Wikipedia:Wikiproject/The Bill/Live-afleveringen

Informatie over de liveafleveringen van The Bill.

Live-aflevering 2003


Om de twintigste verjaardag van Woodentop te vieren, kwamen de makens van The Bill op het idee om een live-aflevering te maken. Deze aflevering (XIX, afl. 87 162) werd voor het eerst uitgezonden op 30 oktober 2003. De verhaallijnen die worden aangehaald zijn:

  • De cliffhanger van de vorige aflevering: DC Juliet Becker wordt vastgehouden en bedreigd met een mes door een dronken man. PC Cathy Bradford probeert de man te kalmeren. De man weet Becker te gijzelen in een politiebusje, dat bij het politiebureau geparkeerd staat. Als Supt. Adamo Okaro het busje laat bestormen, wordt Becker neergestoken. Ze overlijdt in het ziekenhuis.
  • Sgt. Sheelagh Murphy is zwanger van voormalig-PC Des Taviner, die zijn eigen dood in scène gezet nadat werd ontdekt dat hij verantwoordelijk was voor de Sun Hill Fire in 2002, waarbij zes agenten het leven lieten. Sheelagh heeft het moeilijk met de omstandigheden, niet wetende dat Taviner haar vanuit de schaduw staat te begluren.
  • DC Jim Carver is geslagen door zijn echtgenote en is in het ziekenhuis om een hoofdwond te laten verzorgen. Hij komt daar zijn ex-geliefde Sgt. June Ackland tegen. Ze halen herinneringen op aan Jim's eerste dag in Sun Hill; de kijkers kennen dit als Woodentop.
  • PC Gary Best is bezorgd om het welzijn van zijn vermiste vader. Acting DI Samantha Nixon en DC Ken Drummond verhoren de hoofdverdachte in de zaak, maar het verhoor wordt verstoord door DC Mickey Webb, die, na zijn vertrek uit Sun Hill, bij het Murder Investigation Team werkzaam is. Er wordt bloed gevonden en niet veel later een lijk, dat uiteindelijk Best's vader blijkt te zijn. Wanneer Gary dit ontdekt, valt hij de hoofdverdachte aan, die door de ontstane verwarring het politiebureau uitvlucht. Best achtervolgt hem en er volgt een gevecht op het dak van het gebouw. Ze vallen echter naar beneden en het lichaam van de hoofdverdachte breekt Gary's val.

Acteurs: Cyril Nri, Roberta Taylor, Trudie Goodwin, Bernie Nolan, Alex Walkinshaw, Ciaran Griffiths, Connie Hyde, Kim Tiddy, Todd Carty, René Zagger, Graham Cole, Paul Usher, Lisa Maxwell, Mae Baker, Mark Wingett, Russell Floyd, Diane Parish, Brian Bovell, Chris Simmons, Vickie Gates.

Live-aflevering 2005


Ter gelegenheid van de vijftigste verjaardag van ITV besloten de makers van The Bill een tweede live-aflevering te maken. Deze aflevering (XXI, afl. 77 349) werd uitgezonden op 22 september 2005. De volgende verhaallijnen worden aangesneden:

The live episode in 2005 centred around a grief-stricken father, Jeff Clarke, who's son was killed by a stolen car driven by Ashley Morgan in episode 348. The subsequent verdict of accidental death and what Clarke thought to be insensitive treatment from Superintendent Amanda Prosser, led to Jeff Clarke taking a number of police and civilian hostages in the CID office while the station was celebrating Sun Hill's 50th anniversary on the ground floor. The episode reveals that Constable Gabriel Kent is masquerading under the false name of his foster brother, and that Gabriel Kent is in fact David Kent. The actual Gabriel Kent arrived at Sun Hill Police Station to meet his birth mother, Sgt. June Ackland.

The live episode begins with Superintendent Prosser struggling to negotiate with Jeff Clarke at gunpoint, and is watched by David and the real Gabriel Kent as the anniversary reception begins downstairs. DC's Jo Masters, Zain Nadir and Terry Perkins arrive at the CID office with guests, and are held hostage by Clarke along with Constable Dan Casper who was sent to look for Superintendent Prosser. During Jeff's struggle to gain control, a shot is fired which alerts the civilians and police officers downstairs of the situation unfolding upstairs. As plans are made by Superintendent Adam Okaro, DCI Jack Meadows and suspended Insp. Gina Gold to evacuate the civilian guests and close the station and cordon off the station and surrounding streets due to the gunman having access to the CID office balcony, establishing an observation point staffed by June Ackland and Suzie Simm and arranging for CO19 to attend the incident. While held hostage, PC Dan Casper is encouraged by Superintendent Prosser to overpower Jeff, subsequently being shot in the arm while doing so. The real Gabriel Kent is also shot and falls from the top floor landing in the front office area, but the scuffle allows Jo, Zain, the false Gabriel Kent, Amanda and the guests to escape the CID office. Jeff is left with an injured PC Casper and DC Perkins, who stays behind to care for Casper. The real Gabriel Kent is eventually rushed to hospital, accompanied by the false Gabriel and Sheelagh Murphey. As the real Gabriel regains consciousness, the false threatens him to keep quiet about the identities.

Following Clarke's refusal to negotiate, a power struggle developes between Adam Okaro and Amanda Prossa over who should deal with the siege. Despite specialist negoriators being held up, Prosser refuses to allow suspended Inspector Gold back on duty to negotiate due to her being the only trained negotiator in the building. Superintendent Okaro manages to persuade Amanda Prosser to allow Gina Gold back on duty to negotiate, and Gina manages to establish contact with Terry through a covert earpiece, without Jeff realising. As concern grows for the welfare of the missing boy who killed Jeff's son, Ashley Morgan, Superintendent Prosser refuses to give the order for armed police to fire upon Jeff, handing control over to Superintendent Okaro and Inspector Gold. With the asistance of Inspector Gold, DC Perkins manages to persuade Jeff to release injured PC Casper. Sergeant Ackland and DC Sim radio their suspicions about a car parked near CID, with the theory that the boy may be trapped in the car. Concern grows amongst Zain and Phil Hunter about Ashley. Against Detective Sergeant Sam Nixon's orders, Phil and Zain hurtle down the street outside the station in a vehicle, with shots fired at them by Jeff from the balcony, resulting in Zain losing control and crashing through roadworks.

Meanwhile, in the CID office a distraught Jeff reveals to Terry how he planned to kill himself and Ashley by blowing up the car. Phil, Zain, June and Suzie try frantically to rescue the boy from the car, managing a few yards before it is engulfed in a fireball. Jeff later reveals how he shouted at his son and hit him, resulting in him running into the road infront of the stolen car driven by Ashley Morgan. Jeff breaks out of CID holding DC Perkins hostage, surrounded by armed officers demanding that his wife be told that he is sorry and that he loves her. Jeff moves outside the station with DC Perkins as hostage surrounded by armed officers, whispering to Terry that he will not hurt him. Jeff deliberatly aims his firearm towards DC Perkins, intentionally doing so that he is shot. Subsequently, Jeff is shot dead by armed police.

Acteurs: Cyril Nri, Serena Gordon, Roberta Taylor, Trudie Goodwin, Alex Walkinshaw, Chris Jarvis, Kim Tiddy, Michelle Austin, Myfanwy Waring, Todd Carty, John Bowler, Bernie Nolan, Graham Cole, Sally Rogers, Simon Rouse, Lisa Maxwell, Scott Maslen, T.J. Ramini, Bruce Byron, Wendy Kweh.

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