Wereldsnelheidsrecord op land
Het (ongelimiteerde) wereldsnelheidsrecord op land (voor auto's) heeft een lange geschiedenis. Sinds de uitvinding van de automobiel, heeft men getracht zo snel mogelijk met deze wagens te gaan.

Datum | Naam | Auto | Snelheid (km/h) |
18-12-1898 | Gaston de Chasseloup-Laubat | Jeantaud Electric | 63,158 |
17-01-1899 | G. de Chasseloup-Laubat | Jeantaud-Electric | 70,313 |
27-01-1899 | Camille Jenatzy | Jenatzy-Electric | 80,357 |
04-03-1899 | G. de Chasseloup-Laubat | Jeantaud-Electric | 92,784 |
29-04-1899 | C. Jenatzy | La Jamais Contente | 105,882 |
13-04-1902 | Léon Serpollet | Serpollet-Steamer | 120,805 |
05-08-1902 | W.K. Vanderbilt | Mors | 122,449 |
05-11-1902 | H. Fournir | Mors | 123,288 |
17-11-1902 | M. Augières | Mors | 124,138 |
05-11-1903 | A. Duray | Gobron-Brillié | 136,364 |
31-03-1904 | L. Rigolly | Gobron-Brillié | 152,542 |
25-05-1904 | Pierre de Caters | Mercedes Simplex | 156,000 |
15-11-1905 | F. Dufaux | Dufaux | 156,522 |
31-12-1905 | V. Héméry | Darracq | 174,757 |
26-01-1906 | F. Marriott | Stanley Rocket | 195,652 |
08-11-1909 | V. Héméry | Benz | 202,691 |
16-03-1910 | B. Oldfield | Benz | 211,988 |
17-05-1922 | Kenelm Lee Guinness | Sunbeam 350 pk | 215,182 |
06-07-1924 | R. Thomas | Delage | 230,638 |
12-07-1924 | E. Eldridge | FIAT | 234,980 |
25-09-1924 | Malcolm Campbell | Sunbeam | 235,227 |
21-07-1925 | Malcolm Campbell | Sunbeam | 242,751 |
16-03-1926 | Henry Segrave | Sunbeam | 245,115 |
28-04-1926 | J.G. Parry | Thomas Higham | 275,229 |
19-02-1928 | M. Campbell | Napier-Campbell | 281,447 |
29-03-1928 | Henry Segrave | Sunbeam | 327,973 |
19-02-1928 | M. Campbell | Napier-Campbell | 333,063 |
22-04-1928 | R. Keech | White Triplex | 334,024 |
11-03-1929 | Henry Segrave | Golden Arrow | 372,671 |
05-02-1931 | M. Campbell | Napier-Campbell | 396,040 |
24-02-1932 | M. Campbell | Napier-Campbell | 408,722 |
22-02-1933 | M. Campbell | Campbell - Rolls-Royce | 438,490 |
07-03-1935 | M. Campbell | Campbell - Rolls-Royce | 445,322 |
03-09-1935 | M. Campbell | Campbell - Rolls-Royce | 484,621 |
19-11-1937 | G.E.T. Eyston | Thunderbolt | 502,442 |
27-08-1938 | G.E.T. Eyston | Thunderbolt | 556,011 |
15-09-1938 | John Cobb | Railton Special | 563,583 |
16-09-1938 | G.E.T. Eyston | Thunderbolt | 575,336 |
23-08-1939 | John Cobb | Railton Special | 595,041 |
16-09-1947 | John Cobb | Railton-Mobil Special | 634,398 |
17-07-1964 | Donald Campbell | Bluebird-Proteus CN7 | 648,784 |
02-10-1964 | T. Green | Wingfoot Express | 664,980 |
05-10-1964 | A. Arfons | Green Monster | 699,029 |
13-10-1964 | C. Breedlove | Spirit of America | 754,331 |
15-10-1964 | C. Breedlove | Spirit of America | 846,961 |
27-10-1964 | A. Arfons | Green Monster | 875,699 |
02-11-1965 | C. Breedlove | Spirit of America | 893,966 |
07-11-1965 | A. Arfons | Green Monster | 927,873 |
15-11-1965 | C. Breedlove | Spirit of America | 966,962 |
23-10-1970 | G. Gabelich | The Blue Flame | 1001,671 |
04-10-1983 | R. Noble | Thrust II | 1019,468 |
27-09-1997 | A. Green | Thrust SSC | 1227,985 |