
Opmerking: na het publiceren is het wellicht nodig uw browsercache te legen om de veranderingen te zien.

  • Firefox / Safari: houd Shift ingedrukt terwijl u:je op Vernieuwen klikt of druk op Ctrl-F5 of Ctrl-R (⌘-Shift-R op een Mac)
  • Google Chrome: druk op Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R op een Mac)
  • Edge: houd Ctrl ingedrukt terwijl u:je op Vernieuwen klikt of druk op Ctrl-F5.
/* @import url('//'); */

Overriding the typography refresh - see
To use it, copy the following code to [[Special:Mypage/vector.css]].
Alternatively, choose a skin other than Vector in your preferences.
Works ok for me with Firefox 27.0.1 and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, but has not been tested
in different environments. There may also still be glitches of one sort or another.
Let me know if you have any suggestions for improving it.
/* Fonts and colours */
* {
	font-family: sans-serif;
div#content h1 {
	font-family: sans-serif !important;
div#content h2 {
	font-family: sans-serif !important;
} div, div span, div pre,, span, pre.source-css, pre.source-css span, pre.source-javascript, pre.source-javascript span, pre.source-lua, pre.source-lua span {
	font-family: monospace !important;
	-moz-tab-size: 4;
div#content {
	font-size: 93%;
h1#firstHeading {
	font-size: 1.6em !important;
} {
	margin-left: 11.8em;
	color: #000;
pre {
	font-family: monospace;
/* Font size */
code a {
	font-family: monospace;
	font-size: 130%;
pre {
	font-size: 130%;
div#content h3 {
	font-size: 132% !important;
div#content h4 {
	font-sizeː 116% !important;
div#content h5 {
	font-size: 100% !important;
div#content h6 {
	font-size: 80% !important;
td.diff-context {
	font-size: 85%;

/* Tot hier typographyrefreshoverride */

/* Onzichtbaar maken MediaWiki:Sitenotice */
/* #siteNotice { display: none; } */

/* Om tekstgrootte van .css- en .js-pagina's groter te krijgen */
/* pre { font-size:120%; } doet alle pagina's als .js en .css, maar ook die tussen <pre> en </pre> */
.css { font-size:120%; }
.javascript { font-size:120%; }

/* Uitlogknop weg */
#pt-logout { display: none; }

/* Make all of the links lowercase */
#p-personal li { text-transform: lowercase; }
/* Override the lowercasing for the username */
li#pt-userpage { text-transform: none !important; }

/* Om in plaats van hoofdletters kleine letters te hebben op de tabs van vector */
div.vectorTabs li span a { text-transform: lowercase; }

/* Kleuren voor links: normaal en bezocht */
a:link { color: #002bb8; } /* normal unvisited links */
a:link:visited { color: #5a3696; } /* visited links */
/* a:link:active { color: #FF0000; }  active links */ { color: #cc2200; } /* new links */ { color: #A55858; }
a:link.interwiki { color: #3366BB; } /* interwiki links */
a:link.interwiki:visited { color: #3366BB; }
a:link.external { color: #3366BB; } /* external links */
a:link.external:visited { color: #3366BB; } 
a:link.stub { color: LimeGreen; }
a.stub:visited { color: DarkGreen; } { color: #FFAA00; } /* oud: orange */ { color: #FF5500; } /* oud: FF8C00 */
a.external:visited { color: #3366BB !important; } 
a.extiw:visited { color: #3366BB !important; } 
/* Links in menu */
div#mw-panel div.portal div.body ul li a { color: #002bb8 }
a:active { color: #faa700 }
a:visited, div#mw-panel div.portal div.body ul li a:visited { color: #5a3696 }

textarea { font-size:100%; font-family: Courier !important; line-height:1.1em !important; }

/* To make section 'Templates used on this page:' always collapsed */
.templatesUsed .mw-collapsed { display: block !important; }

/* To make section 'This page is a member of 1 hidden category:' / 'Deze pagina valt in de volgende verborgen categorie:' */
.hiddencats .mw-collapsed { display: block !important; }

/* 'uw bewerking is opgeslagen' na bewerking staat uit */
.postedit { display: none; }

/* font voor interwiki-talen-lijst */
#p-lang a { font-family: sans-serif !important; }
#p-lang a[lang="bug"] { font-family: Autonym !important; }
#p-lang a[lang="my"] { font-family: Autonym !important; }
#pt-uls a { font-family: sans-serif !important; }