gerichtsherren" were either the [SS] army corps commanders or the HSSPF.
  • Amt I/Abt If - only commenced activities in 1944. Made preliminary investigations and enquiries into particularly important cases irrespective of whether any of the SS Gerichte would normally deal with the case. As these investigations were carried out at the residence of the witnesses, members of this department were generally away on duty journeys. On completion of the investigations of this department, cases were handed over to the appropriate SS Gericht.
  • Amt II Disziplinaramt

Special cases which had been dealt with under disciplinary rules and regulations were investigated and, if necessary, altered or a re-trial was ordered.

  • Amt III Gnadenamt

Dit ambt commented on the carrying out of punishments inflicted by SS-Gerichts; (ii) to keep an eye on prisoners in SS prison camps; and (iii) to submit to HIMMLER suggestions for reduction of sentences. Members of SS or police who received sentences of severe imprisonment ("Zuchthaus") were sent to a punishment camp at DACHAU. Men with ordinary prison sentences ("Gefängnis") were sent to a punishment camp at DANZIG-MATZKAU.

  • Amt IV: was in the process of being dissolved at the end of 1944. Its activities being transferred to Abt Ic. Tasks of this department were of a statistical nature.
  • General administration

This department was responsible for feeding, issue of ration cards, pay, maintenance of clothing, etc. of all personnel of the Hauptamt.

  • Training

This was carried out under the supervision of SS-Hstuf Geike, who also received monthly progress reports from the heads of all SS- u. Pol.Gerichte.