Gebruiker:Joost Groote Schaarsberg/Kladblok

Biography of JamesTHubby ''jamestlad''


Jamestlad is a well known figure within the roblox napoleonic wars genre, known for having led the best regiment and line within the genre and having beaten the records of cheaters once thought impossible to beat. but where does he come from?

The beginning of his journey


It is rather unclear as to what the exact date is when james joined the genre but his first messages within BA where on the 14th of may 2021, he joined the 52nd regiment of foot back then well known for being a ''shitter'' regiment. he was well respected within the regiment for being ''one of the lads'' and being a generally nice guy to be with. quickly gaining respect with some of his closest friends within the genre, his time in the 52nd saw its ups and downs as the regiment progressed, here he also become his first staff possition of serjeant. he was given the CO ship of a platoon within the regiment and got great respect from the 52nd CO. despite all this the ''great reset'' happend. Many regiments within BA fell inclueding the 52nd who transformed into the Royal Artillery and 2 weeks later they where merged with KGL Lights under the promise of artillery being released. James also was set into this regiment getting promoted to serjeant major and finally being promoted towards an officer possition where he led a company. many of his friends from the 52nd where also within this company. RA was heavily shamed upon by BA despite being one of its best lines though this didn't effect james to much. not much is to be said about this time for him despite this being his first officer possition. finally after around half a year of promises of artillery releasing which never happend RA was disbanded and rebranded into the 28th regiment of foot. Here james continued to be a key player in maintaining the regiment until the 28th CO retired and Samelecti came into power. james became the XO and thing progressed as they stayed as a not to special regiment living their time until both sam and james retired from their possitions. as james was back then still deemed unfit to command a regiment solsare (well known sexual assaulter in the genre) came in and rebranded it into the 88th.

His time learning


james from this point onwards was rather inactive within BA but being able to go to the 23rd as a major. He spend most of his time attending events for the KGL Centre under Vycosis learning line leading and from an outsiders perspective not that active in the 23rd itself. until his weirdly maintained possition as major in the 23rd regiment of foot was called upon to lead for 2 weeks, in those 2 weeks a new page for the genre had started. one of his close friends holyorderofblobvis (acting CO of the 42nd (formally the 92nd 88th and 28th)) suggested they do some 2 v 2s together and just have a fun time in general. this proved crucial as blob himself was not that capable of running a regiment. and james being 3rd in command and having shown competence during those 2 v 2s lieutanant general benocy desided to send james to the 42nd to become its new CO. the 42nd was by then run dry, all its grenadiers had left after multiple failed merges and new commanders only to be left with a handfull of serjeants and serjeant majors. blob had attempted to rebuild this but due to his lack of expierence his attempts failed, james however could bring that expierence allowing for the regiment to start rebuilding.

The Black Watch


beginning of the Watch


in the beginning there where multiple problems, little to no grenadiers, no active competent officers to be a XO. One thing that blob did manage to do is make an active and large NCO recruiter corp. But that wouldn't be enough to substain a strong and competent regiment. But relations outside of the 42nd also where a problem, the acting CO before him Kairosglorious desided to make racial remarks about ilordenzo, the 19th XO and the CO tobayas desided to act on revenge. but kairos was already gone and none really to put the blame on but the regiment itself. this would be shown during the first army wide for the 42nd the 19th desided to go use the 42nd as targets. james started his journey screaming here aswell, he gained the trust from the NCOs and officers alike for screaming at by then one of the most powerfull men of the army.

Growing from shit to decent


As the regiment progressed and started gaining more traction and most importantly not having a small corp of grenadiers under its wing james would decide to fight the 4pp regiment of warsaw, though now it seems like an easy battle back then it still would be the first competitive fight the james would have with the 42nd. he crushed them by 2.5K clipping them hard. from this point onwards the 42nd would need to fight more decent enemies instead of total shitters. but james showed that good commanding would project over it, beating many enemies in the progress.

First army wides topfrag


finally after a few months of rapid improving of the regiment and the 3rd army wide james would lead with the 42nd they would face 5th corp on the 14th of september 2022. a victory of 500 points with the blackwatch having topfragged the army with 2.6K points, this would start events which the 42nde would continue to improve and rapidly gain traction, by now also having a large corp of grenadiers the 42nd would be ready to face most regiments.

they would also face the KAC of andour, last time they faced them it came down to some 400 points of victory and the KAC would think they where ready for round 2. they send in their best line to face the 42nd the 28th being confident in their ability to hold them and not die to them, what happend next would go down in the history as the first packwatch moment. A british 2.8K victory with the 42nd having 2K more points then the 28th, having absolutely shredded them they would never face the 42nd ever again, making sure the 42nd wasn't in a BA vs KAC 4 months later.

not only in BA wides the 42nd would propel, in the brigade wides the 42nd would attend in the first iberian campaign facing the tirailleurs du 6e with a 2 man outnumber, despite this they absolutely shredded them with a 900 points victory and the brigade winning overall with 2.8K

First elite match

whilst having an army wide against premier there would be no line present that was considerd ''elite'' on the british side, the 42nd however had shown its competence by now and it was up to james to face the swiss elites, a heavy match for the otherwise will junior regiment but still beating them by 200 points allowing the rest of the army to overpower their weaker enemies and winning the battle by 800 points

Entering a new age


the 42nd by december had put their name into one of the best in the genre, but that wouldn't mean much yet... the andouran guard a very new corp of some of the most elite soldiers the coalition could offer wanted to fight guard imperial. but they lacked 20 men to fight them, their best commander voided had good connections with james and using this the 42nd and dutch guard where both let in for the fight of the year.

First AG + 42nd vs IG + DG fight


the match started rather normal, both sides just forming and shooting, a few big mistakes from the DG still gave the victory towards the coalition, one very noticable thing from the 42nd did appear. their spacing was horrible, despite them still winning their fights against not as skilled regiments would certainly result in a victory with guys as good or better would allow them to get easily farmed which did get noticed during the match.

Second AG + 42nd vs IG + DG fight


this time the grenadiers of the 42nd had their time to reform and improve their spacing, now betterd they still where facing the same line. they where able to outshoot them so much the first flag cap was the 42nd during the match, absolutely hammering their line but getting limited by the flanks the 42nd still had to play a bit more passive then needed. but due to james's leading they where able to farm so hard they topfragged the entire match being the only line with 3K points.

The new age


with the fight of the year behind them the 42nd would walk out stronger then ever rallying more then 40 at times, peaking at 58 and allowing the 42nd to run 2 lines. from now on the 42nd would start to have a large grenadier company feared for their prowess and skill, walking into battle nearly never defeated by their line they would be facing. but also losing some officers during this time, though one of them. blob. would return, many of their toxic staff was purged and the 42nd continue to prosper despite what many thought would be impossible for them to hold up. the grand egyptian battle also happend during this time, with the 42nd getting 7 starts and 7K points their role in the genre would be cemented as the best of their time. but all good things had to come to an end

The Kings Company


James got stressed of running the regiment and retired. many thought it would be the end for the 42nd but an intresting offer from the HHG would come. make the 42nd grenadiers the Kings Company and ill do all your admin work. this was accepted and a long list of battles ensued, beating the best of all the french corps until non stood victorious over the Kings Company, the best of the genre title was now ensured. and thats where we are right now. a man that started from humble origins in the worst place he could start to making the best one there is.