English: Newly harvested beetroots (Beta vulgaris) in a basket in Tuntorp, Brastad, Lysekil Municipality, Sweden. Photographed outdoors in natural light on a wooden floor. Focus stacked from 19 photos.
Español: Remolachas (Beta vulgaris) recién cosechadas en una canasta en Tuntorp, Brastad, municipio de Lysekil, Suecia. Apilamiento de enfoque de 19 fotos.
Українська: Свіжозібраний буряк (Beta vulgaris) у кошику в Тунторпі, Брастад, комуна Люсечіль, Швеція. Набір фокусів із 19 фотографій.
Français : Panier de betteraves fraîchement récoltées à Brastad (Suède).
Italiano: Barbabietole (Beta vulgaris) appena raccolte in un cestello a Tuntorp, area urbana di Brastad, Svezia. La fotografia è stata scattata all'aperto con luce naturale su un pavimento di legno ed è stata realizzata con una messa a fuoco selettiva di 19 immagini differenti.
Português: Beterrabas (Beta vulgaris) recém-colhidas em uma cesta em Tuntorp, Brastad, comuna de Lysekil, Suécia. Fotografada ao ar livre com luz natural em um piso de madeira. Técnica do empilhamento de foco (focus stacking) de 19 imagens.
Македонски: Кошница со штотуку набрани цвекла, Шведска.
Українська: Свіжозібраний буряк (Beta vulgaris) у кошику в Тунторпі, Брастад, комуна Люсечіль, Швеція.
NOTE: This image is a focus stacked image of beetroots in a basket consisting of 19 images that were merged using Photoshop. As a result, this image underwent digital manipulation which may have included blending, blurring, cloning, and colour and perspective adjustments. As a result of these adjustments, the image content may be slightly different than reality at the points where the images were combined. This manipulation is often required due to lens, perspective, and parallax distortions.
Dit is een geretoucheerde foto, wat betekent dat de originele versie digitaal aangepast is. Aanpassingen: slivers of three nails and some dust have been removed.
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