One of a Kind (Bruford)

muziekalbum van Bill Bruford

One of a Kind is het tweede muziekalbum van de jazzrockformatie Bruford. Bij de totstandkoming ervan had Annette Peacock de band verlaten.

One of a Kind
Album van Bruford
Uitgebracht 1979
Genre jazzrock
Duur 40 minuten
Label(s) EG Records
Producent(en) Bill Bruford
Rock Goes To College
One of a Kind
Gradually Going Tornado

(en) MusicBrainz-pagina
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  1. Hell's bells (DS/Alan Gowen)
  2. One of a kind (part 1) (BB)
  3. One of a kind (part 2) (BB/DS)
  4. Travels with myself- and someone else (BB)
  5. Fainting in coils (BB)
  6. 5G (hier nog Five G genoemd)(JB/BB/DS)
  7. The Abingdon chasp (AH)
  8. Forever until Sunday (BB)
  9. The Sahara of snow (part 1) (BB)
  10. The Sahara of snow (part 2) (BB/Eddie Jobson)