Sakura Kinomoto 木之本 桜 Kinomoto Sakura

Sakura Kinomoto 木之本 桜 Kinomoto Sakura is een denkbeeldige karakter en de heldin van het anime en manga serie Cardcaptor Sakura van Clamp. In het Engelse anime is ze als Sakura Avalon bekend. Voor alle Japans-taalige producties van het anime (inclusief films en audio CD's) heeft Sakura de stem van Sakura Tange. Voor de Engels-taalige producties en het eerste film heeft ze de stem van Carly McKillip en voor de tweese film heeft ze de stem van Kari Wahlgren.

Sakura is ook een hoofd speler in een latere werk van Clamp, Tsubasa: Reservoit Chronicle. In het anime versie wordt haar stem in het Japans door Yui Makino gedaan en in het Engels door Monica Rial.

Er wordt ook naar haar verwezen in een andere Clamp productie, XXXHolic.

Sakura's voornaam (桜) betekent eigenlijk kersenbloessem. Haar achternaam, Kinomoto (木之本), betekent letterlijk de herkomst van hout. In Cardcaptors zou Sakura eigenlijk "Nikki" heten, maar Nelvana heeft die naam achterwege gelaten. Het zou veels te moeilijk en te duur worden om haar naam overal te veranderen in de vele gevallen waar haar naam in het Romaji voorkwam. Haar familie naam werd in "Avalon" veranderd. Het uitspraak van haar naam werd ook veranderd. In het Japans zetten ze het nadruk op het Sa terwijl ze in het Engels het nadruk op het ku leggen.

Cardcaptor Sakura




In het begin van het serie is Sakura tien jaar oud en woont ze in het denkbeeldige stad Tomoeda in Japan. Op een avond na haar eerste dag van groep 6 in Tomoeda Elementary School hoort ze een mysterieuze geluid van haar vaders bibliotheek in de kelder. Ze gaat zenuwachtig naar beneden om te kijken en vindt een mysterieus boek met The Clow als titel. Ze opent het boek en vindt de Clow Cards, een stok van 52 kaarten met ieder een magische kracht. Als ze het bovenste kaart op pakt en leest het naam "WINDY" hardop voor. Hierdoor werd het kaart gëactiveerd en gaat er een harde wind door het huis heen. Alle overgebleven kaarten worden daarmee naar buiten geblazen en overal verspreid. De bewaker van de kaarten, Keroberos, verschijnt dan uit het boek en gaat samen met Sakura alle kaarten terug halen zodat zij de nieuwe Carcaptor kan worden. In ruil daarvan krijgt Sakura het recht om de macht van de kaarten zelf te gebruiken. Later blijkt ook dat Keroberos Sakura als kandidaat heeft genoemd, hij zoekt namelijk ook een nieuwe meester van de kaarten.

Sakura heeft een heel actief en vrolijk karakter. Ze is heel atletisch, ze is lid van het cheerleading groep van school en ze is erg goed in hardlopen. Haar "onverwoestbare spreuk", "Everything will surely be all right." (「ぜったいだいじょうぶだよ。」, "Zettai daijobu da yo."), oftewel "alles komt zeker goed", heeft haar door ontelbare proefjes en obstakels geholpen. Ze komt over als klunsig, naiëf en in de war maar zij heeft ook wel haar goede momenten.

Sakura's optimistisch en vertrouwbare karakter helpt haar om met bijna iedereen bevriend te raken, en het serie richt dan ook veel op de relaties die ze met mensen vormt. Van vreemdelingen en bekenden tot rivalen.

Sakura woont met haar oude broer, TOya Kinomoto (Tori Avalon), en haar vader Fujitaka Kinomoto (Aiden Avalon). Samen zorgen ze voor het huis, vaak met een corvee lijst van koken en schoonmaken. Sakura's moeder, Nadeshiko Kinomoto (Natasha Avalon), stierf toen Sakura drie jaar oud was. Sakura en haar familie verhuisden naar Tomoeda ongeveer drie jaar voor het begin van de serie, toen Toya in de tweede zat en Sakura in groep 3.

Sakura's personage werd ontworpen door Mokona (tekenares) van Clamp. Ze werd ontworpen om het beeld op te vangen van Mokona's toen tee-jarige nichtje Kawaji. Kawaji had ook korte haren in twee staartjes net als Sakura in het anime en manga.

Sakura's magische krachten worden door de hele serie steeds sterker. Dit wordt soms opgemerkt door Cerberus. Anders zou het lijken alsof Sakura telkens evenveel sterkte en kunde had, met het vangen en oproepen van de Clow kaarten. In de eerste en tweede seizoen wijst het comentaar van Cerberus erop dat Sakura's magie groeit als zij met de kaarten vecht. In het derde seizoen wordt Sakura's onervarenheid opgemerkt door Yue's kritiek. Vooral het feit dat ze al moe is na een kaart te transformeren. Maar, terwijl ze steeds beter wordt in het transformeren van kaarten, wordt ze ook minder moe en is ze meer bewust van Clow Reed's aanwezigheid. Ze begint ook steeds meer te onthouden van haar profetische dromen. Tijdens de laatste beproeving van Eriol kan ze zlefs meerdere kaarten tegelijk transformeren.


To summon her sealing wand:
CCS Key that hides the powers of the dark, show your true form before me.
I, Sakura, command you under our contract...
CC Key of Clow, power of magic, power of light,
surrender the wand, the force ignite! Release!
To capture a Clow Card:
CCS Return to the guise you were meant to be in, Clow Card! 汝のあるべき姿に戻れ、クロウカード!
CC [I command you to] return to your power confined... <card name>!
To summon her star wand:
CCS Key that hides the power of the stars, show your true form before me.
I, Sakura, command you under our contract...
CC Key of the Star, with powers burning bright,
Reveal the staff and shine your light! Release!
To transform a Clow Card into a Sakura Card:
CCS The Card created by Clow, abandon your old form and reincarnate!
Under the name of your new master, Sakura...
<card name>!
<card name>!
CC I call upon the powers of my star, ancient forces near and far.
Clow Card transform all your might and draw your power from my light.
Release! <card name>!
  • Sometimes (most likely to save time in the anime) the phrase to summon her wand is simply, "Release!" When the summoning occurs off-screen, the phrase is often omitted entirely, and a bright flickering light is seen to indicate the summoning.
  • If Sakura did not know the name of the Card during capture, her incantations would refer to it simply as "Clow Card."


Leeswaarschuwing: Onderstaande tekst bevat details over de inhoud of de afloop van het verhaal.

Syaoran Li


Sakura's relationship with Syaoran Li (Li Showron) is the most recognized relationship in the series, mostly because the second half of the series is heavily devoted to its development.

Most significant to the development of their relationship is Syaoran's changing opinion of Sakura, mostly because of Sakura's own heart-warming personality. In the beginning of the series, Syaoran immediately considers Sakura a rival when he finds out she is the Cardcaptor and concludes her unworthy of bearing the responsibility of the Clow Cards. Sakura is constantly intimidated by his glares and brash attitude both at school and while capturing Clow Cards. However Sakura never gives back any negative responses or behavior. Most of the time, despite Syaoran's aggression, she thanks him for his help and effort. This eventually becomes very confusing to Syaoran, whose gentler side soon causes him to be more humble than arrogant.

Though Syaoran gradually becomes more committed to liking Sakura, she still remains completely clueless of his feelings. Syaoran's blushes become more frequent, and there are some occasions where he would suddenly become clumsy when in her presence, but Sakura will either keep an innocent smile on her face or look confused and worried at Syaoran whenever he trips and falls.

Following the Final Judgment when Syaoran makes a permanent change from rival to ally, Sakura begins viewing Syaoran as a very close friend, often thinking of including him when there are school or community events. She is very happy to become able to call him "Syaoran-kun" instead of the more neutral "Li-kun" when he (in a more desperate moment) calls her "Sakura." When Sakura confesses her feelings to Yukito, only to have them essentially rejected, Syaoran is there to comfort her in the park afterwards. It is a very emotional period in the series, but she is able to recover, thanks to Syaoran. In the anime, Sakura returns the favor by spending several nights in a row knitting him a scarf, which he accepts after a surprised pause. Similarly, in the manga, Sakura returns the favor by spending a week making him a yukata.

Sakura is finally made aware of Syaoran's feelings when he personally confesses them after the final battle with Eriol Hiiragizawa (Eli Moon). The news comes as a complete shock to her, and it is ever present in her thoughts over the next few days. In the manga, after talking to her friends about why she is upset and confused about her feelings, those feelings lead her to conclude that Syaoran is her true "number one person," and she confesses her newfound feelings as Syaoran suddenly leaves for Hong Kong (though only temporarily). The anime stretches out the suspense, with Sakura not yet answering Syaoran in the last episode of the series. Instead, her confession comes at the end of the second movie, after several failed attempts throughout the film.

The teddy bears (seen in the above picture) are named Sakura and Syaoran, respectively, referring to a fictional tradition where if two people make teddy bears for each other and the recipients name them after their donors, the two will be a couple forever. In the manga, Sakura and Syaoran name their bears after each other after she confesses her love to him. In the anime, Syaoran gives Sakura his bear (she asks to have it) in Episode 70, but Sakura never gives him one, having already given it to Yukito earlier in the series. [bron?]

In the second movie, Syaoran returns to Japan with his cousin Meiling Li who was having secret phone calls with Tomoyo Daidouji who helped plan their return. Tomoyo and Meiling attempted to organise outings for Sakura to tell Syaoran about how she feels but, rather amusingly, she gets interrupted until the end of the movie where Sakura confesses her love believing that Syaoran had forgotten his most important feeling. She begins to cry but Syaoran surprisingly replies "Me too, Sakura". The song Ashita e no Merodi plays with the sunrise clear in the background to symbolize happiness and victory.

Sakura and Syaoran continue to be widely recognized in fandom to the present day. They are also likely Clamp's most famous fictional couple, as they make a lead appearance in their crossover manga series, Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE.

Yukito Tsukishiro


In the first half of the series, before any hint of a relationship with Syaoran, Sakura's primary romantic focus was on the older Yukito Tsukishiro (Julian Star). The origin of the relationship is unclear, but Yukito's presence always causes a significant effect on Sakura's feelings, commonly provoking her "floaty" exclamation, "Hanyaan~" (はにゃああん~).

Sakura always does her best to impress Yukito, on rare occasions even competing with Syaoran to give the better compliment or gift. She often looks forward to going to school with Yukito each day, and she is worried when he is not there. Most times when her brother, Toya, is present, Sakura is often provoked to raise her voice or else act "unladylike" at Toya, which immediately elicits her embarrassment when she realizes Yukito is also there watching her.

Late in the series, Sakura finally decides to confess her love to Yukito instead of forever skirting around the issue. However, Yukito does not return the feelings, admitting that he loves her also but only in a platonic way. He asks her to reevaluate her feelings towards him and suggests that she feels attached to him more because he resembles her father. Sakura agrees with Yukito after some thought, and he continues to reassure her by saying that the real "number one person" for her is still out there somewhere, and she should not give up searching for him.

After an emotional afternoon in the park, Sakura is able to get over Yukito but still remaining a close friend through the end of the series. She, in a rare perceptive moment, also realizes that Yukito's feelings have always been aimed towards her brother, Toya. She accepts that fact, also, and wishes them the best.

Interestingly, in episode 70, Eriol reveals to Yue that when Clow chose Sakura as the future new Master of the Clow (later Master of the Sakura) Cards and their guardians, he had expected that in the future Yukito would love Sakura more than anyone else and vice versa. Yukito's attraction to Toya and Sakura's to Syaoran are the unforeseen occurrences, the deviations from Clow's plan, that Eriol mentions to Sakura and friends at the party in Clow's mansion.

Because Sakura's romantic ties with Yukito end in canon, her appearance with him in fandom and fanfiction are rare. Yukito is instead more popularly paired with Toya.

Tomoyo Daidouji


Though non-romantic, Sakura's close relationship with Tomoyo Daidouji (Madison Taylor) is likely the second most significant relationship in the series. Sakura and Tomoyo are best friends (and second cousins as their mothers were cousins), meeting randomly for the first time in the third grade when Sakura offered Tomoyo one of her erasers. Since then, Tomoyo has been very attentive to everything that Sakura does, including finding a passion for filming her throughout her daily activities.

Sakura holds a lot of trust in Tomoyo, often allowing her to take lots of measurements for the multitude of battle costumes and dresses that are made for her. Tomoyo is also one of the few keepers of Sakura's secret as the Cardcaptor, often accompanying Sakura in many of her adventures for filming and costume-testing opportunities. In the second half of the series, when Sakura gets a new wand and mission, Tomoyo is responsible for choreographing Sakura's new action poses.

Tomoyo holds a special, arguably romantic attachment to Sakura, of which Sakura is completely oblivious. In both the manga and anime, Tomoyo admits that she loves Sakura, but Sakura replies innocently, "I love you, too," in the platonic sense. The manga takes the scene further where Tomoyo comments that her love is more than what she is thinking it is. Sakura gives a confused look, but Tomoyo drops the topic, adding, "I'll tell you when you're older." Throughout the series, Sakura never realizes this deeper attachment, simply remaining Tomoyo's best friend. Tomoyo, however, selflessly does not mind this at all and even helps Sakura most times in setting up situations with Yukito and Syaoran, as Tomoyo understands they are the ones who would make Sakura the happiest.

Because Tomoyo lacks magical powers, Sakura takes on a protective responsibility most times when capturing or transforming cards. If Tomoyo is ever in danger (or missing), Sakura will be the one concerned for her most, and her focus changes from that of the Card at hand to Tomoyo's safety. Fortunately, Sakura has always succeeded and hugs Tomoyo warmly whenever she reunites with her.

Leeswaarschuwing: Eindigt hier.


  • Verjaardag: April 1
  • Bloed Type: A
  • Haar kleur: Bruin (kastanjebruin)
  • Ogen: Groen
  • Lievelings vakken: L.O. en muziek
  • Minst favoriete vakken: Wiskunde en Geschiedenis
  • Extra school activiteiten: Cheerleaden en lange afstand rennen
  • Favoriete kleuren: Roze en wit
  • Favoriete bloem: Sakura (kersen bloesem)
  • Favoriete eten: Rijst omelet en noodles
  • Minst favoriete eten: Konnyaku (taro wortel)
  • Favoriete recept: Pannekoeken
  • Wenslijst: Een nieuwe schooltas
  • Haat: Zomer huiswerk
  • Bang van: Spoeken, griezel verhalen, een geliefd iemand verliezen



While Sakura does not have a direct role in XXXHolic, Yuko Ichihara mentions her on several occasions and has a replica of her first sealing wand. She also states there is a Sakura living in her current world with her boyfriend, hinting of Sakura Kinomoto from Cardcaptor Sakura. Sakura appears once in Chapter 12 of the manga, however in an unconscious state, held by Syaoran.

Tsubasa Chronicle


Sakura also appears in Clamp's crossover series, Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle and Tsubasa Chronicle. Her character is similar only in looks and personality to her Cardcaptor Sakura counterpart. Tsubasa Chronicle takes on a new story with new histories for each of its characters.

At the start of the series, Sakura is the princess of the Kingdom of Clow who has feelings for Syaoran, her childhood friend. When she is about to confess her feelings, a mysterious force causes her own dormant magical powers to manifest in the form of feathered wings. When her feathers are scattered across time and space, Syaoran vows to recover all of them because each feather represents a memory Sakura has had since birth and are connected to her heart; without the feathers, she will die. Fei Wong (the mysterious villain in the series) reflects on the ability of people like the High Priest Yukito, Princess Tomoyo of Nihon, and Yuko to cross dimensions and comments that the power concealed within Sakura and the ruins in Clow surpasses them all.

She pays Yuko in an indirect way. Her price is pretty much the same as Syaoran - her memories of him. When she awakes in the Hanshin Republic the first person she sees is Syaoran. He is taken back when she asks, "Who are you?"

At times, such as in Outo, Sakura comes extremely close to remembering Syaoran but it is quickly erased once more from her memory. Syaoran, having known this would happen previously, will never tell her anything about their previous relationship. At most, all Sakura knows about Syaoran is what she has relearned from the adventures together with Mokona, Fay, and Kurogane, although she knows she knew him previously and he was very important to her. It is also clear that she is falling in love with him once more.

Sakura possesses unnaturally good luck; both Chun Hyang and Yuko call her "a favoured daughter of the gods". This is what allowed her to travel dimensions safely until Yuko asks for her good luck as a price. According to Yukito and Syaoran, Sakura also has the ability to "hear" the voices of those who cannot be heard, such as spirits of nature, and to see ghosts. She can also see the future in visions, though this ability is unreliable and nothing she has control over.

In the anime, at some points when she is asleep, she will unknowingly go out and search for her feathers. She will seem to be awake, talking and interacting with others and her surroundings, yet is actually completely out of it, like she is unconsciously searching for her own feathers.

In Tsubasa, Sakura's personality is passive and weary, weary because she's exhausted from her loss of memories. However as the series goes on she becomes stronger and independent. Syaoran states, even though she's lost most of her memories, she'll never change. She helps the group whenever she can, whether it's washing dishes or saving their lives.

In chapters 142 and following, Sakura wishes to go to one specific world on her own. Her reason is that she had a vision of the future, if she continues to travel with her friends, and she wants to prevent that future from happening.

  • The design of Sakura's staff is very similar to, if not the same as, the design for Fuu's sword hilt in Magic Knight Rayearth, another Clamp series.
  • Sakura's staff (a replica, however) is a crossover item in Clamp's XXXHolic.
  • April 1st is an important date to Clamp, as it is the day the group was created. Sakura has that day as her birthday. It is also the same as that of Kimihiro Watanuki of XXXHolic, whose name (四月一日君尋, Watanuki Kimihiro) is spelled with the characters for "April 1st."