Chanserv is a bot that gives user the ability to get and maintain control of a channel this is without the need of a extra bot. Registration for a channel is a easy process and make it almost impossible for a channel takeover.



Registering a channel gives you a better control of a channel, you can maintain a access list and all the other functions that are given by Chanserv. (its advised tor read before registering a channel) To register a channel you need to go in a free channel and give the following command:

/msg Chanserv REGISTER

The channel is now registered and you have been given the founder flag.

The flags command is for removing or granting of channel privileges, this function supports both usermames and hostmasks. (Its advided to set a flag on a hostmask)

Freenode supports multiple kind of flags, all are listed below. To grant a flag you need to use + and the remove a flag you need to use -

v - Enables use of the voice/devoice commands.

V - Enables automatic voice.

o - Enables use of the op/deop commands.

O - Enables automatic op. (this isn't advised by the freenode staff)

s - Enables use of the set command.

i - Enables use of the invite and getkey commands.

r - Enables use of the kick, ban, and kickban commands.

R - Enables use of the recover and clear commands.

f - Enables modification of channel access lists.

t - Enables use of the topic and topicappend commands.

A - Enables viewing of channel access lists.

F - Grants full founder access.

b - Enables automatic kickban.kickban.

  • - This is a special command, +* will give all flags except +b and +F -* will remove all flags including +b and +F

Some example uses:

/msg Chanserv FLAGS #channel user!* +o
/msg Chanserv FLAGS #channel user!* -V+oO
/msg Chanserv FLAGS #channel user!* -*
/msg Chanserv FLAGS #channel user +oOtsi
/msg Chanserv FLAGS #channel TroubleUser!*@* +b

The access command can be used to display all privileges in a channel, it can also be used to give or remove permissions but using a flag command is easier in use. The commands used here for are:

/msg Chanserv Access #channel list
/msg Chanserv Access #channel add <username> OP
/msg Chanserv Access #channel del <username> OP

Set is used to set various control flags for a channel, so the way channels behave can be changed. There are a lot of set commands, for more info about a command you can preform:

/msg Chanserv help set



Set Founder gives you to option to set a new founder for the channel, the new founder is needed to preform the same command to confirm his new Founder status, until the new founder has confirmed you can cancel it by doing the command again but with your nickname instead.

/msg Chanserv SET #channel FOUNDER user



Topiclock is a command to secure the channel topic, only users with the +t can changes the topic. When a topic is changed during a netsplit it will be reverted by Chanserv.

/msg Chanserv SET #channel TOPICLOCK ON



Keeptopic nables restoration of the old topic after the channel has become empty. In some cases, it may revert topic changes after netsplits or services outages, so it is not recommended to turn this on if your channel tends to never empty.

/msg Chanserv SET #channel KEEPTOPIC ON
Change on with off to disable it.



Private is used to hide information about the channel to other users.

/msg Chanserv SET #channel PRIVATE ON
Change on with off to disable it.

Secure prevents people that aren't on the access list to get operator or voice action, this command isn't really needed but it could work if you are paranoid.

/msg Chanserv SET #channel SECURE ON
Change on with off to disable it.



Entrymsg gives you the option to send a notice to everybody joining the channel, this notice can't be bigger than 5 lines of text.

/msg Chanserv SET #support ENTRYMSG <message>
To disable it replace <message> with None

e-mail is used to set the e-mailadres that will be shown in a info command, it is also possible to remove a e-mailadres by replacing the e-mailadres with NONE.

/msg Chanserv set #channel e-mail

Guard is a command to invite Chanserv in a channel, this is also needed to preform most of the action here in the page. Chanserv will also protect the channel for a take over if nobody is in the channel.

/msg Chanserv set #channel Guard on
Change on with off to disable it.



Verbose is used to send a notice to all operators or users in a channel when the access list is changed.

/msg Chanserv set #channel Verbose on
Change on with ops to send a notice only to channel ops.
Change on with off to disable it.

Akick allows you to maintain channel ban lists. Users on the akick list will be automatically kick banned when they join the channel, removing any matching ban exceptions first.

/msg Chanserv AKICK #channel ADD *!*
Replace add for Del to remove from the list.

Info will show information about the channel, it will show the registration date, founder and other information like that.

/msg Chanserv info #channel

Getkey gives the key for a channel, to preform this command the user needs to have +i

/msg Chanserv getkey #channel

Invite is used to invite yourself into a channel, this is normally only usefull if you need to enter a channel where you have the +i flag.

/msg Chanserv invite #channel

OP or Voice


OP or Voice is used to give a user operator or voiced status in a channel, if this command is preformed on another user the will receive a notice about that.

/msg Chanserv OP #channel user
/msg Chanserv voice #channel user
User deop or devoice to remove the status.

Unban is used to remove all entries on the banlist that are affecting you.

/msg Chanserv unban #channel

Clear is used to remove all bans, or kick all users in a channel.

For removing all bans:

/msg Chanserv CLEAR #channel BANS

For removing all users

/msg Chanserv CLEAR #channel USERS

This will give a count of how many entries are in each of the channel's OP lists and how many entries on the access list do not match a xOP value.

/msg Chanserv Count #channel



Recover gives you the control back in event of a take over. everyone will be deopped, limit and key will be cleared, all bans matching you are removed, a ban exception matching you is added (in case of bans Atheme can't see), the channel is set invite-only and moderated and you are invited.

/msg Chanserv recover #channel

Topic is used for changing the channel topic.

/msg Chanserv topic #channel <topic>



Topicappend is used for the addition of the topic

/msg Chanserv topicappend #channel <topic>



Topicprepend is used for the addition of the topic

/msg Chanserv topicprepend #channel <topic>

Status returns information about your current state. It will show information about your nickname, IRC operator, and SRA status.

/msg Chanserv status #channel

The drop command is used for unregistering a channel, it will remove all flags and other data associated with the channel. There is a need to be carefull when this command is used, it can not be undone. If you want to give the channel to another users please read Set or Flags.

/msg Chanserv Drop #channel

You will receive a command from Chanserv to confirm your command, when that is done the channel is dropped.