
Andrea Scharnhorst

  • Andrea Scharnhorst studeerde physica aan aan de Humboldt Universityvan Berlin, Department of Physics;
  • Na 1982 vervolgde zij haar studie in Berlin en rondde haar studie in 1984 af met een Received the degree “Diplom-Physiker” 1984-1985 Continuation of graduate studies at the ‘Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences’ Division (under the chair of Prof. K.-F. Wessel) of the Philosophy Department at the Humboldt University of Berlin 1985-1991 Research fellow at the Institute for Theory, History and Organisation of Science (ITW) of the Academy of Sciences of the German Democratic Republic 1988 Received the degree “Dr. phil.” (PhD) at the Humboldt University of Berlin 1992-1994 Scientist at the KAI e.V. 1994-1997 Scientist at the Institute of Sociology at the Free University of Berlin 1997-2001 Scientist at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung) 2001-2005 Senior Researcher at NIWI-KNAW Since 2005 Senior Research Fellow at the Virtual Knowledge Studio at the KNAW (Research Manager Simulation) Since April 2006 Visiting Professor for Cybermetrics, University of Wolverhampton, UK



Research areas

B Philosophy (General)

QC Physics

Z665 Library Science. Information Science

Research interests

Main research areas

Models, mathematical, non-linear, dynamic

Social change as search in complex knowledge landscapes – framework  G_O_E_THE (Geometrically Oriented Evolutionary THEories) and interactive simulations (EVOLINO)

Complex networks

Science dynamics and science development

Innovation dynamics and technological change

Emergence of norms in social groups and learning strategies under uncertainty

Emergence of new scientific fields, scientific careers and field mobility

Evolution of knowledge organization systems (Wikipedia categories, UDC)

Evolution of scholarly communication and the future of libraries and archives

Modelling the use of competences for problem solving

Measurement, indicators

Scientometrics; Science, technology and innovation indicators (including webindicators)

Matthew effect of science

Societal impact of research

Baseline statistics applied to metadata of collections, user behaviour


Science maps

Knowledge maps for collections

Visual enhanced interfaces to collections of libraries and archives


Theoretical physics; statistical physics; socio and econophysics, infophysics

Philosophy of science, science history and science and technology studies(sts)


Information Sciences

Aanstelling, leeropdracht


Een selectie van de belangrijkste publicaties


Gebruikte bronnen



wikimedia Indonesia

nederland in de wereld

Steendruk als voorloper van de offset

Boekgeschiedenis [1]

Hoe is de relatie met verschillende hogescholen Er is kwa Wikimedia

  • een project t.a.v gendercap een project met textiel samenwerking met archieven bibliotheken
  • een Wikipedia in het museum Touch screen informatie door het museum
  • educatie programma en samenwerking met hoger onderwijs
  • Who loves monuments

Hoe zijn classificaties automatisch in te voeren en b.v bewerkingen met adlib te automatiseren.

vragen hoe doen de Belgen i.v.m. de Duitsers het in de bibliotheek wetenschap.

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Nationale Wetenschapsagenda

  1. seinfelder