Edinburgh-of-the-Seven-Seas: verschil tussen versies

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k r2.6.5) (Robot: toegevoegd: uk:Единбург семи морів
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k Robot: Verplaatsing van 27 interwikilinks. Deze staan nu op Wikidata onder d:q498153
Regel 28:
[[Categorie:Plaats in Sint-Helena, Ascension en Tristan da Cunha]]
[[Categorie:Hoofdstad van een Sint-Heleens deelgebied]]
[[af:Edinburgh of the Seven Seas]]
[[az:Edinburq of ze Sii]]
[[ca:Edinburgh of the Seven Seas]]
[[da:Edinburgh of the Seven Seas]]
[[de:Edinburgh of the Seven Seas]]
[[en:Edinburgh of the Seven Seas]]
[[es:Edimburgo de los Siete Mares]]
[[eu:Edinburgh of the Seven Seas]]
[[fi:Edinburgh (Tristan da Cunha)]]
[[fr:Edinburgh of the Seven Seas]]
[[he:אדינבורו על שבעת הימים]]
[[hu:Edinburgh of the Seven Seas]]
[[id:Edinburgh of the Seven Seas]]
[[it:Edinburgh of the Seven Seas]]
[[lt:Edinburgas (Tristanas da Kunja)]]
[[no:Edinburgh of the Seven Seas]]
[[pl:Edinburgh of the Seven Seas]]
[[pt:Edimburgo dos Sete Mares]]
[[ro:Edinburgh of the Seven Seas]]
[[ru:Эдинбург семи морей]]
[[sr:Единбург Седам Мора]]
[[sv:Edinburgh of the Seven Seas]]
[[uk:Единбург семи морів]]
[[war:Edinburgh of the Seven Seas]]