Industry Foundation Classes: verschil tussen versies

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Geen bewerkingssamenvatting
Regel 71:
=== IfcRelationship ===
IfcRelationship captureslegt relationshipsde amongrelaties objects.tussen objecten Therevast. areEr fivezijn fundamentalvijf relationshipfundamentele typesvormen relaties: compositie (''composition''), toekenning (''assignment''), verbinding (''connectivity''), associatie (''association,'') en anddefinitie (''definition'').
* IfcRelDecomposes captureslegt ade wholerelatie tussen een hoofd-partonderdeel met exclusieve inhoud, denk relationshipdaarbij havingaan exclusivehet containmentonderverdelen suchvan aseen subdividinggebouw ain buildingverdiepingen, intokamers floorsof andhet roomsonderverdelen orvan aeen wallmuur intoin studs and sheathing.
* IfcRelAssigns captures assignment relationships where one object consumes the services of another object, such as a labor resource assigned to a task, or a task assigned to a building element.
* IfcRelConnects indicates connectivity between objects such as a floor slab connected to a beam or a pipe connected to a sink.