
NickServ is a Bot on the freenode network used to let people register a nickname and give them some options for there nickname. I'll try to explain how NickServ works with some easy explanetion.



Register is the first command you will need to use before you can use other options, if you register a name you stop other people using it, or make the name "free" when somebody else is using it. To register a nickname you need to change your nickname in the nick you want to register by giving to following command:

/nick <name>

Now you can do the following command for registering this name, to register you need to give a valid email. You will get a email about the registration, you need to confirm the email otherwhise your account will be dropped after 24 hours.

/msg nickserv register <password> <email>

After confirming the email the nickname is yours.



Everytime you connect to freenode you will need to identify yourself to the services, this is done with your password and make the other NickServ options avaible for you. To identify yourself you need to use the name that is registered. (if the name is in use and you can't get it please see the Release and Ghost options). After you are using the nick you can give the following command:

/msg nickserv identify <password>

It is also possible to do this in a private window where you have a little bit more privacy so when it goes wrong, you will not send your password in the channel, when you do send your password in a channel you need to change it as soon as possible. To use the identify in a more private way you can use

/msg <yournick> Hi
This will open a private chat with yourself.
/msg nickserv identify <password>

When its done correctly you will get the message:

You are now identified for <nick>.

Ghost is the command used for disconnecting a old session or a user that is using your nick without permission. If you are identified yourself with a nick attached to the nick you want to ghost you don't need to give a password, if you didn't do that you need to fill in a password.

/msg nickserv ghost <nickname thats needed to be ghosted> <password>

The user will now be disconnected, and will recieve a notice that you used the ghost command.



Release is almost the same as Ghost, Release will remove the protection of the nick placed by the Enforce command or will change the nickname of the user that is using the nickname. Like by Ghost you need to use a password when you aren't identified, else you can leave the password part.

/msg nickserv release <nickname that is needed to be released> <password>

When you use freenode you can use group to add up to 20 usernames to your mainaccount, when a nickname is grouped it will have the same password as your main-account and you can switch between nicknames without the need to give a password for every nick. For using group you need to be sure you are identified for you main account and switch to the name that you want to group after that you can use:

/msg nickserv group

The nickname will be attached to your account now. If you want to remove a nick out of your group and making it avaible for other users to register you can use

/msg nickserv ungroup <nick>

Pay attention, when you forget to fill in a nickname your current nick will be removed out of your group.

When you use ACC you will get a message back from Nickserv with the current login status of the nickname. Nickserv will give back four options: 0 account or user does not exist 1 account exists but user is not logged in 2 user is not logged in but recognized 3 user is logged in.

For using this command you can use the following command:

/msg nickserv ACC <nick>

You will recieve a answer in the form of:

<nick> ACC <number>

Set is used to give various options to your nickname, and it has a lot of options. You can use set for changing your emailadres:

/msg chanserv set email <email>

You are also able to set a option that send your memo's to your emailadres with:

/msg nickserv set emailmemos on
Change the on in off to disable it.

You can hide your email in a /whois or info command therefor you will need to use:

/msg nickserv set hidemail on
Change the on in off to disable it.

You can turn of the option to recieve memo's by giving:

/msg nickserv set nomemos on
Change the on in off to disable it.

You can prevent yourself for giving auto operator in channels by giving:

/msg nickserv set noop on
Change the on in off to disable it.

You can disable the option that people can place you on the the access list of channels by:

/msg nickserv set neverop on
Change the on in off to disable it.

You can change your password:

/msg nickserv set password <password>

You can change the main accountname for your account by

/msg nickserv set accountname <name>

You can keep information about you private:

/msg nickserv set private on
Change the on in off to disable it.

To protect your nickname you can set a enforcer on it, this way a user using your nickname will have 30 seconds to identief himself or his nickname will be changed and your nickname will be protected (has to be removed with release)

/msg nickserv set enforce on
Change the on in off to disable it.

You can view information about registration date, flags, cloak and other detail with the info command. This info can be private using the set private option

/msg nickserv info <nick>

With status you can show your own status it is used with:

/msg nickserv status

When you are done on the account where you are identified for you can use logout to logout.

/msg nickserv logout

You will recieve a message that you are now logout